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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Social Media Marketing by Meta

13,289 ratings

About the Course

This course lays the foundation of social media marketing. You’ll learn what social media marketing entails, including the history and the different social media channels that exist. You’ll learn how to select a social media channel that fits your needs, set goals and success metrics, and determine who your target audience is. By the end of this course, you will be able to: • Understand the landscape of traditional, digital, and social media marketing • Understand how to become certified as a Digital Marketing Associate • Understand the major social media platforms, how they function, and what role they play in marketing • Create SMART goals and identify KPIs • Define your target audience and their customer journey • Choose the right social media platforms and learn how to create social media policies Whatever level of knowledge you start with, this course will help you build a solid foundation for social media marketing and gain applicable skills that will allow you to make your social media marketing efforts more successful and noticeable. Learners don't need marketing experience, but should have basic internet navigation skills and be eager to participate and connect in social media. Learners must have a Facebook account and an Instagram account helps....

Top reviews


Jul 9, 2023

It was helpful, The tools and resources so crucial to make the knowledge and facts constant in the mind. The content of course updated and that's grabbed my mind during the whole course.

Thank you.


Jul 20, 2022

I loved going over the first couple weeks into the course, but I truly have loved the last 3 weeks as they have really opened my perspective on how I will go about building my brand. Thank you so much

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76 - 100 of 4,123 Reviews for Introduction to Social Media Marketing

By Alexey S

May 12, 2022

This course gives a great overview of all the social media platforms available and gives an excellent basic insights into digital marketing and social media marketing. The course material is really fun, the videos are great and the lecturer is amazing! I like that there are quizzes during the videos, as well as at the end of each unit. The assignments are also good and I think that the peer-graded ones were especially useful. The only assignment that needs some improvement is the one in week 4: customer persona and journey development. I think that one should also include the business description in it as it is difficult to get a clear picture if the peer got the customer persona or its journey right without knowing what the business would be or what services would it be offering. Overall, I found this course to be very useful and I had fun learning everything.

By Laura C

Jul 8, 2021

Excellent form of learning from the convenience of home (or any location). I appreciate the formats available to learn from - from videos to the reading assignments. I believe this course covered the content that was absolutely relevant to an introduction to social media marketing. I must say, I was someone who was severely hesitant at embracing, much less engaging with, social media platforms. I took this course, because I realized this IS where we are in a world of online social media connections (in all its forms). I knew I had to delve in, familiarize myself with online social media marketing knowledge and education if I am to be competitive in business. I also took this course to become WAY more comfortable with using and engaging on social media platforms. I am so grateful I came across this course. Absolutely worth the investment of my time and money.

By Cristiane L C

Mar 9, 2022

Good introduction for begginers as I am. I've been freelancing as Social Media Manager for the past 3 years. I've been navigating and learning on my onw with tutorials and other mini courses available for free on the internet. Even though those free resourses helped me a lot, some of the perspectives presented here, bring a better understanding of how the social media marketing ecosystem works. It's good to see reputable platforms like Meta and Coursera offering a certfication to give more depth and knowledge in social media marketing for those who want to persue this path. Even with my experience using platforms and tools on the daily basis, this course helped to see the connection and interaction between businesses and consumers in a different light.

By Maryna B

Aug 15, 2022

Dear Anke, 

Thank you very much for sharing this material. It helped. a lot and let me finally understand what means KPI and how to create a customer journey, I think I will return one more time to the customer journey to brush up on my knowledge. I studied Journalism and Islam and worked as a crew member of Qatar Airways. After covid came into our lives many people already switched to this field, however, I was still far away from this road. Nowadays in my country is war and I moved to Germany and started to realize that I would try something related to social media. I hope after I complete all courses I will be capable to find a good job in this field. 

Faithfully , Maryna Bondarevska 

By Aimal I

Feb 14, 2023

This course has been an eye-opening experience for me, and I've gained a comprehensive understanding of social media marketing and its best practices.Throughout the course, I learned how to create effective social media strategies, target the right audience, and measure the success of my social media campaigns. The course also covered a range of social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.I want to thank the amazing instructors and the Coursera community for the valuable insights and knowledge shared throughout the course. I can't wait to apply what I've learned and take my social media marketing skills to the next level!

By Caroline L

Nov 8, 2021

Well done! A comprehensive introduction with intelligent lesson content created with seamless continuity of subject matter. Course mentor Anke Audenaert was wonderful with her expertise, positivism and cheerful delivery making the lesson videos very enjoyable. Also, the user interface, video infographics, and provided templates were well designed offering additional clarity. Learning about marketing fundamentals as a foundation to build on and a comprehensive view of the many varied aspects of social media marketing in this current landscape – has inspired me to continue with the next course in this FB Social Media Marketing Professional Specialization series.

By Asad U

Aug 14, 2023

I'm thoroughly impressed with the "Introduction to Social Media Marketing" course. It offers a comprehensive and insightful journey into the world of digital marketing. The instructors' expertise shines through the well-structured content, making complex strategies easy to grasp. The interactive components and practical examples keep you engaged, while the opportunity for peer interaction adds a valuable dimension. The course strikes a perfect balance between theory and application, giving learners a solid foundation to excel in the realm of social media marketing. Without a doubt, a five-star learning experience that I wholeheartedly recommend.

By Mariam A K

Nov 8, 2023

I found the Introduction to Social Media Marketing course to be incredibly informative and engaging. The instructor did an excellent job of breaking down the key concepts and strategies behind social media marketing, and provided numerous examples to illustrate each point. I appreciated how the course covered a wide range of social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and discussed how to leverage each platform's unique features to achieve marketing goals. Overall, I feel much more confident in my ability to develop and execute effective social media marketing campaigns after taking this course.

By Courtney M

Jun 13, 2022

This course is easy to follow and provides great information in detail on how to use, set up, and begin monitoring your social accounts for business. Even if you limited background in using any or a select few social media platforms. I would only say beware of the peer-graded assessments. Not everyone takes this portion seriously (with either grading someone else or completing the assignments) and this can keep you/them from passing the course or being delayed in course completion. There should be some checks and balances to ensure all peer reviews are fair and the work submitted is of some effort.

By Arlyn C

Feb 15, 2021

I gained a lot of insights while taking this course, Introduction to Social Media Marketing more than I expected. Aside from a broad overview of the social media landscape, one of the key takeaway was that I can choose to focus on 2-3 platforms depending on the products or services that I am offering. It also provided specific tools to get started right away in my path towards social media marketing instead of hit and miss method that can leave one frustrated. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn the skills taught through Coursera in partnership with Facebook!


Jul 5, 2023

Anke really did a great job putting this course up. Currently, I have a clear view of what I want to achieve with my business idea and what I need to do to start out on social media. She made it so clear that you understand how to set a proper goal and create a fictitious audience persona and how you wish to acquire and turn this audience into a buying customer.

I will advise anyone viewing this right now if you are looking for a beginner-friendly course in social media marketing.

This is a good one.

Thank you coursera,

Thank you Meta Team, and

Thank you Anke of Aptly.

By Josh

Oct 10, 2022

I have experience taking Social Media classes in college and experience working as a Social Media Mananger. I'm taking this course to strenghten my resume and help me get higher paying jobs in the field. This is the most straightfoward Social Media course I have ever taken. Very solid, up-to-date, and relevant information. I am taking a Social Media course in college and this is a lot better. The UI is also a lot easier to use than other college and similar online courses. I highly recommend this for both beginner and experienced social media managers.

By Alex Q

Jun 19, 2022

Anke Audenaert does a great job of explaining the topics in this course. Her examples are easily relatible and you can tell she really knows her stuff. I also have to say that I LOVE when test questions ACTUALLY relate to what was discussed in the previous videos. I find some professors try to trick student, and being a student, when I'm trying to learn something the last thing I want as a student is to be tricked because I'm learning. I would highly recommend this course to everyone seeking an understanding of the social media marketing world!

By Ngoan B T M

Sep 12, 2021

Thông qua khóa học Giới thiệu về tiếp thị truyền thông xã hội của Coursera và Facebook. Kiến thức hiểu biết của tôi về các hoạt động tích cực của các mạng xã hội được củng cố và nâng cao. Tôi mong muốn được chia sẻ khóa học này với cộng đồng mạng và các bạn học sinh của tôi. Ngoài việc ứng xử cá nhân trên mạng xã hội nếu các bạn thật sự quan tâm và muốn phát triển nghề nghiệp thông qua các ứng dụng của truyền thông xã hội để phát triển thương hiệu cũng như giúp các khách hàng tiềm năng cho tương lai cũng như nghề nghiệp của các bạn.

By Adam S

Apr 11, 2021

This course provides a quality introduction to Social Media Marketing from an academic standpoint. For persons who are 'self-taught,' there is real value in being exposed to the academic/professional vocabulary and logic.

For some, the summary of social media platforms may be information you already know. I recommend you tough it out and learn about platforms you do not intend to use. This way, you'll be able to hold your own in professional conversations. Also, you might be exposed to an opportunity you've never considered before.

By Hamza B

Jan 28, 2023

I must say, the experience I had was truly exceptional. I was able to acquire knowledge and understanding that I had not been able to find through the various YouTube courses that I had previously taken. The level of instruction and engagement provided was truly "super amazing" and exceeded my expectations. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this learning experience and would highly recommend it to others seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in this particular area.

By Michelle B

Apr 23, 2021

Excellent course. I already do have a background in social media from my work but I still learned quite a bit from taking this course and look forward to completing the others in order to learn my certificate. The materials were quite straightforward and the combination of videos and reading materials meant that I could stay on top of the work whether I was at my desk, traveling, or even working out (via using my phone). Enjoyed the projects as well as it's helped me hone my skills to improve at my job.

By martina k

May 16, 2023

Absolutely stellar course!

It is a digital joyride. It masterfully decodes the world of likes, shares, and tweets, making it a breeze for anyone to navigate. Each module is a revelation, unmasking the power of social media one click at a time. But what sets it apart is its practicality. It's not just about learning, it's about doing - all the way to your first viral post. So grab a coffee, fasten your seatbelt, and get ready to hashtag your way to success. #5StarCourse! Thank You, Martina

By Amrita S

Sep 16, 2023

LOVED the experience of going through this course. The graded assignments, quizes and dialogue platform gave us a hands-on experience of actually putting the theory into practice and it was a great learning experience. I'd like to extend my gratitude to our instructor as her diction and pleasant smile made it easier to watch the videos! haha, but definitely gave an insight to so many related fields too. And I love how well cited all of your examples were! Thank you for offering this course.

By muhammad s u

Apr 23, 2022

This is a wonderful course to build a strong understanding of marketing and social media marketing.

It enabled me to understand the importance of social media marketing, and realize different aspects of social media platforms.

I learned the landscape of traditional, digital and social media marketing and how all of them are integrated with each other.

now I have a more clear understanding of different social media platforms and the demographics of audiences in those social media platforms.

By Steve R

Dec 17, 2020

The final topics relate to Blogging and this is a digital version of Direct marketing without the thousands of pieces of promotional paper everyone called Junk Mail.

Your 4 key blog elements should also include and acceptable FREQUENCY of blogs. If you send blogs too often your audience will rebel and completely disconnect with you.

Can you please explain to me how often is it acceptable to send blogs?


Is there somewhere you can suggest on the internet where I can find this information?

By Mubarik H

Feb 12, 2022

Alhamdulillah! Another milestone towards becoming the social media marketer is achieved. I am much thankful to the Trainer Ms.Anke AudenaertOpens in a new tabfor her exemplary training. She is an incredible teacher and adept at the marketing subject. It was really a great learning experience on Coursera. I appreciate HEC's initiative of making Digital Learning at Coursera accessible for Pakistanis.#marketingOpens in a new tab#socialmediamarketingOpens in a new tab#courseraOpens in a new tab#heccourseraOpens in a new tab#dlseicoursestrainingOpens in a new tab#facebookOpens in a new tab#digitalmarketingcoursesOpens in a new tab

By Joaquina C

Jan 13, 2023

Many thanks to the trainer for the brilliant way of passing on the content, very didactic, which captivates with the passion for transmitting knowledge, optimal pedagogical structure, excellent content. Thanks Meta, Thanks Coursera. I will continue to learn for career transition. even though I speak Portuguese, I resorted to translation tools and chewed the content with all my might. I hope that I keep learning all the stages and that the language is not a barrier. Thanks!

By Melissa T

Sep 11, 2023

This is a great introduction to social media marketing. It touches on most platforms and gives you a basic background of marketing and its importance to a business. The professor is easy to follow and I was able to complete this course early, thanks to not getting fatigued by a boring instructor. There is clearly a big push for the Meta platforms, which is to be expected given who is providing the course. Smart marketing on your end as well Meta. Well played. :)

By Raphael D d M

Jul 24, 2023

Fundamental course to start in digital marketing. Great teacher, excellent examples and practical case studies the course covers the general landscape of social media and the fundamentals to build an online presence with clear goals.

Curso fundamental para iniciar no marketing digital. Professor ótima, exemplos excenlentes e estudos de caso práticos o curso aborda o panomara geral das midias socais e os fundamentos para construir uma presença online com metas claras.