Praneet Pabolu account profile

Personal details

Praneet Pabolu


DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer_logo

DeepLearning.AI DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate

Machine Learning on Google Cloud_logo

Machine Learning on Google Cloud Specialization (Google Cloud)


DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer_logo

DeepLearning.AI DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate

Machine Learning on Google Cloud_logo

Machine Learning on Google Cloud Specialization (Google Cloud)

Work preferences

Desired roles

Data Scientist

(Lead / Manager)

Additional info

Links & Resume

I'm an Applied Research Scientist with Deep Expertise in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, and Large Scale Distributed Data Systems. Solving Business Challenges by digging out the concealed meaning of data is what I do. I make generalized decisions by combining Machine Intelligence with novelty to derive insights that empower businesses to perform better. Moreover, I bring a unique combination of technical mastery in the industries of Finance, Supply Chain, Agriculture Tech, and IT with a proven track record of research-oriented development in the areas of Computer Vision, NLP, and Statistical Machine Learning. * Filed multiple patents in Computer Vision, Natural Language Generation and Time Series Forecasting.



Bachelor's degree in Computer Science

DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer_logo

DeepLearning.AI DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate

Category: Machine Learning
Category: Tensorflow
Category: Deep Learning
Category: Machine Learning Algorithms
Category: Artificial Neural Networks

4 month program • Completed March 2020

Machine Learning on Google Cloud_logo

Machine Learning on Google Cloud Specialization (Google Cloud)

Category: Machine Learning
Category: Applied Machine Learning
Category: Google Cloud Platform
Category: Human Learning
Category: Machine Learning Software

10 month program • Completed November 2018