Marco Flavio Delgado Martinez account profile

Personal details

Marco Flavio Delgado Martinez


Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Architect_logo

Google Cloud Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Architect Professional Certificate

Gestión de Proyectos de Google_logo

Google Gestión de Proyectos de Google Professional Certificate

Google Marketing Digital e E-Commerce_logo

Google Google Marketing Digital e E-Commerce Professional Certificate


Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Architect_logo

Google Cloud Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Architect Professional Certificate

Gestión de Proyectos de Google_logo

Google Gestión de Proyectos de Google Professional Certificate

Google Marketing Digital e E-Commerce_logo

Google Google Marketing Digital e E-Commerce Professional Certificate

Additional info

Links & Resume

I am Marco Delgado, a passionate international marketer with several years of experience. I am skilled in the management of digital services and cloud computing platforms, as well as in the development of machine learning models. I am a proactive and curious professional committed to continuous learning. I believe in the importance of collaborative work and professional networks. My life goal is to create a more equitable, fair, responsible, and fulfilling society.



Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Architect_logo

Google Cloud Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Architect Professional Certificate

Category: Google Cloud Platform
Category: Cloud Computing
Category: Cloud Engineering
Category: Cloud Applications
Category: Cloud Platforms

11 month program • Completed December 2023

Gestión de Proyectos de Google_logo

Google Gestión de Proyectos de Google Professional Certificate

Category: Leadership and Management
Category: Project Management
Category: Strategy and Operations
Category: Organizational Development
Category: Strategy

7 month program • Completed November 2023

Google Marketing Digital e E-Commerce_logo

Google Google Marketing Digital e E-Commerce Professional Certificate

Category: Marketing
Category: Strategy
Category: Search Engine Optimization
Category: E-Commerce
Category: Social Media

8 month program • Completed October 2023