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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking by Google

47,968 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model ● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications ● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques ● learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run ● understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage...

Top reviews


Feb 18, 2020

Apply yourself to these terms and concepts and you will gain knowledge that is presented in a very understandable way. Watch and rewatch the course videos and I promise it will all start making sense!


Jun 23, 2018

I loved this course. When I had issues support was awesome sauce. I really enjoyed the puns this instructor used to keep you from going off in a daze. I really wish I would have found Coursera sooner.

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726 - 750 of 10,000 Reviews for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

By Ahmed H

Aug 11, 2020

Important and Interesting course, A lot of many information I got it,I will take this course another one because it has important information that I will meet in my practical life.

in conclusion i need to thank Victor for the Way to explain this course.

By Nicholas S

Mar 3, 2024

This course explained how networking comes together in a clear, concise manner. Before this course, the entire concept of computer networks seemed daunting, and this helped break it down in a way that was easy for me to understand. Thank you very much!

By Cassandra O

May 8, 2022

Amazing instructor! Not only was he incredibly informative and helpful with the large amount of information in the course, he also spoke my language - puns! I got a good laugh while learning and really appreciated the humor making it not feel so heavy.

By Joshua C

Apr 23, 2021

Lots of technical information that I definitely need to go over again, but I thought it was well-presented. The video transcriptions are a little frustratingly inaccurate on each video, but the ideas come across if you're relying on it for your notes.

By Howard W

Oct 12, 2020

This course was harder than the first course, but it was also much more interesting. I enjoyed the instructors puns and followed his recommendations to review certain videos multiple times. I'm proud of myself for learning about computer networking.

By Ryan F

Aug 12, 2020

This course taught me a lot about how information is transported through a network and the different components of one of the two network models. It was challenging at times but gave me a great overview of how networks and computers work and function.

By Katelyn R

Feb 17, 2020

This course was more intricate than the first, but I was happy to kick my brain into next gear. I have a solid understanding of the many different moving parts of networking. I look forward to implementing my newfound knowledge in my future IT career.

By Deric N

Aug 24, 2022

I love the instructor's enthusiastic and positive attitude, which makes the course engaging. I've learnt a whole lot in this course and I would definitely recommend it to beginners who would like to learn more about the basics of computer networking.

By Haard S

Sep 21, 2021

The course was extremely good, the instructor tried his level best to make it interesting and informative. Before this, I knew nothing about what networking was and how it worked but now I can say that I have a good amount of knowledge in networking.

By Taher K

Jun 4, 2020

Great course! I learnt the working of internet in great depth. Even after studying a computer science in my university in India, I learnt a lot of practical aspects of networking which always troubled me while figuring out how it all worked together.

By Joshua P

May 19, 2020

A lot of technical information, but very interesting! I am amazed how much goes on in the background when I visit webpages, watch movies on Netflix, and stream my favorite YouTube Videos. This course taught me how it all works and it was fascinating!

By Suthiphan S

Apr 11, 2020

Loads of information essential for IT support specialist. The course is well-designed and easy to follow. The illustrations make it easier to understand abstract concepts. Instructors are also doing a great job with the explanation and encouragement.

By Manuel A G P

Mar 18, 2020

Para mí fue muy difícil comprender tanta información técnica pero con el mayor esfuerzo que pude logré aprobar todos los exámenes, el material está perfectamente explicado y es muy satisfactorio que aunque haya sido un camino difícil y largo lo logré

By Chad F

May 6, 2021

Tough if you don't have any experience in tech; but Victor explains things quite well. Just advise lots of supplemental research to understand things better (the quizzes are quite tough if you don't have any tech exp).

Push through :), you'll get it.

By Cristian

Nov 12, 2018

This course truly helps you understand the basics of networking and lays the groundwork/peaks curiosity for deeper exploration. I really enjoyed learning about the different networking layers and how they all come together to make the internet work.

By Rogelio T

Sep 4, 2021

I am learning a lot about IT, I am getting very exited in each and every course I am studying I really want to learn a lot about IT that is why I try to do and study and give my best taking this course Thank you very much I am getting more exited

By Ryan J D

Aug 11, 2020

Victor was a great instructor, i loved all his jokes! This course will teach the basics and fundamentals of networking. Do not assume this is simply learning about how to set up WIFI though. Take your time and review concepts that seem dificult.

By Kunal W

Aug 8, 2020

After finishing this course, I can confidently say I have all the fundamental ideas about how computer networks it's amazing to think how far computer networking came from where it initially started. Very very well explained and awesome experience.

By Rakshit K

Jun 24, 2020

The course was super amazing to revise the basics of networking and also learn the networking techs in industry. The instructor makes sure, that you never loose the interest in the matter even though some of the lessons were just theory. Keep it up


May 24, 2020

It was a really good corse, and all of the subjects were well explained. Maybe, the only thing i would improve is to add some glossary at the end of each chapter, since there are way way too many acronyms to remember, and it so it could be helpful.

By Sameer J

Jun 5, 2018

This course covers the technical details and the core functioning of computer networking, and its protocols. It touches history, various standards, and the infrastructure that maintains all those things. It is very informational and amazing course.

By Roberto R (

Jul 12, 2021

Crazy amount of information. I didnt realized how deep networking went. I wish I would of learned more about how to set up networks for your company. However, I believe you learn that in the next course. Overall still a lot of greart information.

By Kesia L

Nov 14, 2020

It is not that easy for me, since I have no technical background and I am a non native English speaker. However, the instructors did great in delivering his message. Also, it was easy for me to just come back and repeat where I did not understand.


Jul 1, 2020

I learned a lot about the basic bits of computer networking through this course. The course was up to date with the latest technological information. I highly recommend to anyone who is curious how it works underneath the modern computer networks.

By M H

Jan 6, 2020

Having completed CompTIA Network+ also, this isn't a replacement but this rounds out the knowledge from that certification nicely, a great complement I will be recommending for any struggling in N+ studies or just those wanting to know a bit more.