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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Grammar and Punctuation by University of California, Irvine

19,109 ratings

About the Course

Course 1: Grammar and Punctuation Do you need to review English grammar? Have you forgotten the grammar you once studied? If so, this course is perfect for you. The first course in this specialization is a refresher on some tools needed for good writing. It will help prepare you for the other courses. You will need about 10 hours to complete this first course. Writing is a skill and to learn a skill well, you need to practice. In this course, you will watch short video lectures and then practice and discuss what you have learned. Make sure you take good notes and use the peer discussions to ask questions. Then you'll be able to remember the rules you learn in this course when you start writing essays in the next course. After completing this course, you will be able to: - identify the correct verb tenses to use - use commas effectively - utilize several different sentence types - write more effectively in English Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version....

Top reviews


Jul 2, 2020

This course was very helpful. It refreshed my memories and made me go back to so many things I thought I would never remember. It helped my writing skills a lot to. A big thank you to the instructors.


Nov 5, 2020

The course was so fascinating and it deserves everybody's time and effort. I have really enjoyed it and will confidently recommend it to anyone who is looking for a course on grammar and punctuations.

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451 - 475 of 5,752 Reviews for Grammar and Punctuation

By Atheena H

Jul 18, 2020

Excellent course wonderfully taught by some of best English Professors. This course not only provides an opportunity to learn but also to explore more beyond our limits. Moreover, this course is suitable to all kinds of learners.

By Sophia R

Apr 23, 2020

I liked this couse so much, it was funny, amusing, and interesting to listen to teachers, there are several languages of subtitles, you can read pronounced words, download videos, redo your answers and get others' feedbacks. 5/5!

By Ира Н

Jan 20, 2017

Actually, It was better than I expected. Punctuation and writing style were well explained. As a non-native speaker, I have never knew how comas should be placed. Thanks to this course, now I feel more confident with such things.

By D. E

Jan 10, 2016

This course is great. The easy to follow lectures allows students to grasp the material with wasting a lot of time. In addition, students will be will be about to use their new found knowledge as soon as the videos are completed.

By Iryna K

Mar 6, 2016

I find this course quite interesting and useful!

In this course you can learn not only by video and quizzes, but also play games and do interesting tasks. The education goes in an easy way and without any difficulties!

Thank you!

By Yossr Y

Jul 11, 2022

This course is rich with information on how to structure sentences properly. It helps in writing correct and advanced different sentence structures. I am grateful that I took this course and I am excited to start the next one.

By Sara T

Jul 29, 2017

First of all, let me thank you for such a great course.

I am suggesting to make an overall exam about all the content of the course; so that, we revise all the lessons and weeks before getting our certificate.

Thank you, again.

By anokha r

Nov 16, 2015

This course is Concise and give you what it promises you. Have lots of comprehensive exercises which are really helpful.

I highly recommend it for anyone who has a moderate to severe doubt about English Grammar and Punctuation.

By Elis B

Nov 18, 2015

The course is great to improve your writing! If you love grammar, try it and you'll be surprised with the efficient between explanations and exercises. Congratulations for the creativity for teaching grammar rules. :) Cheers.

By Hassan R

Dec 7, 2017

For me, this course was really meaningful because I have heard and practiced the ways that have never seen or heard before. I am really thankful for explaining all the course in a very helpful manner.

Thank you dear instructor

By sefty m t

Aug 9, 2020

This is a really good course. I gained a lot of new things and new knowledge from this course. The process of learning was so good because it is arranged effectively. furthermore, the quiz and the assignments was really fun.

By Deepa S

Jul 8, 2019

Explained in a clear manner, for me punctuation was always a tough job as I was not aware of rules of punctuation. Now understanding a lot about punctuation and more practice will help me to hone my skills on English writing


Jul 5, 2018

practice에 대한 상세한 설명이 없어서 시행착오를 겪으며 테스트를 수행해야 한다는 아쉬운 부분이 있었지만, 여태까지 수강해 온 웹 강의 중에서 가장 짜임새 있었던 것같습니다. 콜론, 세미콜론, 시제, 복합문에 헷갈리는 내용이 많았는 데 교정하는 계기가 되었던 것 같습니다. 웹 강의를 들으며 존중을 받는다는 느낌이 든 것도 새로웠습니다. 수강자들과의 의견 교환 부분도 매우 인상적이었습니다. 좋은

By Canon C

Dec 4, 2017

I learned, and reviewed, so much about punctuation! Other then parallel sentences, I didn't feel this course was heavy on the grammar, but I think I really needed to polish up my punctuation, anyway.

I recommend this course.

By Ankita M

Jun 15, 2016

I really like the way students are involved in activities through the assignments. They students are also introduced among themselves and get to review each others work which boosts confidence and also inflicts more interest

By Valeria S

Aug 8, 2021

I am very grateful for this course because I was able to remind myself about the rules of the English grammar. I also began to be more conscious of my mistakes. The exercises and quizzes have sharpened the gained knowledge.

By Vígh T

Jul 20, 2020

I liked this course very much because I have had the opportunity to deepen my previous knowledge about verb tenses, as well as it helped a lot in clarifying the different sentence types and how to use punctuation correctly.

By Felix L

Jul 12, 2020

I am a rising freshman in high school whose first language is not English, this course corrected many of my bad writing habits such as putting commas wherever I feel like needs one. The program is definitely very effective.

By Dalia H

Jun 4, 2016

thanks so much for this useful course i only hope to not make the final quiz with upgrade or with payment i need to see how much i achieve in this course.

waiting for new courses, and thanks for your advanced for help,


By Benson M

Mar 23, 2016

This course covers all aspects as per description. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to polish up their basic grammar and punctuation. Special thanks to everyone who it possible. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

By Mahrin R

Feb 21, 2021

The Grammar & Punctuation course is helpful for those who almost forgot there school-based grammar, basic one. It will work as a reminder of all those little things learnt not only for a new learner but also an expert one.

By Sanjukta S

Jun 4, 2020

The course was short and precise; however, easy and understandable for beginners with basic knowledge of grammar as well. Well, I took this course in order to revise the grammar I've learnt and forgotten after high school.


Jun 2, 2020

I found this course very helpful. It was very nice to know things like parallel structure which was new for me. This course has not only upgraded my skills but it has taught me way to write and punctuate sentence correctly


Jan 31, 2022

For non-native English speakers, I strongly recommend this course. I was a little confident when making English sentences. After taking this course, I notice many new tips, techniques, and manners for English composition.

By Hira

Aug 21, 2018

I am about to complete this course, and I'm very satisfied with the instructor. Every lecture is so concise and contains quality material. I would definitely suggest this course to anyone who is not good with punctuation.