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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

89,029 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


May 19, 2016

I found this course incredibly useful and practical. It has not only helped me better understand the process of learning but it has also given me valuable tools in how to optimize my learning process.


Nov 26, 2022

It is kind of opening my eyes to me on the link between long term memory and sleep. The course is well-conducted. The lecturers are very well-explained and the interviewed guests are very interesting.

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476 - 500 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Tiago F

Jan 13, 2017

That is an outstanding course! I really learned a lot about how to improve my learning and I am putting this knowledge into practice in many other areas of my life. The distinction of focus mode x diffuse mode helps to understand that learning cannot be an inertial action of only doing the same thing all the time. Variation is extremely important! I also enjoyed a lot the taught techniques like the Pomodoro, which can be life changing, together with spaced learning (I'm using Anki, another course's suggestion), retrieving and interleaving.

It also made me deal much better with procrastination! Thank you very much for such an opportunity. I'll take that for the rest of my life and share this knowledge with friends and relatives, to whom I'm going also to reccomend this course!

By Tan C

Mar 21, 2018

I really like this course and highly evaluate the materials taught by Barb Oakley and Terry Sejnowski. I actually learn a lot of things in the course and I particularly like Pomodoro technique which helps me deal with procrastination very effectively. I also do understand why we should switch our brain between two modes, say focused mode and diffuse mode, in order to be more productive. I really enjoy this course and would like to share this with my students. I am now an assistant professor in math (I used to be very very bad at math) but I even haven't known how to learn new things effectively until I take this awesome course. I strongly believe that many people would like this course and learn a lot from it. Again, thanks Barb and Terry for making such a wonderful course!

By Gokulakannan P

Jan 11, 2018

Exceptional course. It is thoughtfully designed to help each person / persona associate their learning difficulties / challenges (from past and on going experiences) and take the right course of action. Both Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski were brilliant in delivering their thoughts to make this course a very effective one. I completed this course one and a half years back but did not lose its impact yet. There are many additional resources and very useful interviews of many people exceptional in their fields. I would recommend this course for everyone. I have been getting regular weekly updates regarding this field as part of this course association. Great work. I started Mindshift course hoping that it will bring in a lot of benefits and positive feelings.

By Pietro S

Apr 19, 2021

I had heard a lot about this course and wanted to take it. A good experience.

It has now become a good point of reference when I need to go back to certain sources, since the topics covered are all based on scientific evidence listed in an exhaustive way.

I recommend it to anyone (student or teacher) who has never studied the theme of "learning how to learn".

The brain does not come to us with an instruction manual, so everyone is called to build their own. Without a minimum of self-study to learn how to learn, a lot of valuable time is wasted studying inefficiently. There are many teachers who do not know how to guide students to improve themselves.

A small course like this, a few hours a week over a month, can make a difference and change your way of teaching and studying.

By Brenda D B

Sep 8, 2020

I really cannot find the words to describe how AMAZING this course is. I'll start by the basics: the topic is quite interesting and the material follows an ideal structure so it is easy to go through the course. Moreover, this course goes far beyond learning for school or university: it offers tools to hugely improve your everyday life! On top of it, the lectures are short, concise and entertaining. The instructors do not only help you lots to understand what they are saying (it's cool how consistent they are by using the very same tips they mention in their lessons), but also they are tremendously charismatic and to me it felt like they really cared about me even if -clearly- they don't even know I exist. I am even sad to have finished the course. Thank you very much!!!

By Satria S

Nov 6, 2019

I strongly believe that almost everyone will benefit greatly by taking this course. I usually don't bother to leave reviews but the course instructors, Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski, truly deserve credit. I'm just gonna say this... this course will change your life. And I don't say that lightly. I have always thought of myself as a fast and effective learner but even so, this course made me even better so just imagine what it could do to people who think that they are slow learners or who think that they are just not cut out for "difficult" subjects such as Maths and Physics. My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski. I wish I could one day meet both of you and thank you personally. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

By Маргарита К

Sep 28, 2016

Это мой первый курс, который я прошла на Coursera и я очень надеюсь, что другие курсы будут такими же качественными, интересными и доступными как этот. Почерпнула для себя огромное количество полезной информации не только из теоретических объяснений, но и из интервью. Очень интересно было узнать, что существует такое понятие, как "синдром самозванца", которым я страдаю ( к счастью, не одна и оказывается, есть определенные приемы, как его преодолеть). Очень полезными были советы о том, как писать научные работы и эссе и как научиться задавать вопросы, понять, почему даже в обширных дискуссионных темах вопросы не возникают. Я очень довольна, рекомендую курс всем - и школьникам и студентам и просто всем, кто учит иностранный язык и интересуется саморазвитием. Спасибо!

By Deleted A

Dec 8, 2019

I started taking this course to understand and learn better study techniques for the things I am about to learn going forth. I am a Software Engineer at Google currently & after spending 6 years in my career, I wanted to start re-learning some old concepts and many new things. Being a full-time employee, its necessary to have efficient learning methods at my finger-tips, so I could optimise my work-life-study balance, and this course has definitely provided me with those. Simple things like working a little bit on something daily and using recall over rereading has been super-helpful while even learning new techniques that help me with my daily work. I would definitely recommend this course to every full-time student and anyone who is starting to learn new things.

By Joydip M

Aug 6, 2017

to maintain relevancy and continued success in professional world, one needs to be in an environment of continuous learning today. For many of us who are long removed from their college classrooms, this is easier said than done . Time is restricted, distractions and many and so are responsibilities. This course provides wonderful set of strategies and techniques to maximize and upgrade learning capabilities. From the very basics - like importance of sleep - to more intricate techniques like recall over repetition - it is helping me unlearn several things and learn new. It also fills me with lot of hope that it is possible for everyone to learn, and learn better ! Terry and Barbara do an amazing job and by the end of the course, have become something of a coach !

By Vinícius A R L

Nov 13, 2021

This is hands down one of the best courses on personal development I have ever taken. I wish I had seen a material like this way before. The sooner someone experiences this content in life the better. Ideally covered with spaced repetition (easter egg right here) over our childhood and teenagehood years. What you are you going to get from this course are extremely valuable actionable insights on how to learn ANYTHING as effectively as possible according to Science. Since learning new things is one of the best things in life (am I right?!), it really does not get any better than this. I would never be able to express my gratitude towards Barb and Terry for taking the time and effort to build this precious material and make it easily accessible. Highly recommended!

By Dr. J L

Mar 10, 2019

This course was quite interesting and had a lot of useful ideas. I believe that the techiques taught here would definitely be beneficial for many subjects. I am a physicican and recognize that many of the areas of medicine may require pure memory and often "understanding" is not really part of the learning. But the ideas behind making up crazy sentences to help jog your memory of lists is definitely something that I have used and have found very useful. Although I completed school many years ago, I still refer to some of those "crazy sentences" to jog my memory when necessary. I enjoyed taking this course and I thought the instructors were very good. I wish I could have taken this course many years ago when it could have made medical school a bit easier.

By Ruslan

Feb 13, 2019

This course should be compulsory in all areas of education from school to universities. Barbaba Oakley is a gifted teacher, mentor and a great motivator. I always had a trap of "talent and passion" stereotype and now(thanks to this course) it changed. Now i know that there is such thing as neuroplasticity and giving a time to hard work and practice we can change our "talents" and "passions". I always hated this fancy "find your passion" credo and thanks to this course the scientific research proved that it it's a wrong approach. If you are not good at math, logic, or drawing - maybe you will not become Einstein, Bill Gates or Leonardado Da Vinci. But you definitely can master the foundation of this sciences(and far more) even without having a natural talent.

By Morgen C

Feb 22, 2018

Not only did this course give me very practical strategies to more effectively learn as an adult (rather than beating my head against a wall), but it gave me new insights into brain development and learning strategies for my classrooms of younger students.

Barbara is an incredibly engaging speaker who breaks down concepts into easily processed segments...of course, for a scholar who dedicates herself to learning about learning, she is very easy to learn from! Terry is one of the most renowned neuroscientists in the world but surprisingly manages to translate his research into layman's terms without losing his enthusiasm.

I wouldn't mind retaking this course annually to brush up on the scientific research and dig more thoroughly into the supplemental materials!

By Maria C N

May 27, 2024

The course was well structured and the Professor Barbara Oakley and Professor Terrance Sejnowski were so delightful to listening and learning from due to their powerful teaching skills. The exemples they used were very helpful and make easier to picture in my mind the concepts and ideas about the topics they addressed. I enjoyed the various techniques and also the information on how brain functions while we´re learning something new. I will certainly apply the techniques to improve my learning process. Another aspect that I did appreciate was the profuse amount of reading suggestions, which gives consistence to the course and provides us with more than one path to search for knowledge. Thank you so much for this wonderful journey of learning how to learn!

By Arda B

Jun 5, 2017

This course was my first course on Coursera and a fantastic way to start my new learning journey. As someone who recently finished my undergrad I wish I had taken this class earlier in my academic career. The clear connection between brain science and learning techniques truly illuminated for myself the flaws in my learning practices. However, the information also confirmed for me the strategies I was doing right in my learning and helped grow confidence in my learning style. I know the strategies i've learned in this course will help me learn the new skills I need to achieve personal growth and advance my career. Thank you Barbara Oakley for your enthusiasm and wonderful lectures, I looking forward to utilizing this knowledge for life-long learning.


By Nicholas W

Dec 22, 2022

This was an excellent course to take during the pandemic. I wish this course was available during my high school or even in my post secondary education days for me to learn and study effectively. I highly recommend this course to everyone. This isn't just for people going to school but this will help everyone with their every day life because this teaches you how to learn effectively and improve on retaining information. Most people, myself included, struggle with procrastination and their techniques and suggestions on how to overcome it are simple, effective and applicable with some discipline. Don't expect fast results but be disciplined in applying some techniques with a little bit of time everyday for gradual improvements in whatever you're learning.

By Маснавиев Р Р

Jul 22, 2022

It was a lot of help for me, even though I started it multiple times and abandoned it during the second and third week, since at that time the language was quite challenging for me and I spent twice as much on one video or test, trying to get it in the language it was filmed and written in. Now that I've completed it and will then try to finally go through "Mind for numbers", recalling information and creating notes as I did for this course (I've spent almost double the time, but it's worth it).

Learn how to learn to spend less time studying and get more hours on your hobbies and self-improvement. Learn mnemonics and be even more productive. Don't get productivity guru's advices close to heart, just use them as an advice. Be save, love each other, bye!

By Petar S M

Feb 10, 2018

I though at first that the 1st week sounded a tad bit too logical to even bother explaining in the first place but I realised later that it was more than necessary in order to understand the material of the upcoming weeks. The only real, but minor issue I had with with this course was the static noise from the speaker's microphone and at some other times it either popped or it was a tad quiet, forcing me to max out the volume slider to 100% so I can hear what she is talking about.

Other than that, this was an amazing course and I highly recommend it to people who want to change their perception of learning as a whole but they lack the foundations or people to fill them in. This course did exactly in a very nice and friendly way, especially with the tests.

By Tony S

Dec 27, 2016

This is one of the best online-course ever!!!! Why? The learning process is something that nobody can escapes: from passing school exams, driving lesson, learn to cook for your family, evolve in your career, ... in this fast world, the on-going learning process is a must have skills to succeed in this high competitive and ever changing society. This wonderful and motivating course, help me to gain in confidence regarding my learning process and it helps me a lot to win time by finding the right system = to improve my learning. Their awesome sharing technics, priceless advices and real life situation (interviews) turn this course into a must have class to follow. Thank you a million for helping me to improve my journey and knowledge!!!! Flawless 5 Star!!!

By Erica E

Sep 11, 2022

This course was recommended to me by my 100 Devs instructor, Leon Noel! This course has been and will continue to be a fundamental foundation in my learning, not only for 100 Devs, but in my many other interests! This course needs to be apart of the educational systems curriculum for students, through every education level. Barbara Oakley is a phenomenal professor and explains complex brain functions in a way that supports real results towards our success in learning, but also understanding more about how incredible our brains really are. That being said, I enjoyed videos that mentioned Neurodiversity. This was especially helpful for me being neurodivergent myself, and allowed me to find more joy and confidence in learning new and challenging subjects!

By Dana S

Aug 23, 2015

This course rocks!

You are thought many different learning techniques and get to know how your brain works in a simple way without too much background information. It's just the right amount of input to get a feeling for it. You can apply this knowledge to every kind of subject. The short videos are easy to persuade yourself to get started. Once started you want to see another one! The lecturers have prepared their videos perfectly and after some videos you feel a little bit connected to them. They are able to do the seemingly unmakeable: Keep you motivated! If I feel myself unmotivated to study for my exam, first of all I watch one of these video sequences and promptly I am motivated again.

Thanks a lot for putting this course online!

I love your work.

By bea b

Sep 22, 2019

I entirely enjoyed 'Learning how to learn'. It has given me insights and skills I had not imagined helpful. It has also shown me that in life we all face hardships of not dissimilar challenges and it depends on us to decipher the do's and don'ts for us to move on and do better the next time or get something going for good or even change something profoundly important in our lives.

I loved the short lessons that I could listen to or read in my own time and I loved Barbara Oakley's soft voice explaining the subject in such detail and very often with metaphors. The quizzes after each lesson were set with a sense of humour and this made the whole thing actual fun.

I would thoroughly recommend this course to anyone. Thank you 'Learning How to Learn'!

By rekha u n

Jan 22, 2017

I am Rekha from Indonesia. During this session I learnt so many things which I was not aware of. For example our brain has two modes of learning focus and diffuse modes, about procrastinating, that it is when we skip some problems when we feel it hard , about rereading, that it is not the correct way of learning. Recall the understangs, deliberatly practicing and repetitions are the correct way to learn and memorize. Chunking was so new to me. I never heard about it. The course was little difficult for me. However, I finished it successfully. I am happy that I got opportunity to improve and enhance my knowledge regarding how to learn. Thank you so much.

By Thoi M

Jan 10, 2020

When completing this course, I've realized how procrastinated I am.

My friend had recommended this course for me since my 1st college year, but I've actually accomplished this course at MY LAST YEAR COLLEGE by using the tactics and techniques, which I've learned along the way this course, to keep myself engaged and interested in learning how to learn, and it eventually worked.

The solid evidence more than anything here is the completed informs from Coursera and I decide to write the review for this course to inform people, who are trying to find out the techniques to learn more effectively and productively, this course is definitely the great start.

Using 1 POMODORO (25 MINUTES TIMMER) to start learning the very first lessons.


By Eleni P

May 1, 2018

I never forgot this course! I first enrolled in 2014, got halfway through and did not complete it. I returned to finish it up – to review what I learned and to "learn the rest" – in early April 2018. I had purchased the book "A Mind for Numbers" and read it back in 2014. The book is awesome but taking the class and doing the exercises online plus submitting the assignments really reinforced my learning of the key concepts and gave me a start for where to dig deeper. Redoing this class from start to finish (and not simply picking up where I left off) has armed me to face my new challenges. The class is set up in such a way that you can follow it from most anywhere and can do the assignments at your convenience. It is well worth the time spent on it.