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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

89,029 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


May 19, 2016

I found this course incredibly useful and practical. It has not only helped me better understand the process of learning but it has also given me valuable tools in how to optimize my learning process.


Nov 26, 2022

It is kind of opening my eyes to me on the link between long term memory and sleep. The course is well-conducted. The lecturers are very well-explained and the interviewed guests are very interesting.

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526 - 550 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By O M Λ R ツ

May 10, 2024

I recently completed the "Learning How to Learn" course, and overall, it was a valuable experience. The instructors provided a wealth of information on mental tools to tackle challenging subjects, which was enlightening. However, at times, they delved into complex neuroscience terminology that was a bit hard to grasp. It would have been more helpful to have simpler explanations to aid understanding. I appreciated the practical learning tips shared throughout the course, but I believe more emphasis on practical application would have been even more beneficial. Nonetheless, I'm grateful for the efforts of the instructors in compiling and delivering this course. Thank you for the valuable insights and tools provided!

By Nguyen N

Apr 12, 2021

I was a bad student before I kind of know-how to learn. But then I recognized that I couldn't remember or use effectively what I'd learned. I ended up procrastinating so many times, felt uncomfortable with learning new things even I definitely know that I shouldn't. Now, thanks to this course, I know why I was like that, how my mind works, and I am not alone struggling for learning. I manage to put my reward and quit working time seriously, take time to slowly recognize and react with my habit cues, using Pomodoro and recall, etc (trying to apply everything this course provided :) ). This course opens my eyes, thank you so much again, and I recommend this course to everyone that you will take a huge advantage from.

By Alexander S

Aug 29, 2016

Every one of us finished school, probably a higher school, some courses, so we all are well sure that we know how to learn. So I did not expect much from this course.

So I was very surprised how well it turned out to be. It explains reasons and mechanisms behind our well-known way of learning, so some boring or irritating things like rehearsal, or tests in the middle of a class start making sense.

I think, I became a better doer after this course. It teaches how to avoid procrastination, how to make skills and knowledge stick, and how to master things you never consider as masterable.

Also, organizers have one or two nice tricks up their sleeves to make you pass the course even if you want to slack on the last moment.

By Peter D M S

Mar 27, 2020

I wish I'd known this much about how to learn effectively earlier in my life. Just think how much more I'd know right now! This course is a real eye-opener. Learning new stuff will never be a problem ever again! Barbara Oakley is so enthusiastic and makes everything so simple, that she sweeps you up with her enthusiasm. The process of learning becomes a fascinating subject in itself. I couldn't recommend this course too highly. It's been a real pleasure. But not just pleasurable. I've come away with learning insights and techniques that will help me to increase my capacity for future learning, that in turn will hopefully make me a more rounded individual. And, at my age, what could be a better ambition than that?

By Aamad A

Jun 17, 2018

Honestly, I never write reviews and i'm not some bot that also tells people that, "I never write reviews." But god damn, this course was awesome. Partially biased opinion because this was my 1st Coursera course, but I took it very seriously and tried to learn as best as I could. The lessons and insights that were shared in this course are remarkable for someone that is passionate about learning. I enjoyed the videos, the interviews, and the additional readings. The course offered tons and tons of material and resources to further educate your learning abilities. This is a great course for anyone that takes a passion in learning, trying to become the best version of themselves, and values productivity of your time.

By Talisson C

Jun 26, 2023

"Learning How to Learn" on Coursera is an outstanding course that provides powerful mental tools to enhance learning. The instructors expertly blend scientific research with practical tips, making the content engaging and informative. By understanding the brain's functioning, learners gain insights into effective learning strategies, memory retention, and overcoming procrastination. The course offers diverse learning materials and introduces transformative techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique and metaphorical thinking. The inclusion of interviews and a supportive community fosters a collaborative learning experience. Overall, this course is a must-take for anyone seeking to optimize their learning potential.

By Joanna L

Nov 11, 2020

This course is easy and fun. You can choose to not do the Honors projects for the basic certificate, but those projects are not too difficult anyway so you might as well do them. I learned a lot about myself and had a lot of fun at the same time. I found it great that I applied a lot of what I learned in this course by simply working on completing the final project. Ahh, I feel like I relived my university days, both the good (learning a new software) and bad (still some procrastination and cramming!).I highly recommend taking this course. The instructors took great pains to make this course easy to digest and really helps the learners to practice what they learn. I hope you have fun with it, and happy learning!

By Cat

Jun 10, 2020

This course provides excellent insight into the mechanisms of learning and how they can be harnessed by students who want to get the most out of their study time. The lectures provide useful and practical tools for breaking down complex concepts so they can be more easily mastered, including chunking, metaphor and analogy, story-telling, spaced repetition, recall, memory palaces, and many more. The course also covers tools for overcoming procrastination and test anxiety.

Additionally, many great resources are provided for those who are curious and want to delve deeper into the science behind the concepts described in the lectures, along with inspirational and informative interviews with successful professionals.

By Nagashree M N

Mar 20, 2023

I really feel every human being should do this course because as far as I know most of us lack knowledge about various aspects like how our brain works, good techniques to retain information in your memory, tackle procrastination, allowing brain to switch to diffuse mode, importance of physical activity, different parts of memory, do's and don'ts while studying, tapping visual memory, interleaving and the list goes on and on and on!! I'm so glad I finished this course now, it's never too late. I think I'm gonna remember Barbara Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski, you guys are in my long-term memory now :) Amazing videos and thank you so much, my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has put in efforts to make this course.

By Anirudh S R

Jun 4, 2020

To all the students pursuing any career of their choice, this Course 'Learning How to Learn' will provide you insight on your habits, studying methodologies from a neurological perspective without using any scary too-scientific terms. This course does not talk about a specific discipline, engineering or medical or literature but the concept and habit of learning as a whole. This course will NOT make you the class topper but it will ensure that you understand how to become one! Along with other core-specific courses, this is a must try and it is time efficient, assignments are easy and can be completed well within 30 minutes. I hope you try this course as it will NOT disappoint you. Learn, Understand and Apply.

By dboskma

Nov 5, 2016

I wish I could have done this course when I just started secondary school. Because I'm relatively intelligent I had no trouble in secondary school, I just didn't bother with homework, but I could have really made it all even easier on myself had I had the information that i learned in this course. Now I am doing some marketing courses and when I just started doing them I was struggling. Then I ran into this course, figured it couldn't hurt and since my marketing courses have become so much easier to learn. No cramming, but pomodoro's. Learned how to deal with procrastination and all kinds of stuff. I have actually told most of my friend to go do this course as I think it is that awesome! So highly recommended!

By O T

Feb 19, 2022

Ce cours aurait dû être enseigné dès le primaire même de façon simplifié. Quand je pense à tout le temps que j'ai perdu pensant être entrain d'étudier... J'aurais aimé connaître toutes ces méthodes plus tôt. Mais il n'est jamais trop tard. Je suis énormément heureuse d'avoir pris ce cours et de l'avoi rsuivi jusqu'au bout en moins d'une semaine tellement je me rendais compte qu'il s'appliquait à à moi et à tellement de personnes dans mon entourage. J'ai déjè commencé à en parler à mon entourage. Malheureusement beaucoup pensent que c'est juste une autre arnaque et qu'ils n'y apprendront rien. MAis je le dis j'ai tellement appris et je suis déjà entrain de l'appliquer dans différents aspects de mon éducation.

By Ewa W

Nov 13, 2020

Dear Barbara and Terrence

Thank you ever so much for putting the course together and offering it to us all 'out there!' I really appreciate it.

You have been outstanding communicators! The clarity with which you have explained 'what's under our neural hood', has allowed me to grasp it - I really get it! I've been passing on the nuggets to my pre-teenage daughter along the way too and she's been benefiting from it each week, little by little. It's great stuff.

I realise it's only an illusion, but I have been seeing you every week for some time now, and each time I learnt something new and interesting, and so I have grown to like to loads so - I will miss you!! :)

With very many thanks and warmest wishes

Ewa Wilcox

By Inner G A R

Nov 28, 2018

I am teacher by choice and "Learning to Learn" is what I teach. I have learnt many new things on this subject which I will be using in my classes as well as my personal learning. According to me, every teacher must go through this course. This is being given for "Free". There should be no more excuses. By gaining knowledge shared here, you will learn better and help others to learn better. By using the tips, you will reduce the time you spend in learning while improving the quality of your learning. Every student needs to understand the "Process" of learning, so that they can master what ever they wish to learn.Thanks to each person who has made this course possible. May God bless all of you with abundance.

By Isaí S

Oct 31, 2017

This course has been really helpful, during this weeks I've applied concepts and ideas while playing guitar, I was quite surprised that even when I did not have enough time, I improved a lot, unlike how I used to practice. Is not about strength, or having time. Is about knowing the process of learning and metacognition. I don't even started to use this knowledge in my everyday life, I´m so excited because I expect finally finish my degree and acquire many other skills. With a few principles, that are so easy to follow, we can apply to everything we desire to achieve or learn. My only regret is that I didn't take this course before. This should be enough to improve quality of life of anyone. I'm so grateful!

By Radha S

Dec 15, 2020

This was an incredibly useful course. It has equipped me with practical tools and learning strategies that I can easily incorporate in my everyday life. In fact, having implemented a few of the techniques taught in the course, I can already find a better version of myself emerging slowly!

What makes this course so impactful is the convincing manner in which the process of learning is explained. l especially loved Prof Barbara Oakley's easy-to-follow pace, and the interviews with Dr Brent, Dr Felder, Keith Devlin and Scott Young.

I am extremely grateful to Prof Oakley and Prof Sejnowski for putting together this invaluable course. I highly recommended it for all those who want to become better learners!

By Thinh P

Jan 21, 2016

This course is extremely helpful! Ironically, I started the course when I just graduated from college. I found out that I have been using inefficient techniques to study all my years in school (e.g. using mere will power to force myself into problem solving, studying long sessions without taking breaks, falling into the trap of procrastination, etc.) This course has provided me with many perspectives in studying, and they are so convincing since they are backed up by evidences from neuroscience. The course is full of to-the-point tips and helpful advice, with a minimal level of technical details (just enough for a general audience).

Many thanks to the team they created this course! Happy learning, everyone!

By Dhwani L

Jun 19, 2021

This has been a super helpful course. The sessions, interviews with renowned personalities and written matter have been very informative. It really teaches one so many methods and gives so many suggestions and ideas with the help of which, one can really improve their learning. Moreover, one can get to learn so many new and interesting facts of the brain, the course is also involved in brain science which is really important to understand, in order to be able to create a good and realistic learning technique for oneself. I truly appreciate the faculty and the team members involved in conceptualizing and presenting this very amazing and helpful course for us students and truly making us learn how to learn!

By Leoh V T

Jun 18, 2020

Thanks to Prof. Barbara and the Coursera team that provide such a wonderful course of learning. I gained a lot of good knowledge, tips, tricks, and experiences during the course, and also, I have been applying it to my study every day effectively. From the neuroscience perspective, I understand more deeply about my weaknesses that I was not able to call out its names exactly and spent many years struggling with them. As a result, I feel more confident when I figured out what procrastination is, how to change my habit, Serependity Law, and so on. I will soon be back to school to continue my learning journey, and also, I wish I could share with others everything I learned from this course.

My gratitude,


By Aviv B

Apr 7, 2020

The course delves into a variety of relevant subjects related to the learning process. It is built in an outstanding way, so it is suitable for different age groups with different intellectual levels.

Although I would have liked to see more practical explanations regarding the ways one can apply the information in their own lives, I still enjoyed and gained from every minute of this course.

Barbara Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski are doing an amazing job guiding the course. Barbara is very well-spoken and articulated which made it extremely easy to understand the material.

To conclude, I strongly advise those enthusiastic learners, to take this course. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.

By Tiago C M

Jan 25, 2020

It really helped me in so many levels that i don't even know how to delimit its influence on my posterior perception concerning on the act of learning. To establish a concrete example, just the idea of modes of thinking and the importance of alternating them to access more of my own cognitive machinery to help me to solve problems is on its own enough to say that doing this MOOC was time well spent. By the way, i plan to redo the course later to better chunk the presented concepts and confront them with the mental images that I've created of them when introspecting between lessons. Many thanks for the shared knowledge, and I've already started reading the Mind for Numbers book influenced by this journey.

By Nada Z

Dec 5, 2015

This is an extremely useful course. I recommend it for everyone, no matter your level of education or indeed your age. I think this course should be mandatory for both high school students and their parents. The main reason being so that students can master these skills early in their years and both parents and students understand, in particular, the value of exercise and sleep in learning. Thank you to all those people who put together this course. Although Dr Oakley and Dr Sejnowski are the faces of this course, I know there were many more involved in the conceptualisation and building of this course. Thank you for making it a MOOC and thank you for such a wonderful clear format that was easy to follow.

By Kishka P

Aug 17, 2015

I loved this course! I was really useful and easy to apply the tools to my behaviour and other learning activities immediately. I even shared with my partner and friends all of whom were very surprised and pleased with the results. Though the course material is REALLY interesting, I believe it is the delivery that made it GREAT! Barbara made this learning experience for me truly memorable. She has a gentle clear approach and a warm and encouraging nature. Thank you to everyone involved, but an especially BIG THANK YOU TO BARBARA. You should be very proud at your contribution to learning, I think it will have a massively positive impact on so many people. Well done! I will look out for your future courses.

By Lucimeire A M

May 15, 2020

This course is wonderful! This was a good opportunity to learn useful tools to improve my knowledges. Most of the videos contain important information to the comprehension about learning process. The interviews are interesting, I loved each piece of advices given by the professors and the specialists, I think this experience has helped me to focus my attention on the diffuse modo, because it is a good way to improve my skills. Another topic I have loved is the procrastination. From now on I understand better what is happening to me, and how to manage my procrastination. I am very grateful to the professors, Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski you are great professors, Thank you very much again!