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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies by Università Bocconi

5,979 ratings

About the Course

Learn how fashion and luxury companies work and understand their brands, products, retail, and communication strategies. Travel through business models, international development, and product categories with industry influent experts. Adopting a case-study approach, the course presents strategic brand management in luxury and fashion companies as a balancing act: tradition vs. innovation, expertise vs. experimentation, casual vs. stylish; in order to increase the brand value by nurturing the brand heritage and at the same time staying fresh, relevant, and contemporary in the global marketplace. Topics such as the impact of new retail channels, new media channels, and new business declinations for the brand and emerging markets will be discussed in the course....

Top reviews


Apr 19, 2020

Excellent Course! Love how you can study at your own pace. It provides an abundance of information for both fashion & luxury management as well as building your own fashion &/or luxury brand.


Jan 30, 2020

It's a great course for those who'd like to understand the the way fashion industry is organized; what's the key factors in marketing of fashion and luxury brands; what's important in communication.

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1 - 25 of 1,433 Reviews for Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies

By Camila T

Jan 23, 2017

I'm actually REALLY INTERESTED on this course, but Erica's accent is TERRIBLE. It's so hard to understand and focus on what she's saying. Had to quit the course because of that.

By Viktoria S

Apr 26, 2017

The course overall has good content. But some videos and case studies were dissapointing in terms of uniqueness of information. You could have easily googled it. Tests could also be more challenging. I would defitenely reccomend it to learners who are new to the industry. For others it could be less informative.

By Elena B

Mar 18, 2020

The course is designed for those, who have zero proficiency in fashion and no understanding of the industry.

The links for Pinterest boards that were supposed to be the key additional element of the course don't work, video materials for the course provide identical information as the reading parts, case studies are absolutely irrelevant as they are based upon too old data, general material of the course is very shallow and didn't really meet the expectations on broadening my knowledge

By William N

Jan 24, 2018

Do not recommend this course. The coursework is boring and entirely video lectures, many of which are done by people with appalling English which is difficult to understand.

By stefano g

Jul 3, 2017

It's very interesting, the only problem is the accent of the professors.. Moreover, the transcriptions are often wrong, I cannot believe Bocconi team didn't review the lessons..

By Anastasia

Oct 7, 2018

Personally, I found this course to be less than I expected. Provided information was very general, mostly outdated. I'm a person, who has no experience in this industry, but biggest part of the information was simply obvious to me. Provided slides just repeat what the lecturers say, so nothing extra to learn from there. I would say this is a fun course to take if you just have spare time, but not for learning something for real.

By Daria K

Jul 28, 2019

It was a great course that opened up for me the concept of business of fashion. Talking about different markets, different audience and how brand image and strategy work really broader my knowledge. I would definitely recommend this course for those who wants to dive into the world of fashion. Especially I liked the extra materials for free-time reading as it was interesting but also updated and correspond to nowadays time.


Jan 31, 2020

It's a great course for those who'd like to understand the the way fashion industry is organized; what's the key factors in marketing of fashion and luxury brands; what's important in communication.

By Vandana S

Jan 27, 2017

hi i really liked this course and also i have made my payment for certificate but still its asking to me for repay...

kindly help,

or mail the details on

By kiran P

Apr 22, 2021

I am very much great full to Coursera that it gave me chance to learn so much with no investment. there so many thing that I learnt. Than you for every small knowledge and ideas that you shared.

By Wei Z

Feb 5, 2016

very useful course, not only for Luxury industry. Many topics talked about are enlighted. After learning, I think I am more reasonable facing all fancy things and choose them more sophiscated.

By Chiara Z

Dec 5, 2021

I love the course idea but it is VERY outdated! using case studies, terms and references from over 10 years ago is not acceptable in a fast changing industry like fashion, so I was quite dissapointed in that sense.

By Priscilla M

Mar 2, 2017

What a great resource for both Fashion and Business Students around the world. I am a student in London using this resource to further my knowledge and Iove it. I will continue using and supporting.

By Levi N

Apr 20, 2020

Excellent Course! Love how you can study at your own pace. It provides an abundance of information for both fashion & luxury management as well as building your own fashion &/or luxury brand.

By Sofia

Jan 26, 2016

While the content of the course is interesting and useful, the delivery desperately needs improvement. The professors speak in an extremely monotonous way, making it seem like they are reading their lines from behind the camera. Just awful, and makes it really hard to follow and stay interested and connected with the topic (even when you're passionate about the subject).

I would rather have the course in Italian, and read the subtitles, if that means a more energetic delivery.

By Isa C

May 15, 2018

Worst course in Coursera.

By Jenny P M A

Dec 8, 2019

Buenos días mi nombre es JENNY MORENO AVELLANEDA y no estoy contenta con este curso, estoy total mente SATISFECHA Y DEMASIADO FELIZ, con esta capacitación ya que es un tema que me apasiona,además es increíble que se pueda tener esta oportunidad con ésta prestigiosa Universidad, quiero agradecer a Coursera por ésta gran oportunidad, muchas gracias!!!!Los contenidos y la información es excelente, las actividades son muy interesantes y conllevan a la indagación ,investigación, análisis, concentración y ayudan demasiado en el proceso de aprendizaje y retencion de la información.

Quiero felicitar especialmente y muy merecido a las Docentes Erika Corbinelli y a Stefania Saviolo, muchas gracias por su entrega dedicación, experiencia, conocimiento,tiempo, esfuerzo,excelente actitud, excelente metodología de enseñanza, por tener la capacidad de compartir su gran conocimiento y expertisia.

Finalmente quiro desearles que Dios las bendiga proteja y guarde y que sea Él afianzado y aumentado sus talentos, dones, capcidades, fortalezas, conocimiento, bendiciones,salud y que guarde a los suyos.

De verdad muchas gracias de verdad que les cogí cariño y las admiro mucho!!!!!!!

Muchas Gracias!!!!!!



Muchas Gracias!!!!!


By Chandra S I P

Jun 23, 2020

The course is a very rigorous and demanding since, the concepts are introduced from an elementary to complex level in a systematic way. One needs to be attuned to what is happening in this complex industry since, we have seen huge changes during the last decade or so. Understanding the concepts being taught in a affable way, makes the whole experience rewarding and endearing. I recommend each one of the professionals who is connected with fashion and luxury retail to enroll and take advantage. The only aspect that the Institution has to update is... with live examples closer to 2018-20 instead of 2012/13. Otherwise, it is a wholesome.

By Sofia L

Mar 29, 2021

Found the tests illogical and confusing, as well as the elaborations of certain answers.

There were some grammatical and orthographical mistakes within the materials.

The tasks seemed a little superficial – I would love it if we got to analyse business models, communication strategies, and retail as assignments during the course, rather than using it only as the basis for the final test.

Other than that, very educational, a TON of information, loved the case studies and interviews, waiting for it all to sink in more.

By Mara M

Jun 12, 2019

The course is good, but I had dificult to understand the teachers. Suggestion: update the course content (information), because this area is very inconstant.

By Xiangyi L

Mar 11, 2020

I really wanna finish but two problems, one thing is the accent is really very distracting that makes me couldn't focus on the content of courses ( which I do believe is good..) Another thing is exam is really hard I hope it could be like small quizzes after each chapter or video which will be also helpful too

By Claudia C C

Nov 17, 2017

Very interesting, with significant case studies, to the point and neatly explained. A very useful integration to Luxury Brands notions one may have. Thank you for providing the material.

By Gen o E

Dec 15, 2020

Not the most engaging course. The information could've been displayed better. When watching the videos, I spent more time reading the transcript to ensure I knew what the lecturers were saying but if there were more visuals e.g. lists, diagrams, org charts, etc. on the screen (and for a longer duration) this would be a lot more engaging.

By Rakshith

Mar 20, 2017

Before I used to think fashion/luxury was about skinny models in glossy magazines and walking in fashion shows. This course completely changed my mind.

What I learnt? Differentiating between Fashion and Luxury. Understanding customer value propositions, different market segmentation and models, marketing strategies and communication of Luxury/Fashion Brands.

Super comprehensive course took close to 40 hours to finish everything. Learnt a hell lot. Quiz 3 was really good. My friend who is in Brand Management was totally impressed with the amount of knowledge I gained from this course.

In the beginning, I found the accent of the teachers very annoying but in the later parts, I found the accent quite sexy, especially Erika's :P But the bottom line is the teachers are fantastic.

I work in Equity Research but found this course really eye opening.I would highly this course to anyone who wants to know about Fashion and Luxury.

Thanks for reading!

By Chitra B

Feb 24, 2019

Amazing course for the beginners and experts in the industry. Reading material and videos are to the point with excellent case studies. I strongly recommend this course to Fashion and Luxury enthusiast