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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

37,509 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


Aug 21, 2020

Amazing course and amazing instructor. The environment and vibes throughout were positive and helped me feel much happier and understand much more about looking at life through different perspectives.


Aug 21, 2020

Great fun way of learning about personal thought processing, attitudes and well-being.

Very helpful course to get me to assess my life and how to make the changes I needed to improve my well-being.

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1826 - 1850 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Nicole S

Apr 26, 2021

This was a great course. It was well paced and very practical. The practical aspect gave me the opportunity to put what was taught into practice in my everyday life. Thereby enabling me to focus on the challenges it entails and finding ways to circumvent those challenges to be successful.

By Karin T

Dec 11, 2020

I am so pleased to have taken this course. I learned several new strategies to increase my happiness, and I am able to share these with some family and friends now. I am grateful that this course was free. That made all the difference for me. I have learned so very much! Thank you, Thank you!

By Telma H

Nov 28, 2020

I absolutely loved this course. Laurie Santos is a great instructor and manages to deliver the material in a interesting and very relatable manner. I did a lot of the extra work, reading books etc. and find myself using the tools taught and have experience significance change in my happiness.

By Kaden J

Oct 26, 2020

This course will change your life to the extent that you apply the principles. I am so glad that my friend Genevieve told me about this course and I am thrilled to keep applying these teqniues in my life and with my clients. What a gift! THANK YOU LAURIE SANTOS, YALE, GENEVIEVE, AND COURSERA!

By markus m

Oct 12, 2020

It was a very valuable & helpful course! It helped me not only in my professional life but also in private. A very good combination of studies and "hand-on" examples. So I learned a lot theorie but also how to use it in daily routines and improving my life and well-being. Thank you very much!


Sep 20, 2020

The course was very interesting. I enjoyed doing every rewirement. I thank the professor for making this course easy and interesting. These 10 weeks are worth to spend time. I learned new things about well-being. I also implied in my life which is very useful.This is an wonderful experience.

By Kayla L

Sep 14, 2020

This 10 week course was well worth it. Dr. Santos gives not only thorough tips on increasing your well-being, but also scientific data to back it. I will recommend this to all of my friends, even if they are not particularly unhappy. This is a course that everybody can benefit and learn from!

By Freddy N

Sep 14, 2020

It is an opportunity to learn new tools for wellness. And a good opportunity to put them into practice and incorporate them into our daily lives. Many thanks to Professor Laurie Santos for such a valuable contribution, she is an excellent teacher. Greetings and success in your investigations.

By Maria

Jun 22, 2020

El curso es muy concreto, super practico, bien fundamentado y sin vanalidades. No se hace pesado ni largo, y realmente , si se sigue, mejora el bienestar individual con pasos muy sencillos. La profesora muy bien y también las actividades propuestas. Me ha parecido simplemente UTIL y PRACTICO.

By Dayne E R

Jun 5, 2020

This was a great course and I am very thankful for the opportunity to take it for free. I feel that I have a much better understanding of the things that make us happy and will be implementing as many of the strategies that I can. Dr. Santos did an amazing job in presenting the information.

By Juan B M

Apr 10, 2024

Una interesante y creativa introducción al "desarrollo personal" pero desde otra perspectiva. En este caso se aborda el tema de los hábitos del bienestar visto desde los beneficios científicos, además de proporcionar estrategias prácticas para comenzar a implementar estos hábitos saludables.

By Vandana S

Jul 24, 2023

this course really help me when i was very low in my life. this course help me to come out of depressive state to much happier place. method and techniques used such as rewirement things, really help to understand life and me. Thank you to my Professor Laurie Santos. really grateful of her

By Olaf K

May 7, 2023

Excellent overview of the Science behind Positive Psychology, providing good context, explaining why to do certain things, rather than just stating them. For a scientist, this makes it so much easier to give everything a go. The course has been interesting and effective - highly recommended.

By Арина П

May 17, 2022

I am immensely grateful to Professor Santos for those wonderful lectures and her great work that helped make my life conscious and happier. I looked forward to every lecture and every task with great pleasure. Learning from you is a great happiness. I thank you for your work and your course.

By Jeremy P

Mar 10, 2021

If you're tired of all the toxic positivity and quack advices, try this course backed by hard psychological science and peer-reviewed studies. As in all things, it will require your personal commitment but even a 25 minute commitment to the rewirement each day will make you feel much better.

By Ariel H R

Mar 3, 2021

This course was really helpful. It's the first one I do through a platform and I feel like it's going to do me good all my life. Now I follow Laurie on twitter to stay on the know of all her progress. Thank you for your simplicity, your honesty and the peacefulness you give us in every word.

By Mark H R

Aug 31, 2020

Rather than writing tests, this unusual course asked you to apply the science to make changes to your own life in real time. In a way, this was harder than many course. The material wasn't just an academic exercise anymore. It was real life. I highly recommend it as a learning experience.

By Denise V

Jul 10, 2020

I loved this Class! I have tried to savor things in my life, not knowing that it would increase my overall happiness. I will continue to inform my Friends and Family just how beneficial it can be for your health and welfare to exercise, meditate and concentrate on your signature strengths.

By Dave A

Jul 7, 2020

My first Coursera course just set the bar really high for any that follow. Professor Santos was a knowledgeable and compelling instructor, and I feel so much better equipped with the science and data behind some concepts that I instinctively knew were true, but could not always pinpoint why.

By Ixta J

Jun 9, 2020

This course provides a lot of interesting and practical information about how to increase your happiness based on science. It is one of the most helpful tools I have now in my mind to refer back to when I want to keep growing, learning, and becoming happier as a person. Thank you Dr. Santos!

By Cia L

Jun 4, 2020

Laurie Santos made this a really Interesting and engaging course. The science was exciting and the results from practicing were really mind blowing. This class is really useful both for my own everyday life, but also in my work with clients on how to form new habits and the way to wellbeing.

By Tara D P

May 22, 2018

A happy person by nature, I often feel discontented with life’s imperfections. I also have trouble recognizing why others are happy or unhappy. This course has opened my eyes to the science behind why we think the way we do and what we can do about it to achieve a better sense of well-being.

By Shaketta S

Feb 17, 2023

I have learned new ways to help me with my Well-Being. I want people to know if you try and make new habits they will work only if you allow them too. Yes, it is not easy to start new habits and you have to work on and be honest to yourself, but the outcome is worth the levels of Happiness.

By Heather C

Oct 15, 2021

This course provided great insight in how to improve and enjoy each moment. The course was well balanced with content that was smooth and readings that required thought and reflection. The course was well prepared and organized. I look forward to seeing the instructor in additional courses.