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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra by Imperial College London

12,002 ratings

About the Course

In this course on Linear Algebra we look at what linear algebra is and how it relates to vectors and matrices. Then we look through what vectors and matrices are and how to work with them, including the knotty problem of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and how to use these to solve problems. Finally we look at how to use these to do fun things with datasets - like how to rotate images of faces and how to extract eigenvectors to look at how the Pagerank algorithm works. Since we're aiming at data-driven applications, we'll be implementing some of these ideas in code, not just on pencil and paper. Towards the end of the course, you'll write code blocks and encounter Jupyter notebooks in Python, but don't worry, these will be quite short, focussed on the concepts, and will guide you through if you’ve not coded before. At the end of this course you will have an intuitive understanding of vectors and matrices that will help you bridge the gap into linear algebra problems, and how to apply these concepts to machine learning....

Top reviews


Aug 8, 2021

the instrutors were too good and their explination for the concepts was to the point and it made me realize things in linear algebra I didn't know before although I studied it in school of engineering


Aug 25, 2018

Great way to learn about applied Linear Algebra. Should be fairly easy if you have any background with linear algebra, but looks at concepts through the scope of geometric application, which is fresh.

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2301 - 2325 of 2,380 Reviews for Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra

By Oliver W

Jan 14, 2021

Not a fan of this course unfortunately. They jump straight into examples before going through the formula and whatnot prior. For the most part this is fine as it is all fairly straight forward, but a few times the lectures where hard to follow.

Most annoyingly were the programming assignments. Not explained at all in lectures, and for someone with Jo programming experience it was really frustrating to get my head around

By Vinicius M

Oct 21, 2020

This course isn't for someone who is going with no knowledge of algebra, the examples are superficial and on the quiz they ask for what they didn't teach. I recommend to learn algebra before hand, I took more time to learn in other platforms what they were trying to teach over here learning with them. So go buy an algebra course and then come back here, you will be able to take more advantage of this course.

By Tony J

Jul 21, 2020

Useful insomuch as it highlights the aspects of linear algebra that are key for machine learning. The lectures and exercises help you get the basics, but if you have any questions, don't expect any help from the forum. I would strongly recommend following MIT 18.06 alongside this course to gain a more solid foundation and because the lectures in 18.06 are genuinely enjoyable.

By Saman A

Jan 31, 2020

Too many important elements are skipped in the videos. Either the videos should present the material needed for the quizzes or they should pause and link out to other resources that explain things in useful detail.

The instructors' enthusiasm, while very inspiring, does not compenstate for the fact that material relevant to the quizzes is either glossed over or missing.

By Nicholas C

Aug 23, 2021

Videos are good and some activities are very intuitive.

But every now and then a quiz is thrown in without instructional videos support it, this makes you feel lost and hopeless and there is no teacher support in the discussions to help.

I had been enjoying this course but the lack of basic support really leaves you feeling lost and stupid.

By Benjamin F

Oct 22, 2019

Great instructions. Instructors appear knowledgeable and eager to convey the subject.

Programming exercises are however of very poor quality. Even correct answers are not accepted by the automatic grading system due to its brittle design. Fledgling python programmers run the risk of picking up bad coding habits due to poor code style.

By Mayank C

May 16, 2020

I think that the course is fast-paced and skips building conceptual knowledge. It is understandable that the online course may not be as interactive as classroom programs, in which case, instructors should give some reference to reading material or exercise books to come up to pace with the speed they are flying with in this course


May 15, 2020

please don't keep the programming quiz ,its irrelevant for what we are learning, because many may not have programming knowledge but they may be strong in maths this will restrict them from appearing .

but overall the video classed are awesome.thank you so much for giving us this opportunity.once again thanks a lot.

By Nicholas E

Jun 11, 2020

Not enough explanation. You learn how to do problems but you dont really understand it on a deeper level. I was able to pass the course but I dont think I learned much passed the examples given. Also, I think for the practice quizzes it would be beneficial to show how to get the correct answers.

By Dave D

Apr 20, 2020

Quizes and practice material were either overly repetitive or were not supported by the materials. If the course is based on exercises, then a bit of time should be spent on review of the solutions and methodologies for solving. The forum is fairly disorganized so did not solve this purpose.

By Steven M

Feb 14, 2021

I did not enjoy this course. The videos were good but covered the material very quickly and did not leave you well prepared for the assessments. I found the assessments impossible without a lot of extra study using other materials - if this is intentional it should be made clear.

By Tama H

Jul 18, 2020

1) There are not enough examples on some subjects 2) The instructors explained the theories and intuitive behind it very well, but the exercises are sometimes too difficult 3) Coding exercises are very challenging and I'm not sure what good it could bring to my data science journey

By Hayden R

Sep 3, 2020

This course does a poor job of teaching Linear Algebra, it skims through the topics and gives pretty difficult coding work with poor instruction. This course should only serve as a refresher, do not expect to learn much past the first 3 weeks.

By Niklas Z

Aug 19, 2021

It covers the basics, but frequently does not explain how it arrives at definitions or some steps in derivations. I spent a lot of time filling these gaps for myself using other (free) resources such as math stack exchange or Khan academy.

By Ekaterina E

Jun 5, 2023

Unfortunately I have to unenroll from this specialization. The learning videos are not helpful if you are indeed a beginner and therefore you have to google a lot. So going through this course brought me more frustration than joy.

By Patrick W

May 1, 2021

Not an intro course. Probably a better review course. I spent a lot of time on other web sites to get more background info to be able to do the problem sets. On the plus side, the instructors are very enthusiastic.

By Glenn

May 13, 2021

This course is not suitable for beginners. Topics are touch-and-go, and many LA concepts are assumed of the learner. I had to basically learn the content on YouTube and then come back to complete the assignments.

By Manoj B

Sep 12, 2020

Not a great course. It started alright but really it lost track after two weeks. No references were made to the actual ML applications. This was more like a pointless Matrix knowledge.

By Gurrapu N

Apr 5, 2020

There is hardly any relation between videos and assignments. There should be a way to let the students know the right answers after completing the course to rectify the mistakes.

By Shrinath I

Apr 12, 2020

It was a decent course, but the teachers weren't particularly good. I had to often rely on other resources to figure out what was going on. That kind of ruined it for me.

By Muhammad Z A

Jun 9, 2020

Not a Good Course for Biggner's. Instructor do not have ability to simply topics taught in this course. They were just copy pasting its materiel from other slides.

By kumar s

Sep 7, 2020

Instructor Taught good at the beginning till week 3, but not good after that. very disappointed. Will Never recommend any of my friend or classmate this course.

By Aswini R

Sep 11, 2020

i have not learned python so i am unable to do the assignments... the classes are too good to miss a certificate, but only if i could manage the assignment...

By Mathew S

Jun 23, 2021

Forums are a bit dead. Most helpful (and frequent) answers are a link to khan academy videos explaining the same thing, but better.

By Justina N

Aug 6, 2020

The final module went too fast and skipped over a lot of explanation. this really does under the good parts up to week four.