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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox by Johns Hopkins University

33,858 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the data scientist's toolbox. The course gives an overview of the data, questions, and tools that data analysts and data scientists work with. There are two components to this course. The first is a conceptual introduction to the ideas behind turning data into actionable knowledge. The second is a practical introduction to the tools that will be used in the program like version control, markdown, git, GitHub, R, and RStudio....
Foundational tools

(243 Reviews)

Introductory course

(1056 Reviews)

Top reviews


Sep 7, 2017

It was really insightful, coming from knowing almost nothing about statistics or experimental design, it was easy to understand while not feeling shallow. Just the right amount of information density.


Apr 14, 2020

As a business student from Bangladesh who is aspiring to be a data analyst in near future, I love this course very much. The quizzes and assessments were the places to check how much I exactly learnt.

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201 - 225 of 7,130 Reviews for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

By Ursina R

Sep 16, 2022

It's a useful course to get you started with R, GitHub & Markdown. After the course, I have all the programs installed properly, as well as some helpful resources at hand, so that I can start doing some actual projects. The introduction on data and types of analyses were not new to me, but a good refresher anyway.

By Ващенков В В

Feb 21, 2019

Info is compressed but it is still available for understanding and useful. But I think new students can have some difficulties with git or github, because theres some not so obvious commands like swap branch, commit changes etc...But it is also good for students to learn use Google and look forward for tutorials :)

By Francy G B

Jun 12, 2020

Este curso me permitió explorar algunas de las múltiples herramientas que tiene R y conocer su utilidad en la utilización y/o procesamiento de datos. Además el interés por seguir aprendiendo más sobre el manejo de R, puesto que es una excelente opción, para apoyar el análisis de datos en procesos de investigación.

By Marko N

Dec 1, 2015

The new graphic is really nice and helpful. Even the fact that you can retake the quizzes after 8 hours is really nice. I have noticed that there wasn't any possibility to download pdf files of the lessons (or I didn't see it), the last time I took the course there was this possibility and I found it so helpful.

By Tejaswini P

May 30, 2020

I found this course very interesting. The progression of course from week 1 to week 4 was very well paced. The study material provided in form of notes, powerpoint presentations and videos was adequate for understanding the topics. I would definitely recommend this course for people interested in Data Science.

By Jekabs B

Mar 12, 2020

Well designed course; great for first in sequence. On a couple of parts I had to struggle to figure out how to complete an installation or proper launch of a program, but between the instructor's instruction, classmate's comments, and google searching, all was completed. Thank you for designing a great course!

By Ravi K M

May 27, 2018

This course serves as a introduction for all the remaining 9 courses to come. You will be learning GitHub, R studio and a bit of command line to be familiar with the tools needed for Data Science. I highly recommend this course for anyone interested in Data Science. The professors teach the concepts very well.

By Nedino L C

Apr 18, 2019

I really like your approach on making people who are new in this field understand most of the basic concepts. I've been in software industry for so many years now and the reason why I took this course is because I am planning to include most of your courses on my team enabling program. Many thanks and cheers!

By Nafiseh A

Apr 6, 2021

This course is full of great information and will lead you through the basics of data science in the best way possible. It'll also teach you how to use resources and keep yourself updated with information so that your learning process doesn't just rely on the course but also on your own effort and curiosity.

By José S C S

Apr 20, 2022

Práctico e informativo. Se aprovecha bien el tiempo para configurar todo el entorno de software de R, lo que permite acercarse al programa de una manera menos intimidante cuando eres totalmente un principiante. Además, la sección sobre los tipos de análisis en ciencia de datos me pareció muy esclarecedora.

By Curtis R

Mar 28, 2022

Great foundational course for anyone looking to start from scratch. The lessons are very comprehensive and easy to follow and provide the student with step by step instructions and assignments on how to get set up to use the tools necessary for progressing into the world of Data Science using R and Rstudio.

By Ahmad A

Apr 14, 2020

The course was really easy to navigate through. I like the idea of automated videos since it allows the content to be up to date, but it seems that this was not the case (from the given examples).

Basic principles were also explained relating to data science, big data, types of analyses, and other concepts.

By Cyril R

Mar 8, 2020

The content of course was in depth and ease of understanding step by step. The question at the end of each session was refresher for the learning had in that particular unit. Over all it was an awesome experience and passionate to keep learning new things. All the best Team Coursera for a smooth experience!

By Aaron B

Oct 23, 2019

The main purpose of this course is to get R and RStudio installed on your system, set up a GitHub account, and connect your RStudio program to your Git account. Some time is also spent introducing basic concepts about Data Science. This course is simple in scope, but very valuable and effectively delivered.

By Kunal P

Oct 25, 2019

Learning experience is much better. I like how they don't give you all the answers in lecture which forces you to research/figure things out through lots and lots of practice. Thank you for all these courses and without hard work by these professors/staff this experience wouldn't have been possible online.

By Ulrike H

Mar 25, 2018

The course provides a nice overview over the basic tools of a data scientist. The presented methods of the course are up to date. The course materials are concise. Jeff explains clearly and structured. I like the course and, although I've been working with data science for a while, there was something new.

By Ana M

Jul 30, 2020

This was a great first course. I appreciate the video and having the written version together because I can go over immediately something that I might have missed or not understood well. The entire format of the course is great for learning on-line. And the material is well written and easy to understand.

By Ashja A K

Aug 9, 2020

It was amazing to learn the things from john hopkins , good experience learn alot i will try to practice more and more so that i will never forget what i have learnt this is the starting of my skills i am pretty sure that they will allow me learn each and everything i want to learn reagarding datascience

By Dianne H J

Jan 17, 2018

Course had a LOT of information. Really appreciated the hands on assignments (although it was kind of scary for me to be installing software in "terminal" mode on my Mac from remote servers). The lectures are done so well, full audio/visual and downloadable slides with supplemental links and documents.

By Rahul S

Mar 12, 2017

Course is presented in very lucid manner and give you ample information to learn from scratch. Great course those who don't have any background in data science and willing to learn it. Pedagogy is highly appreciated and assignments are never like fun activities that John Hopkins are crafted for learners.

By Charlotte Y

Feb 15, 2022

I've worked with R before but I never got around to linking my GitHub account and RStudio the way this course pushed me to do. That alone, makes it well worth the effort. Easy to understand and practical. It could have had more content, but given that it's the first in the series, I'm glad it didn't.

By Suki

Nov 14, 2020

Great course for learners who want to step into the world of data science. Lessons covered version control using Git & GitHub and the functions of R and RStudio. Detailed instructions were given on bridging them all together to create the ultimate tool for collaborative data analysis. Loved the course!

By Nethikunta M

Apr 27, 2020

The course was very informative and I admired the way they scheduled and organized the course , it was very easy to understand and moving on with it.

at the initial I thought it was rushing through the content but as i started going on there phase of speed of teaching , I managed to get to there speed.

By Jerbie d l C

Sep 19, 2019

a really nice introduction for data science :) Although the Text to voice was a bit weird at first, I got used to it very soon. It's one of my first online Courses to complete and I really like the format. You can actually complete the course in less than a week if you have the time. Very worth it!

By Oliver G

Feb 11, 2019

Ideal for anyone who has never had any experience in the subject of data science. The course lays a nice foundation of what you need to know for the next courses in the specialisation. I would say it is 60% conceptual, 40% technical, which for me is just the right mix to get started on the subject.