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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Feminism and Social Justice by University of California, Santa Cruz

6,040 ratings

About the Course

"Feminism and Social Justice" is an adaptation of Distinguished Professor Bettina Aptheker's long-running course at UC Santa Cruz. In the course, Professor Aptheker presents a broad definition of feminism that serves to frame three significant events in the history of feminism and social justice: the Empire Zinc strike of 1951, the 1971-1972 trial of Angela Davis, and the #metoo Movement....

Top reviews


Apr 11, 2021

It was a wonderful introduction on the vast studies on Feminism abd Social Justice. It made desire to learn more and to study how feminism as a movement has operated in my country in the last century.


Jul 16, 2021

The course gave me various insights and exposure to feminist and black struggles in the American polity. I could some leads from the lessons which might be useful to work on my future research papers.

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1301 - 1325 of 1,490 Reviews for Feminism and Social Justice

By Kara B


Mar 24, 2022

By Mizna K N [ F E ]


Nov 30, 2020


By Simran S


Jul 8, 2020




Jul 8, 2020


By Ruchi J


May 1, 2023

I recently completed the Coursera course on Feminism and Social Justice and found it to be an incredibly informative and engaging learning experience. The course was taught by highly knowledgeable instructors who provided a thorough overview of feminist theory and its intersection with social justice issues.

One of the things I appreciated about the course was the way in which it explored the diverse perspectives within feminism and the various approaches to achieving social justice. Through a combination of readings, lectures, and discussions, I gained a deeper understanding of the ways in which gender, race, class, sexuality, and other factors intersect to shape experiences of oppression and privilege.

The course also provided a wealth of practical tools and strategies for addressing inequality and promoting social justice, both at the individual and systemic levels. I found the assignments to be challenging yet rewarding, and they provided ample opportunity for reflection and application of the concepts covered in the course.

Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of feminism and social justice. It was an eye-opening and thought-provoking experience that I will carry with me in my personal and professional life.

By Kaia V


Jan 28, 2021

I appreciated the content of the course. Prof. Bettina Aptheker's lectures provided a solid though brief introduction to feminism and social justice with an excellent choice of particular examples with which to view historical intersections of feminism and social justice. The discussion questions were also useful to encourage application of the course content to the personal experience of the participants.

The multiple choice questions, however, sometimes tested outside knowledge which had not been introduced in the lecture, sometimes tested recall of obscure details that were not essential to the course goals, and even one question was phrased with such unclear grammar that it didn't make any sense. Overall, the multiple choice questions seemed to be poorly chosen and gave me a bad impression of Coursera as a learning platform.

By Valeria L V


Mar 23, 2023

Il corso attraverso uno spaccato riguardante la ribalta a potere sociale delle donne, attraverso un paio di eventi significativi e cruciali per ciò. Personalmente lo trovo abbastanza completo (per i temi affrontati circoscritti in questi due specifici eventi) e fruibile. Unica pecca: considerando che chi si approccia a questi corsi è spesso (come me) gente che lavora ed è impossibilitata a seguirli personalmente causa tempo pressoché assente, i contenuti multimediali sono decisamente lunghi (più di 1 ora per video), e si rischia di far fatica nel restare concentrati sull'argomento. Per il resto lo trovo ben fatto, ricco di aneddoti storici e testimonianze varie. Lo consiglio a chi cerca un primo approccio al tema.

By Sara B G


Apr 6, 2021

creo que es interesante conocer algunos casos históricos en los que las mujeres han dejado claro su valor y coraje y cómo la injusticia social ha tenido desde siempre un lugar grande dentro de la sociedad. Sin embargo creo que la profesora es un poco radical y de alguna manera dibuja a los hombres blancos como el enemigo, si bien es cierto minorías éticas dentro de la historia de Estados Unidos han sufrido opresión, esclavitud y desventajas en sus estilo de vida, mucho de eso parte del pasado y no creo que es necesario enfocarnos siempre en el pasado, debería haber lecturas enfocadas mas en los avances que estas comunidades han logrado a través de los años y que han aprendido de la lucha de sus ancestros

By Angela T


Apr 29, 2020

That was amazing! Thanks to professor Bettina Aptheker, I've learnt a lot. For exemple, I didn't know of the Empire Zinc strike, and I knew about the #metoo movement, but only from a mediatic point of view. The jurisdictional history of rape and the social reaction to the various cases that the professor mentioned were very interesting and helped me to compare the US situation with the Italian one. Finally, I loved the lecture about Angela Davis, even though I already knew about her and her experience. Bettina Aptheker's point of view on the intersectional feminism, together with her consideration on the concept of power, is very inspiring and it's the kind of feminism I'd like to fight for.

By Victoria S


Dec 4, 2021

I found the course to have value and discovered elements of the issues with which I had not been familiar. It would be prudent to update some of the information with regard to events which have taken place since the #metoo movement, the testimony of Professor Christine Blasey Ford during her grilling regarding Kavanaugh. How has the election of Kamala Harris as the first female VP and woman of color to hold an office of that magnitude in the US and the numbers of women who are now in congress helped to empower women and encouraged them to be a greater collective force?

By Kimhong H


May 15, 2021

A clearly articulated introduction to the symbiotic relationship between a philosophy of feminism, social justice and thereby social action as a critique of social constructs. The course helped me to understand that feminism is less a militant and contentious social movement as much as a social movement to value all humanity and to expose how social constructs may gender social injustice. The course left me wondering how the histories and social contexts of global realities outside that of just North America may enrich the conversation in this course.

By Fatima A


Feb 23, 2021

My interest in studying feminism has definitely increased because social Justice is all about being in the public space, and that is one such space where women are not actively seen or being a part of. I am a student of history and for me, it has always been important to dig a little deeper to understand the role of women in the historical events taught in colleges. I have realised that one has to research and read a little extra to understand the role of women in world events, like everything else it will take time but it's all worth it.



Mar 7, 2022

Should really be a 5 star rating, I'm just sad the course ended so soon. Bettina Aptheker has a gift as a lecturer. She explains with ease difficult concepts in a plain language that allows for total absorbtion and comprehension. She really is a star. I'd give a fifth star to hear from other activists like Angela Davis, or even a contemporary soldier of justice. Maybe hear about 'White feminism' cons and alternatives, and I'd like to know who's door I need to kick in to bring about justice!

By Asma R


Mar 16, 2020

This course offers such a multidimensional view of social movements and the role of feminism. It's just like an interwoven network.

I just wanted to gain more insight with regards to the MeToo Movement, but that's maybe because it is too recent and more events are yet to come!

Thank you for offering me the opportunity to learn and get more knowledgeable with regards to such inspiring movements. I just realized that my voice matters and that our voices can make the change, whatsoever!

By Dhwani


May 21, 2020

The course was very interesting, extremely informative as it covered an intersectional feminist perspective. I especially enjoyed the movie and the lecture on Angela Davis' case as the professor was involved in it personally.

However, I would have preferred if the course had more lectures on more topics, it did cover the history of people from the Mexican heritage, the dynamics of race and class. I still feel that more topics could have been covered under different lectures.

By Karolina G


Jun 14, 2020

The course was a very interesting introduction to the topic of Feminism and Social Justice. It has successfully shown how these two aspects are intertwined. Moreover, it covered a wide period of time, showing the changes which have occurred and how they have influenced other events. I have learnt a lot from this course, while enjoying it at the same time. On a side note, Bettina has a very soft-sounding voice and manner of speech, which makes the videos enjoyable to watch.

By B K


Aug 11, 2020

It's really a great privilege to have someone who was involved in some pivotal moments for feminism as a lecturer. It's also great to see that see has not lost her passion for these topics or her sense of fun! The intersectionality of feminism was highlighted, and the possibility of positively affecting the lives of many people, not just women, when women are accorded a more of an equal place in society. The struggle continues!



Aug 14, 2019

A great experience of learning the history and movements about Feminism and social justice. Professor Aptheker makes this course amazing. She quotes the original saying of the people who once in the movements, and just state the history and cases, making all the student could think their own thoughts about it, but not just get her opinions. I hope this kind of course will be opened and accepted in my country.

By Avak A


Sep 16, 2022

In my opinion, there are too many pieces of US history in this course, which is not very convenient for students from other countries. This is a historical course. The course should have been called "From the history of social justice." Unfortunately, I saw very little about feminism and social justice as such. However, the course is quite interesting and I was pleased to listen to the lecturer. Thank you.

By Beata E K


Aug 11, 2020

I loved this course. Bettina is a very inspirational woman and hearing her talk about all these groundbreaking moments in women's history while she took part in them personally was truly educative for me. What was missing, in my opinion, was to present a broader context of the particular parts of this course. Each component was highly detailed, however, all together they weren't spanned.

By Gustavo A C A


Aug 17, 2020

It's an excellent introduction to the intersectionality of feminism and its social function. I would prefer the quizzes to be a little more insightful, as some questions don't call for reflection, but on repetition, but I suppose as an introduction to, well, feminism and social justice, it really achieves its purpose. The professor is also really interesting and makes excellent points.

By Ana V M


Aug 11, 2023

Curso interesante sobre el feminismo y el concepto de justicia social, sería interesante desarrollar algo similar desde una perspectiva latinoamerica, medio orienta y/o asiatica. Permite reflexionar sobre diferentes elementos y cómo el feminismo ha permitido un cambio en la vida de las mujeres a lo largo de la historia, haciendo hincapié en que aún queda mucho camino por recorrer.

By Xinyue Z


Apr 21, 2019

A very brief introduction to feminism history, not a good option if you want a detailed and broad study. I was actually sort of interested in why feminism has become stigmatized in some way but didn't get an answer. Nevertheless it was a great course and helped me a lot to learn some key historical events of feminism and see how women have struggled to obtain today's achievement.

By Younes O


Nov 24, 2019

first of all, thank you for the effort you have put into this course to make it accessible to us. It was an insightful learning experience; I managed to see how feminism started as a local fight for the basics of living and has grown into an international battle for women's rights regardless of their class, race and religion.

I am looking forward to the next learning experience

By Gustavo S d S


Jul 19, 2020

The course brings us clear aspects about Feminism and Social Justice, with historical context and practical examples of cases, judgements and movements that happened in the last and current centuries. It is well-detailed, but the pace can be a little bit slow sometimes. The quizz assignments could be more elaborated and test different knowledges. But a great course overall.