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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User by Google

27,433 ratings

About the Course

In this course -- through a combination of video lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice -- you’ll learn about the main components of an operating system and how to perform critical tasks like managing software and users, and configuring hardware. By the end of this course you’ll be able to: ● navigate the Windows and Linux filesystems using a graphical user interface and command line interpreter ● set up users, groups, and permissions for account access ● install, configure, and remove software on the Windows and Linux operating systems ● configure disk partitions and filesystems ● understand how system processes work and how to manage them ● work with system logs and remote connection tools ● utilize operating system knowledge to troubleshoot common issues in an IT Support Specialist role...

Top reviews


May 23, 2020

A wonderful course of prevention that I learned a lot from,

Using commands with Windows and Linux

How to deploy and install operating systems through the network and Alot



Jun 21, 2019

Great course, lots of very challenging and useful information. You'll learn about Linux and some of the inner workings of Windows, plus lots of tools and programs that are really useful. Great course!

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26 - 50 of 5,313 Reviews for Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User

By John G

Jan 23, 2021

I couldn't give it 5 stars. One reason is because of the "instructor". It was clear she was reading from a script, and she wasn't very good at it. The second thing is that sometimes she used commands, but didn't explain them. She didn't know how to type, so she had to redo things a number of times. This is an IT expert? Finally, until the final "Test", you didn't really have to know anything about Linux or the CLI/PowerShell. To past the end of the Week "Tests", you just followed line by line what was written. That didn't show that I learned anything, only that I knew how to follow instructions. As for the content, there is a lot of good information, especially for beginners. I think anyone really interested in an IT Support Specialist job will have a good introduction to the concepts...but will certainly not know how to execute many things on their own.

By Jose M V M

Feb 25, 2019

This is one of the worst courses I have ever taken. And it's not bad due to the classes or topics or even due to being a hard course, but because they have chosen to use the WORST grading tools. They almost never work and when they work (not often) you are not even properly graded, missing half the score and other problems like that. This means that you are forced to get on the tool again and pray for it to work (it won't) and hope you can finally get the right grade.

By Ahmad S

Jun 18, 2018

1) I had a horrible time accessing the qwiklabs. Then when I finally pass them and received emails confirming my achievement. I go back to course outline and Coursera said I did not complete yet.2) Instructions/lessons learning the different commands on three different platforms was very quick and in my opinion does not allow the audience to fully digest material and develop individual skills sets.

By Bogusia K

Jul 8, 2020

Just 2 stars - didnt think it was a good idea to mix windows and linux together - didnt do any favours to me . Didnt connect with the teacher and struggled to take in all information . Boring !Not enough practical - qwick lab good but not enough time .

By Nicholas L S

Sep 8, 2021

Course is super dry and boring. When it comes to the practical tests at the end, the instructions are unclear and outright wrong in some cases. Had to submit half-done assignments because either the linux/windows virtual machine was not

By michael m

Sep 24, 2018

The labs are ridiculous! The one for Linux is the worst! I had to do it multiple times and even though I completed all of the requested steps, I only received 80%. I will not recommend this course anybody because of the labs.

By Jerry A

Feb 10, 2020

no stars. all the labs following the guide , is it all correctly but the progress mark it never works, it keep it showing zero marks. Waste of time as I don't get the certificate course as I completed it.

By Noel W J

Sep 2, 2019

The Course was excellent. I have learned so much about Directories users administrators and groups, Packages and Dependencies, File Systems Types, Managing Process and remote Access. All these topics has given me an incites on how to work effectively with the Operating System. I am looking forward to learning so much more on the next course i can't wait. The instructors were awesome in teaching the course. They make it very simple and easy to understand. It's been a great experience. Thank you.

Noel Jhagroo

By Theo R

Jan 5, 2020

I'd give 4.5 stars if possible, Google provides a comprehensible course on the basics of OSs through theory, practical examples and labs. The last lab is awesome, the rest of the labs are perhaps too easy. The instructor was very knowledgeable and encouraging and the videos have very good quality. The Coursera platform is awesome.. better than going to a class - as you can't mute your colleagues or ask your teacher to wait while you make yourself a tortilla..

By Carlos A

Sep 13, 2021

The teacher should explain things better. The commands are written to fast. The lessons need to be consolidated with all the windows lessons in one video and the linux ones in another instead of being alternatively divided.

By Sue G

Dec 22, 2020

too many sessions for each week....teacher was packing too much of information in each lesson.

She should organize her lessons into two distinct category: windows OS & Linux.

Overall, It was a great course with a lot of important information.


Nov 28, 2021

Great course, lots of very challenging and useful information. You'll learn about Linux and some of the inner workings of Windows, plus lots of tools and programs that are really useful. Great course!

By Mai F

Apr 14, 2020

the course was very good and amazing, and the instructor was awesome.

However the linux part was somewhat difficult

By Andy B

Aug 19, 2020

This course covered lots of information. However, it would be nice if the labs And graded assessments were somewhat interactive. What I mean is that it should ask students to complete some tasks based on the topic covered and not show them exactly how to do it. But, if they get stuck stuck they can click on the hint button or something to help they move forward. I feel that this course is defini Very important and sometimes Cindy was going through super fast with commands she was typing. Lastly, if students are using Putty for Qwiklabs, then all of the course material should be shown in that instead of in Linux GUI.

By Alexandria S

Aug 30, 2020

I had trouble with the last two quizzes and now I can't go back to take them because I exceeded the times for taking the test. Now I can't get all 5 certificates for taking all the courses the only thing I didn't pass were two quizzes which I didn't understand and I needed help with them and couldn't get any help.

By Valentin C

Jan 12, 2022

These courses feel incomplete. The information just feels like random info dumps. They don't spend enough time on areas that seem important and even skip over topics and areas that seem vital to building a solid foundation in IT. I can't pinpoint why but the teaching style doesn't help the info to stick very well. I don't feel they use enough real world scenarios to help explain the tools we are learning. It seems they very rarely show how something is used in a real world setting. It is usually just glossed over. This is not a good course for trying to truly getting a grasp of these concepts. I am taking a linux/bash course on Udemy and it makes this feel very cheap. Not sure who the target student is here. They hold your hand through most of the quizzes but don't spend enough time getting you into a Power User. Most of the valuable info is handed off to Supplemental Readings (aka wikipedia/google searches). I don't know, all of these google courses just seem lazy. I could only recommend them for people who are just using this to brush up on topics to prepare for other courses or bootcamps.

By Katlin S

Oct 4, 2018

Qwiklabs won't let me pass this course.

By Thiago F N

Jan 2, 2020

Horrible, this course apart from Linux is pretty bad. Unlike the others the instructor doesn't seem to be interested in teaching and the exercises are so vague and simple, not challenging at all.

By Madhusudan B

May 18, 2020

i never used power-shell before, i always thought that only Linux is good for cli and windows should be only used with graphical user interface, but i never knew that even windows too provides such a powerful cli,

as a Linux user i'm mostly interested in cli, but after taking this course i feel that i can even work with windows power-shell too.

By Balminder S D

Sep 22, 2020

Quite challenging especially the External Graded Assignments for Windows (the icacles syntax, very new compared to the older and simpler DOS commands) and how toread the logs for errors. The VLC update only worked after using the "apt --fix-broken install" command.

By Francisco L M

Oct 3, 2021

I really loved going through the content on this course, I learnt how to navigate the windows OS, to explore its features. I always wanted to learn Linux, and this course gave me a first deep dive in the world of Linux. In short I loved it

By O'rinboyev J K

Nov 8, 2020

Juda ajoyib kurs! Kursda operatsion tizimlar bilan ishlash uchun juda keng ko'nikmalar mavjud. Bu kurs mening hayotimda katta o'sish bo'ldi! Google kompaniyasiga ushbu kurs uchun kata rahmat aytaman. Cindy uchun esa alohida RAHMAT!!! :-)

By Belen

Apr 3, 2020

It is a very thorough and comprehensive course. It does have a lot of supplemental readings that may be out of date because it is 3 years old. Some of the commands are for Windows 8, not Windows 10.

By S. T

Jan 4, 2021

The course is great. I leaned a lot about OS specially about Linux Ubuntu and Windows PowerShell.

By Dwight C

Mar 20, 2019

I have renewed some of the skills I knew plus added a lot of skills I din't have