Mar 16, 2021
Great help in continuing my education on the French language. It's also very useful in learning how to navigate some of the things you may encounter as a foreign student arriving in France. :)
Jan 23, 2022
Highly recommended not only to students but to everyone who want to refresh or improve your skills. Top lectors, great content that nicely arranged. Very professionally delivered course.
By Ana K R L
•Jun 30, 2020
Ce cours m'a permis de découvrir la vie en France et dans le monde francophone à travers ses cultures, ses littératures, ses films, ses journaux télévisées et sa langue et de comprendre le système d'enseignement supérieur français pour entreprendre le voyage vers ma certification linguistique.
By Siu Y S J
•Jul 30, 2020
Very useful course for French learners with some basic to advance the language. However, the course material can be a little challenging with some lengthy passages and advanced grammar. That said, the method of testing ensures fair grading so that those who are not too advanced can also excel
By Gonzalo R V O
•Nov 8, 2020
Es un curso muy completo, con toda la exigencia de la línea francesa. En mi experiencia de aprendizaje pasado del idioma francés durante 6 años en L´Alliance Française de Saint Exupery de Santiago de Chile, ha sido muy gratificante reencontrarme con la metodología que buscaba.
By Jaime G
•Nov 8, 2019
Really great course to strengthen your french level and aid you to get a solid B2, combining it with additional resources. Interesting lectures, diversity, depth, and very well organized, providing not only french training but also valuable information about France and le monde francophone.
By Cheryl F
•Sep 28, 2018
If you've studied French in school, and suddenly need to be able to actually function in a Francophone country, this course is for you. It's just the right combination of academic rigor and fun, interesting, immersive exercises. It is well-paced, challenging and thoughtfully put together.
By Gabriel A N R
•Jun 13, 2020
Un curso muy bueno, bastante didáctico que se enfoca en que aprendas de todo un poco, te cuenta sobre Francia, te enseña palabras nuevas, te explica cómo es vivir en Francia. Y por supuesto que te enseña el idioma tanto de manera oral, escrita, leída, en vocabulario, gramática y ortografía
By Kiah C D
•Jun 9, 2020
Great course, well structured so that you were building on elements learned from previous weeks. All tasks were the correct difficulty for an intermediate (B1-2) level speaker. Good variety in activities that covered all major aspects of learning the language i.e. speaking, listening etc.)
By Subroto K
•Dec 4, 2020
Apprendre le francais avec est ma nouvel experience ce que je n'oublierai jamais.
Merci beaucoup.
This course is well-organized and effective to learn French in the mentioned level. I am grateful to Coursera and Dhaka University for giving me a chance to complete this course.
By Zhang J
•Apr 5, 2020
Tout d'abord, merci à tous de m'avoir fourni un excellent cours, j'ai fait des progrès remarquables et je me suis intéressé de plus en plus à la culture et à l'apprentissage des langues françaises grâce à ce cours. aidez-moi à m'adapter à ma nouvelle vie en France plus tard, remerci !!!
By Jean P C V
•Jun 15, 2021
Es un buen curso para continuar con el aprendizaje del idioma se practica todas las competencias que se evalúan en un examen de certificación del idioma, las temáticas del MOOC son variadas e interesantes, además se pueden conocer algunas cosas del proceso para ir a estudiar a Francia.
By Rachmadi A P
•Sep 11, 2023
Ce cours est compréhensible et il y a des matériels et diapositives qui est préparer pour étudier en France. Les professeurs expliquent parfaitement les niveaux B1-B2 et vous trouverez les vocabulaires qui s’identifient aux écoles, aux universitaires, et à s’adapter la vie en France.
•Jun 11, 2019
Un curso sin duda recomendable, bastante ameno y completo. Sin representar una gran dificultad, las actividades resultan un excelente ejercicio para quienes nos encontramos en el aprendizaje de esta lengua. No es tan fácil encontrar de manera tan accesible cursos en línea como este.
By Silvia C
•May 10, 2020
Ce cours a été très utile non seulement pour approfondir la connaissance de la langue française, mais aussi pour comprendre les différentes traditions de la France.
J’ai trouvé beaucoup d’informations utiles sur le système universitaire et la bureaucratie.Je le recommande vivement !
By Steve E
•Feb 17, 2023
Excellent course material and presentation. I particularly liked the film extracts and other video recordings. My French was a bit rusty after many years away from France. But, this course enabled me to renew my knowledge and French and to learn more about contemporary France.
By José A R C
•Aug 15, 2018
Les professeurs, le programme (le contenu audiovisuel, les leçons, les activités, les quiz, les devoirs) et les ressources du cours sont tous efficaces, intéressants et divertissants. Pour moi, il a été une expérience unique et très profitable. Je le recommande sans aucun doute !
By Gökhan K
•Aug 8, 2021
The course has been prepared very wisely and sophisticatedly. It doesn't make you feel bored and incompetent to learn French language even though it's pretty complicated and takes a long time to comprehend. Perfect and really important service. Thanks for your endless effort ...
By Valentina O
•Jun 25, 2020
Considero que es un curso muy completo pues abarca muchos temas tanto de vocabulario, gramática, pronunciación .. etc. Sin embargo me hubiera gustado tener un poco más de teoría con respecto a los temas de conjugación más que todo para facilitar la realización de los ejercicios.
•Dec 12, 2020
Je suis très reconnaissant aux organisateurs de ces cours pour le contenu intéressant et l'opportunité d'améliorer nos résultats - cela signifie que nous apprenons le français encore plus solidement.
Merci beaucoup!
Je vous souhaite de nouveaux projets et de nouveaux succès!
By Mónica S M E
•Oct 6, 2020
It was a good course to continue practicing French language. Vocabulary, lectures and videos demanded my attention and daily work to accomplish the tasks, so that I created a daily a weekly program to finish it, which it is good to give the proper importance to the studies.
By Louise B
•May 28, 2020
The course is excellent; well structured, well paced, varied and interesting. i feel my understanding and knowledge of French has improved considerably. I would like to have had the opportunity to speak French with others but I don't know how this could be achieved online.
By Noor G
•May 17, 2020
Really nice course! You will learn a lot when you take this course. I really enjoyed it. The touchers explain everything very well. I loved that the entire course was in French, it threw me off at first glance but in the end that really completed the experience. Thank you!
By Patricia V
•Dec 25, 2018
Even though my French is A2 all the content of the first week was really complete, they cover all the aspects of the French Language and I can't wait to finish the course and be able to, at the end, understand its written, oral and spoken dialect. Thanks for this course.
By Adrian G
•May 11, 2020
It's a perfect course to improve your French skills. The professors are amazing, and the explanation is pretty accurate for everything. Furthermore, all the resources are pretty helpful and you never get bored, this is pretty useful in an online course. Félicitations!!!
By Ahmed S A M
•Apr 22, 2022
J'ai vraiment beaucoup appris et fait connaissance avec la France et la vie en France. J'ai aussi beaucoup appris des coutumes et traditions des Français. Ce sont des leçons vraiment intéressantes. Je remercie tout le personnel et les formateurs, ils sont formidables.
By Oksana L
•Dec 23, 2020
Le cours est bien structuré.
Il y avait une explication détaillée sur imparfait et passé composé mais une explication très court sur subjunctive et conditionnel cependant ces sujets sont plus difficiles. Premier compréhension oral était la plus complique de tout cours.