How to Succeed in a Panel Interview

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

Learn how to excel in a panel interview with tips on preparation, common questions, and strategies to showcase your qualifications to multiple interviewers.

[Featured Image]: A woman takes notes and confidently speaks with five people after learning how to succeed in a panel interview.

What is a panel interview?

In a panel interview, two or more people interview you simultaneously. Panel members can include potential supervisors, managers, team members, HR specialists, and other decision-makers within a company. 

Panel interviews are common in many industries, including higher education, healthcare and medicine, government, and the corporate world, especially for a senior position with many demands and responsibilities. Employers typically use panel interviews for several reasons:

  • Multiple decision-makers can meet you at once, which saves time in the hiring process.

  • Decision makers can form their own impressions of you rather than getting secondhand information from a single interviewer.

  • Employers can observe how well you can engage everyone in the room and handle stressful situations. 

While the idea of facing more than one interviewer at once can feel nerve-wracking, you may find it helpful to consider some of the advantages of this interview format. For example, by meeting with a whole panel, you can potentially consolidate multiple rounds of interviews into a single experience. You can also gather multiple perspectives on the position you’re applying for. In addition, you can observe the interactions among panel members and get a sense of the company culture.   

A panel interview is one of several types of interviews you might encounter during your job search. Here are some others:

This video covers different types of interviews, including phone and video interviews, one-on-one interviews, panel interviews, and group interviews.

How to prepare for a panel interview 

To prepare for the experience, contact the employer and gather as much information as possible about the upcoming panel interview. Take notes on the following:

  • What are the names and roles of everyone who will be on the panel? 

  • What can you learn about each panel member through social media or the company’s website?

  • How might you address each member’s concerns during the interview?  

  • Where will the panel interview take place?

  • What topics will you cover in the group conversation? 

  • How will the interview be structured?  

  • What will you need to bring, such as extra copies of your resume and work samples?

  • Will you be presenting or performing a job-related task during the interview? 

Next, prepare for a panel interview, like a one-on-one interview. Research the company and reflect on how your qualifications match the ideal candidate. Anticipate questions the team may ask you and explore ways you can answer them. Practice using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to formulate compelling stories about your prior experience. Prepare a list of questions to ask panel members so that you can gather the information you need to make a career decision and demonstrate your interest in the position. 

Then, use your research and notes to prepare your presentation or job-related task. That way, you can tailor your material to the company’s mission and the position's requirements while leveraging your strengths. 

Rehearse your presentation in front of friends or family and implement their feedback. 

What questions do teams ask in a panel interview?

The questions asked in a panel interview are usually similar to those in a one-on-one interview. One major difference is that multiple people will ask you questions rather than just one. This could include behavioural questions like, “What’s a challenge you’ve faced, and how did you come up with a solution?” or questions about your professional demeanour like, “How would your colleagues describe you?” 

Research common interview questions in your career field to prepare for the kinds of questions you may hear. For example, in an interview for a project manager position, you may be asked, “How would you create an environment of collaboration on your team?”


Panel interviews: Tips for success

After completing the practical interview preparation steps, your next effort should be to master a panel interview's emotional and interpersonal aspects. That way, you can clearly and confidently present your qualifications to the entire panel.

 The following tips can help you effectively manage the dynamics of a panel interview: 

1. Acknowledge your emotions.

In the moments before the interview, acknowledge any nervousness about facing a group of decision-makers. This feeling is natural, even if you are confident about your qualifications and excited about the position you’re applying for. You might find it useful to do some deep breathing exercises or give your interview materials a final glance. 

2. Remember, this is your career decision, too.

Set an intention of making the right career decision for you, just as panel members want to find the right candidate. While presenting your qualifications, delivering a presentation, or performing a task, look for opportunities to ask your prepared questions. 

3. Make eye contact with each panel member.

After introducing yourself to each panel member, remember to make eye contact and speak clearly and deliberately. Give all decision-makers on the panel equal amounts of attention, even if one of the panel members acts as a facilitator. 

4. Set the pace for the entire conversation. 

Pause after each question and consider how you’d like to answer it. Listen carefully to all panel members, and take notes of everything that will help you make the best career decision. Ask for clarification when needed. Take your time delivering answers. 

5. Prepare to follow up.

Before you leave, obtain the contact information of each panel member and thank everyone for their time and interest.

Prepare for your interview with Coursera.

A panel interview involves multiple interviewers, such as supervisors, managers, team members, and HR specialists, assessing a candidate simultaneously, which helps streamline the hiring process and gather diverse perspectives. To prepare, research the panel members, anticipate potential questions, practice your responses, and focus on engaging each interviewer to demonstrate your qualifications effectively.

As you continue along your career path, continue practising your interviewing skills with a course like Advanced Interviewing Techniques. Get access to these and some 7,000 other courses from top universities and companies with a subscription to Coursera Plus.

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