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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2 by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)

10 ratings

About the Course

An appreciation of thermodynamics is required to become a chemical and biomolecular engineer. Thermodynamics can assess the viability of a process and is one of the curriculum's most essential topics. The principles are utilized in following engineering courses (kinetics, mass transfer, design, materials) and are applicable to numerous engineering disciplines. The increased emphasis on energy usage and transformation as a result of rising demand, diminishing supply, and global warming necessitates that the engineers who will tackle these issues have a firm grasp of thermodynamics. The first and second laws will be studied in this course. Non-ideal features of single-component and multicomponent systems will be emphasized. A substantial portion of the course is devoted to solution thermodynamics, which is crucial for separations (e.g., distillation, extraction, membranes), and chemical equilibrium, which is crucial for reaction engineering. "A theory is more striking when its premises are simpler, when it relates more diverse types of things, and when its scope of applicability is broader. Consequently, the profound impact that classical thermodynamics had on me. It is the only physical theory with universal content that I am confident, within the range of its applicability, will never be overthrown." — Albert Einstein...
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1 - 3 of 3 Reviews for Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2

By Mohana

May 24, 2024

This is a very good course... Talked about very detailed on VLE and how VLE parameters like fugacity,Activity coefficient(From Ge/RT are derived) differ from ideal raults law. Briefly Touched up on Empirical Models and Semi Theoretical Model( Which are based on Local Composition). I enjoyed this course and recommend this course who want to learn in VLE in detail. Also talked about the five classes of interactions and the combinations of classes which we generally encounter in mixtures in industry, which is based on Hydrogen bonding dependency.

By ck1100222林思廷

Apr 10, 2024

It really helps me a lot

By ephrem p

Aug 14, 2023
