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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot by Wesleyan University

4,765 ratings

About the Course

In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to perhaps the most elemental and often the most challenging element of story: plot. We will learn what keeps it moving, how it manipulates our feelings, expectations, and desires. We will examine the choices storytellers make to snag our imaginations, drag them into a fictional world, and keep them there. We will learn how to outline and structure a plot, discuss narrative arc, pacing and reversals and reveal the inevitable surprise: connecting the beginning, middle and end....

Top reviews


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Course is great, very clear and focused tips to improve one's writing. The peer-review is not that good and there is no instructor's evaluation and feedback. I understand that would be a lot of work.


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I have always been an avid reader. I took this class to familiarize myself with the techniques behind plot development. I would highly recommend this course, and the creative writing specialization.

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1226 - 1250 of 1,607 Reviews for Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot

By Michelle H


Oct 11, 2018


By leticia g


Nov 8, 2023


By Rubens L d S


Jul 24, 2023


By Pham G K ( H


Sep 21, 2022


By eniola o


Jan 27, 2022


By Kaneria j R b


May 17, 2020


By mohamed m


May 12, 2020


By Ryheb Y


Apr 12, 2018




Jul 19, 2023


By 涂志远


Jan 28, 2023


By Deleted A


May 22, 2021


By trangdthsa140215


Apr 5, 2021


By wisdom f


Oct 10, 2020


By Favour O


Oct 10, 2020


By Aniketh D


Jun 18, 2020


By Nay W L


May 8, 2020


By Sameer


Oct 5, 2018


By David W


Oct 14, 2022


By Sara R


Oct 12, 2022

By Renz M


Jun 26, 2021

By LanNTHSS150024


Jun 5, 2021

By Javairia N


Sep 13, 2020


By Henry W


Aug 23, 2017


By Anais D


Sep 20, 2021

Me gustó el curso. Si te lo tomas en serio puede ser muy enriquecedor y gratificante. Uno de sus puntos más fuertes, me temo que, también, es aquel en que más flaquea. El poder tener una retroalimentación por parte de los pares del curso es muy enriquecedor, tanto para la persona que la recibe como para la persona que la hace. A mí, personalmente, me motivó mucho saber que había gente leyendo mis cuentos, que tenían opiniones sobre mis personajes y que podían reportarme si habían disfrutado o no la lectura. En consecuencia, fui mejorando la calidad de mis escritos en cada entrega, ya no solo preocupándome de que tuvieran la estructura básica, que el curso pedía como requisito, sino también en hacer algo que lograra suscitar alguna emoción en mis lectores.

El punto débil de esta dinámica es que algunas de las opiniones recibidas son realmente mediocres. Incluso en mi última tarea, que para mí fue la más importante, recibí retroalimentación de una persona que simplemente colocó "Yes" en todas las casillas. Para las personas que tienen la mala suerte de recibir estos comentarios, significa una experiencia muy frustrante después de haberle dedicado tiempo y empeño a su trabajo. No sé si la solución a este problema tendría que ver con fiscalizar las retroalimentaciones o alguna implementación de otro orden, pero, hasta que se solucione, es sin duda el aspecto más decepcionante del curso.

Aún así rescato la oportunidad que entrega Wesleyan University con este curso. La información es entregada de manera muy clara y precisa, y, en general, es un gusto para cualquier escritor encontrar un espacio de tan fácil acceso para seguir aprendiendo sobre este bello arte.

By Swagata M


Jun 14, 2021

The course content is excellent, so is the instructor. As a beginner, I learnt too many things from this course about the craft of creative writing. From the ideas of plot, character and storylines, it successfully explains to its learners the proper ways to create a scene, constructing reliable characters and finally developing the story by concocting successive scenes. The assignments are so intelligently crafted that they help the learner accomplish all the goals promised by the course.

The only reason I am giving it 4 stars is the quite unsatisfactory experience of having my assignments reviewed by peers. After working hard on an assignment, it feels quite unfair when a peer gives a point with one-word answers or often without stating any review/feedback/comments explaining how my writing was. The system of peer-reviewed assignments itself needs to be reviewed by Coursera authorities. The best option would be the instructors themselves giving reviews. An alternative could be Coursera appointing a separate panel/group of reviewers able and accomplished in the field. Without honest and effective reviews, learning always remains incomplete.

Otherwise, the course gives excellent motivation and training in the craft of creating writing.