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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data Structures by University of California San Diego

5,386 ratings

About the Course

A good algorithm usually comes together with a set of good data structures that allow the algorithm to manipulate the data efficiently. In this online course, we consider the common data structures that are used in various computational problems. You will learn how these data structures are implemented in different programming languages and will practice implementing them in our programming assignments. This will help you to understand what is going on inside a particular built-in implementation of a data structure and what to expect from it. You will also learn typical use cases for these data structures. A few examples of questions that we are going to cover in this class are the following: 1. What is a good strategy of resizing a dynamic array? 2. How priority queues are implemented in C++, Java, and Python? 3. How to implement a hash table so that the amortized running time of all operations is O(1) on average? 4. What are good strategies to keep a binary tree balanced? You will also learn how services like Dropbox manage to upload some large files instantly and to save a lot of storage space!...

Top reviews


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Great course, tests you on a wide spectrum of difficulty. The assignments are crafted to help students learn gradually and build their confidence over Data Structure concepts efficiently.


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The lectures and the reading material were great. The assignments are challenging and require thought before attempting. The forums were really useful when I got stuck with the assignments

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676 - 700 of 908 Reviews for Data Structures

By Luis M V F

Feb 18, 2020

This course is challenging, and it is very informative. It would be great if it has smaller problems in which one can implement the data structures discussed in the lectures. In general the course is well explained, but the guy who explains about hash tables needs to provide further explanations or resources.

By Martin T

Jan 10, 2017

The quality of the course is very high. However I give a slightly lower rating than for the Class 1 from the specialization. The assignments seemed little unbalanced this time - some were very easy while other were very hard (I passed one after loading a special package to manipulate data or recursion limit).

By Lewis B

Dec 3, 2019

Some of the exercise files were too time consuming to debug. In general, I would also prefer more rigour in the mathematics, but I am a maths student so probably have a less than common view on this matter. Overall though, this is a very good course, I found myself enjoying hashing and trees units the most.

By Abhinav A

Sep 27, 2023

All the data structures and algorithms involved in them were taught very well. I found the weeks involving AVL trees (particularly the rotation part) and splay trees kind of difficult to understand as the rotation for balancing the tree wasn't explained very well. Rest all was top notch.


Jul 9, 2020

While the learning material is excellent, on par on that of course 1, I think that coding assignments are really tough, maybe too much so. Even the very first assignment of every week, usually at warm-up level- has been very complicated. Something more gradual would have been nice.

By Moaaz

Jul 15, 2019

The course is well structured and smooth. The content is rich and really covers the important stuff in data structures.

However, still, the problems come from the interface and the grading system, please Coursera you can do better than this in the discussion forum and the grader.

By David F

Feb 20, 2017

Another good course, though the last two weeks were a lot harder to follow than the prior ones. Not because the material was that much harder, but the lectures and homeworks were less clear (a lot of descriptions of how to do various operations without explaining why).

By Orkun M

May 12, 2021

I liked the course overall. It helped me a lot, and I saw the positive effects in a short period of time. But please change the hashmap course with something else. It was pain to watch since the instructor just read some theoretical stuff from the slides. Thanks.

By Chirantan S

Jun 14, 2019

This course is very good for those who are trying to learn Data structure. well you have to have some basic knowledge of the programming languages like python, c++, java for the programming assignments.

Very good course for intermediate level. Thank you so much!


Jan 22, 2022

First I want to mention I didn't waste my time with this course.

This course help me a lot to clear my doubts and also learned modern applications, concept of DS in various fields as well throughout this course.

I appreciate help from Mentors and Coursera too.

By Rasoul A

Aug 15, 2019

It is a very useful course .

I had some problems with implementing the concepts as codes , I think the assignments have to be more easy to code without losing the main idea of them.

I am so happy and thankful for every teacher , they were all amazing :)

By Sergiy Z

Sep 29, 2016

First 3 weeks were great (as in first course of specialization), but material in last two weeks was very hard to understand. Feels some mess in explanations compared to other part of the course. Maybe its because of difficulty of the last weeks topics.

By Tang

Jul 30, 2017

Generally good, Russian lectures's pseudo-code is kind of giving me a hard time, guess I'm just not used to that style of notation, content of week 6 rises a bit steep, people might have hard time keeping up. Problem set was good though.

By Hai H

Feb 28, 2021

It's very fun to learn, and the explanations are very clear. But there are some parts that the explanations are still not very clear and I had to rewatch it multiple times to understand it. But overall, the course is very good!


Nov 22, 2021

this course has some good video explanations on every topic and such relevant assignments which can be applied easily. but for me some what hard because I haven't tuck another course they subjected before this one.

By Tamas V P

Aug 25, 2018

Binary search trees were not explained very well. Programming assignments are usually very easy. Nevertheless, it is a very interesting course and the assignment do help to learn about the topics covered. Useful.

By Narendra S

Nov 1, 2018

Even though I am already aware of all these data structures, I gained some more in-depth knowledge about them, also got introduced to splay trees. definitely worth a try,some of the assignments are really good.

By Pratik C

Mar 4, 2018

Thanks for the course. Content is good and videos are very well done. Only problem is that the assignment problems were gruelling and unfortunately it is hard to get one-to-one contact for help if you get stuck

By Murali T S

Jul 25, 2019

The course is overall quite challenging. The explanations certainly could have been better with a little increase in diagramming stuff out. I had to refer multiple resources to fully understand the concepts.

By Muhammad A

Aug 7, 2019

great course with challenging assignments, the problem with the course is the accent of some of the lecturers which make the lecture harder to follow also not enough examples in the lectures

By Ashish A M

Sep 8, 2020

Great course, tests you on a wide spectrum of difficulty. The assignments are crafted to help students learn gradually and build their confidence over Data Structure concepts efficiently.

By Mohammed H

May 15, 2020

In depth mathematical analysis and implementation of important Data Structures. This is a very good course for programmers looking to solve computational problems with first principles.

By Yuhang L

Sep 27, 2020

Overall, it's good. But some chapters like the binary search tree and hash table, the instructions are now very heuristic. I can only understand the content after reading the textbook.

By Matsukatova A

Jul 27, 2018

The course was interesting and challenging for me. The main problem that I had with this course was lack of communication with the teachers. But all the tasks and lectures were great!

By Ruhullah S

Jan 30, 2022

Good content and assignments, but the explanations could have been clearer, especially for the BST and Splay Tree section. Also, I think it makes little sense to hide the tests.