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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Behavioral Finance by Duke University

3,945 ratings

About the Course

We make thousands of decisions every day. Do I cross the road now, or wait for the oncoming truck to pass? Should I eat fries or a salad for lunch? How much should I tip the cab driver? We usually make these decisions with almost no thought, using what psychologists call “heuristics” – rules of thumb that enable us to navigate our lives. Without these mental shortcuts, we would be paralyzed by the multitude of daily choices. But in certain circumstances, these shortcuts lead to predictable errors – predictable, that is, if we know what to watch out for. Did you know, for example, that we are naturally biased towards selling investments that are doing well for us, but holding on to those that are doing poorly? Or that we often select sub-optimal insurance payment plans, and routinely purchase insurance that we don’t even need? And why do so many of us fail to enroll in our employer’s corporate retirement plans, even when the employer offers to match our contributions? Behavioral finance is the study of these and dozens of other financial decision-making errors that can be avoided, if we are familiar with the biases that cause them. In this course, we examine these predictable errors, and discover where we are most susceptible to them. This course is intended to guide participants towards better financial choices. Learn how to improve your spending, saving, and investing decisions for the future....

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Need someone to respond if we have doubts

Include reading materials too for further reference

Too much of overlap between video and text content, Need to differentiate both


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Interesting, but a little more support and practice could have been useful for a smoother transition to the quizzes. Otherwise it was a good course and I learnt some useful stuff from it.

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601 - 625 of 1,002 Reviews for Behavioral Finance

By kumrmt-97_rm m

Feb 10, 2020

It provide me a brief understanding in the area Behavioral Finance. While, I think we could still imporove the course in some ways, 1. the structure is not so clear. It's better to index the points by numbers. 2. I think we could provide more video explanation for some points, it just skip the video explanation form some key tersm. i.e. framing. 3. I am not familiar with some historical financial crisis that exists in the tests, I think if those were replaced with some all-well-know knowledge will be better.

By Thilo W

Aug 13, 2021

I thought the course content was good. It certainly provided valuable info in easy-to-understand manner. However, the quiz questions were not covered very well in the course readings and videos - at least not so far as info that was made available. While some critical thinking is certainly warranted, the gap betwen the course content and the objectives in the quiz was wide. Therefore, I would recommend adding additional content to fill this gap. Nevertheless, many thanks for the valuable content. Cheers!


Jan 13, 2021

I studied psychology, so it was very cool to link behavioral knowledge with finances, I learned very interesting things like economic bubbles. It is already an old course and you have to complement it with other sources to better understand the content.

Estudié psicología, así que fue muy padre vincular el conocimiento conductual con las finanzas, aprendí cosas muy interesantes como las burbujas económicas.

Ya es un curso viejito y hay que complementar con otras fuentes para entender mejor el contenido.

By Daniel K H

Jun 22, 2019

I have always pondered about why people make irrational economics decisions. This course gave me a framework to examine those. The professors present in a very straight forward way, and offer a multitude of hypothetical examples.

Some of the questions on the exams did call out biases that were not explicitly called out in the lectures or readings. My only other suggestions for improvement are to lengthen this course to four weeks, and to consider offering a more advanced follow-on course.

By Natasha H

Jul 14, 2020

I really enjoyed the Behavioral Finance course from Duke University. There was a good balance between independent reading and videos explaining some of the difficult topics in more depth. There was a good range of practical implications discussed, both related to finance and more broadly.

I found the assessment very difficult and at times the questions seemed very broad and not very relevant to the course content.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the Behavioral Finance course!

By Paul J

Aug 9, 2020

This course was really useful. The course differs in some ways by having lots of material to read and fewer lectures. But some of the nature of biases cant merely be presented by video. It does cover many of the biases and now that I know about them I can hopefully sidestep them when I see them. Overall its definitely worth your time. I would have liked to see a bit more content and have the exams be a bit more thorough with more explanations and hence the 4 stars.

By Rebeca M M d L

Dec 7, 2016

This course has very interesting and complete content. However, for begginers it can be a bit hard to take all quizes successfully at first attempt, due to the high number of concepts addressed in the videos and articles. Some concepts seems obvious at first, but a begginner can get confused among them. Maybe the material should be better organized in topics, in order to facilitate the comprehension of different ideas. Nevertheless, I highly recommend this course.

By bob n

May 28, 2020

While Interesting material, wish there were more examples. A bit of a potpourri of terms, a glossary would have been helpful. Videos did a nice job of filling in pieces. Also perhaps I rushed, but didn't sense a thread throughout the material. Readings/case studies in week 3 from were interesting, would have like some discussions from course professors on one or two rather than only being asked about them in the week three quiz.

By Holger H

Dec 29, 2022

Comprehensive course on behavioural economics with a focus on getting those constraints in thinking and alternatives for rational thought explained in clear language. Although some prior knowledge in economics comes in handy, this course is clear enough to follow and complete for those with no experience in the dismal science. The video's are clear, the reading consists of college slides and the examples give a clear reading of complex processes.

By Eeshaan A

Mar 9, 2020

For people who think that they are interested in the field of Behavioral economics, this course could be a great starting point.


the course material (parts of it) have valuable, real life applications for you and me, which could mean the difference between an average life of common American or a quality life, build on profitable, solid, and well strategized financial decisions, knowing where the inherent biases in the human behavior lie.

By Judy D

Mar 21, 2022

I do not have a background in this field and took this course as an introduction. I found the material content to be very interesting, however, probably because this is my first venture into this field, I had a hard time applying the biases and terminology to the various scenerios but did enjoy trying. I find the evening news is more interesting as I try to apply what I learned from this course when applicable. A good introduction for me.

By Lindsay P

Aug 24, 2016

This is a great starter course/primer for behavioral finance! I would like to thank Dr Rasiel for the contents of this course.

Recommendations for improvement:

-Create a single sheet defining the biases contained in the course for easy reference.

-Add more examples and retrospectives that explain the similarities and differences between the biases.

Overall, I really enjoyed the course and look forward to additional courses on Behavioral Finance.

By Chanel

Oct 21, 2018

I loved the course! I felt it help me with understanding finance, financial bubbles, why markets crash and why we make the decisions we do faced in different scenarios and situations. I did feel there were a lot of things in the quizzes that were not covered in the reading material and videos. I found myself getting a lot of my answers from outside sources. overall I enjoyed the course and feel more confident in my investing!

By khanani

Jan 8, 2021

I genuinely enjoyed the course. Most of the concepts are similar and quite confusing but this will only push me to revisit the course material from time to time. I however, think this is the reason why investors tend to violate most of the biases. It is hard to fully recall or keep most of them in mind but I hope that it will make me question most of my decisions and those of others going forward.

By Oriol G i R

Aug 16, 2016

It's a great course, clear explanations and simple videos.

The missing star was lost on the way that misleading or undefined bias are presented, especially during the different decision phases.

I would like to propose to discuss a case of a stock share in a timeline, to see whether this "panic" or "overconfidence" applies, and also in global macroeconomics (e-g. the PIGS bubble, the debt bubble)

By Deepak S

Jul 19, 2017

Its quite challenging to pass the quizes, especially if you are a beginner. And because its challenging to pass (or at least it seemed so), if you pass you gain a sense of achievement and learning.

Overall it was a great course, i have two areas of improvement to suggest:

1. Topics and course material can be more structured

2. Length of the course seemed short

By Kelby H

Jul 6, 2023

Great course for understanding how biases impact our decision-making in subtle ways. Provides a foundation for making more informed choices in certain situations, and touches on key economic principles that are both practical and theoretical. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to make smarter financial decisions and have greater situational awareness.

By Kristoffer A P

Dec 27, 2016

Interesting course. I just wished there was more interaction and discussion and that there is further clarification regarding the length of the course.

Right at the start Ms. Rasiel mentioned a 14-week course. I feel there's more to the course but I wasn't able to take advantage of it. There were also some videos that seem to start mid-way already.

By Arthur

Oct 17, 2023

Excellent course on introducing and identifying the concepts on what affects us in our decision making. However, there can be more examples and more thorough explanation of the concepts. Also, the answer key to explaining quizzes 2 and 3 are not there so it's difficult to understand why certain answers are correct and others incorrect.

By Carolyn P

Jan 8, 2022

Excellent material for younger students. The jargon feels rather unnecessary. I dislike labels (memorizable), i prefer a demonstration of full comprehansion.

External links did NOT work on my computer (elderly MAC) = rather hampering my revision of past bubbles. Had to find alternate sources with no way to tell if they are adequate.

By Oliver N

Jun 12, 2017

Contains a lot of excellent information. A very interesting course, and very useful for understanding our own biases and how people make sub-optimal choices. Unlike most courses on Coursera, you need to read the written pdf files as well as watch the videos - the videos alone don't cover all the information you need to pass the final.

By Akshat A

May 3, 2020

I found this course really interesting and very beautifully instructed. Week 2's course content is the most crucial aspect of this course. 10/10 recommendation to finance and economics backgrounds students. Won't take much time to understand the concepts because they have been very practically explained using day-to-day examples.

By Deepanshu M

Jul 4, 2022

The content was pretty amazing. Would have been better if the content was a little bit more video based and less of reading based ( 8-9 pdfs of 25 pages each on average). But as I can save them for future uses is one plus point of more reading material. Overall a goog to go course for anyone interested in Psychology + Finance.

By Judy S

Oct 22, 2017

I had a tougher time with this course than I thought I would. The supplemental materials were inadequate and I had a difficult time grasping the biases. Thankfully, the Internet was helpful. In all, I got a greater appreciation of behavioral economics. It is beyond money. It is in everything including the life choices we make.

By A S

Apr 9, 2023

The course is a good primer to learning behavioral finance. It covers all the biases and is snapshot of a difficult subject.Need to refer back to slides again and again.

The only issue I faced is that the course should have included

- Reference publications

- Detailed explanations

The questions in Quiz 3 are tough. Be aware :P