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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Modern Art & Ideas by The Museum of Modern Art

6,368 ratings

About the Course

Modern Art & Ideas is designed for anyone interested in learning more about modern and contemporary art. You will look at art through a variety of themes, including Places and Spaces, Art and Identity, Transforming Everyday Objects, and Art and Society. Each week kicks off with a video that connects key works of art to the theme. You’ll also have access to interviews with artists, designers, and others who speak about their materials, processes, and sources of inspiration. Through the discussion forum prompts you will also have the opportunity to connect with other learners and explore how these themes resonate with you....

Top reviews


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I found it very interesting and challenging giving me deeper understanding of art as themes and why modern art was linked with the industrial revolution, media and relationship with its audience.


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Thank you very much for the experience and the possibility to learn new information about art. It was great to partecipate and I will definitely recommend to my friends and acquaintances.

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1401 - 1425 of 1,606 Reviews for Modern Art & Ideas

By João T S

Jun 4, 2020

I found really interesting the concept of looking to artworks not chronological but by themes. The themes of weeks 2, 3 and 5 were particularly interesting. The one from week 4 (Transforming everyday objects) less, in my opinion. I find the peer assignment evaluation not optimal.... (i had several situations where the evaluation was clearly not according to the coursera rules, and i could not find where to complain about it). Apart from that, the course was very interesting for me, i learned a lot, and most importantly, i am very motivated to transpose the idea of organizing Artworks by themes to music and use it in the music lessons i teach.

By Deleted A

Jul 12, 2020

A great course for overview of those main themes presented. I found the last two weeks somewhat repetitive in that the works were presented in the overview, and then again Individually (with much the same information, only slightly elaborated on). I also found the format of the last peer review assignment (Curate images to illustrate one or more of those themes presented) quite confusing: the boxes weren’t clearly labeled or the assignment unclear on how/where to explain why those images were chosen. Otherwise, it was a fun course and introduced me to some artists I hadn’t know of previously.

By Nicole F

May 31, 2020

I found this course very engaging and interesting, and was eager to come back each week for another module! I also enjoyed interacting with others in the forum, and doing the assignments and final submissions. All of the activities challenged me to think and get involved creatively, which I really appreciated! However, I do feel that they could have explored the concepts more, as the focus seemed to be on the specific artworks. Aside from that, I would recommend this course to those interested in art as it's really accessible even if you don't have a background in it!

By margherita p

Oct 10, 2015

succinct but well targeted review and comments of several iconic works of art--paintings, photos, installations. The main value of the class is the classification viewpoint--not by art movement or school, but by theme. Not enough attention is given to art and identity and art and society (two of the themes), in the US. "Originality" or breaking into new concepts seems to rule, even when many of those works are rather vapid--such as, Duchamp's . Compare with the works by Lawrence, Picasso, Mondrian, D. Lang and others-SUBSTANCE.---Just my opinion, of course.

By Brian G

Apr 29, 2020

I am 70 years old and an appreciation of Modern Art is coming to me a bit late in life ..but better late than never. So thanks you for providing me with this wonderful insight. Not too arduous and full of easy (ish) to understand principles. My world will look different from now on. I missed the electronic age really so I struggled a bit with finding my way around...especially when trying to load images at the end of the course for peer assessment (which I never achieved beyond just the one image)

Once again many thanks,


By Barbara H

May 2, 2020

I very much enjoyed this course and I was excited that MoMA was doing this course. I enjoyed the organization of the themes each week and doing the quizzes........I learned a lot from doing the quizzes. My favorite was learning via the videos. I found them to be exciting and knowledgeable. The only negative was that I had to redo some of my showed not completed and I had to redo. I will look forward to going to MoMA when I travel again to New York. I loved the learning....thank you.

By Cecília B d S

Jun 16, 2020

If you have some time and you always wanted to find out why a brick can be considered art this is a good course for you. Just keep in mind that this is a course where you will have to write some short texts, which can be quite challenging if your English is not that good (of course you can always use Google translator), but It's also a great way to learn new adjectives and expressions. I procrastinated to do the last assignments but I got excited seeing what other people had said about my work.

By David D

Mar 6, 2017

I have to admit, there is a whole vocabulary to describe and 'embellish' some rather ordinary and otherwise non-significant objects considered as Art.

Please don't read this as a negative. I found the experience personally enriching. I also believe I will look at modern art with more openness and search for hidden messages. Still to be honest one sometimes has to feel taken advantaged of by some so called works. As they say not all that glitters is gold. But bravo for this MOOC offering!

By Susan W

Jan 22, 2016

I enjoyed the course itself very much, and I intend to use ideas gleaned from it in my English classroom; however, I was not satisfied with the rating of the final project. I put a LOT of work into it, including eight artworks AND eight corresponding works of literature that inspired the art, and someone ( a peer, not an instructor) kept giving me "poor" as a rating. Not that I expected that ALL would be 3's, but a 1 is not a fair grade.

Just my two cents.

By Talitha K

May 5, 2020

There ahould be stricter guidelines as to the peer gradings. I say this because my first submission of the curated images assignment was unfairly graded by someone i had graded and unfinished. Their assignment was only 1 image with a theme title so i reportesnit as unfinished. They retaliated with a low grading. I had covered all point asked. Is the rules are stricter this couod be avoided. Or having a authoritative assessment by a tutor wouod be good too.

By Lucia J

Apr 14, 2020

I loved everything, did not have a single complaint until yesterday when I found many technical difficulties concerning uploading the set of images, giving feedback to others. Now I cannot open my certificate. Other than that, I enjoyed the course, all the stories behind the artworks that I loved and about those which I’ve never seen before. It was short, yet time consuming- I thought all the topics were interesting and engaging. Thank you.

By Epimosa

May 8, 2021

The course has an interesting form. I feel that it is more like an on-line MOMA exhibition indeed. I guess it shows the importance to take longer time to read text descriptions beside each artwork when one visits a museum to learn more things. The organisation by themes is indeed very clever and efficient for understanding Modern art and I've seen many new things. So thank you very much for the course.

By Peony T

May 5, 2020

Well organised course on modern art, with a diverse range of artworks, arranged under themes, and good resources and materials for reference. Forum discussions are enriching with valuable contributions from participants. The end of course assignments could just be refined to guide participants towards completing the course.

Highly recommended for anyone just curious what modern art is about.

By Jennifer S

Jul 14, 2019

Enjoyed the course as content was interesting , relevant, and engaging. As I am not able to use the computer as well as younger students I found it difficult to know what tasks I was to complete at times. It took me longer to navigate around the pages. I had difficulty uploading the pictures to the site, possibly this is because I am in another country? Thanks for providing this course

By Gilly M

May 10, 2020

There were some really intereting and educative modules in this course but also a few technical hitches. I was unable to upload images on my weekly review for the first couple of weeks (no icon bar in the review box) and then, at the end, unable to ready the feedback on my assignment. Despite sending messages to the technical support team, I never received any help with my queries.

By Vaibhavi

Sep 8, 2022

I did a course called Art and Activity, in the mentioned course the information was provided in such a way that it would be sort of repeated every now and then. This made it easier to remember the info. over a long time. Maybe the same design could be applied to this course. Other than that, this course helped me immensely to broaden my knowledge of the topics.

By nbrrly

Jun 23, 2020

Really enjoyed the course, would have liked the lessons to each individually go deeper into their themes, I loved the introductory videos the best and wish those had been longer than 2mins on average and more in depth. The breadth of artists featured was great but would have loved the video content to go deeper as I am very much a video learner.

By Giordano V

Jan 4, 2016

Me parece realmente interesante y a su vez bien producido y organizado. Es un pequeño e intensivo programa que puede ayudarnos a aprender a observar otra vez. Con una mirada critica y llena de conocimiento el curso pretende crear conciencia en cuanto a la valoración del arte y a su vez que esta información circule por medio de la enseñanza.

By Marilou Z

Oct 5, 2015

I really enjoyed the course.I learned a lot of things about specific pieces of modern art with some of which I was familiar to and with others I wasn't.The only thing I would say this course lacks is the fact that there are not enough assignments to work on and so we can not use our imagination and knowledge to write something inspiring!

By Juliana B

Oct 13, 2021

Gostei muito do curso, porém o método de avaliação das atividades é um pouco falho. Outro aluno dar sua opnião sobre o trabalho é uma coisa, mas dar a nota que determina se você está aprovado ou não é complicado. Eu recebi uma avaliação baixa por ter escrito meu trabalho em ingles e não no idioma da pessoa que me avaliou.

By Alexandre F

Jul 3, 2019

It's a great course, but I cannot find a way that it will be directly influent to my career, even as a creative director. It's always good to learn new perspectives but it's kind of a "curiosity course" than a professional one - for example, Seeing Through Photographs, it's being more interesting to me.

By Andrew M

Nov 10, 2019

The content was interesting and the short introductory vides for each week excellent, with a narrator far above the usual standard. The fora were a bit odd, with little interaction and what seemed to be a mix of study periods, with some comments from months ago presumably from past runs of the course.

By Elva S

Jun 16, 2016

I thought this course was about art and related ideas. To my surprise is has a teaching focus which I did not anticipated and which has no interest for me. I did not do the final project because it does not interest me. Thank you for the art part, wish there would have been more of it.

By Julia S

Jan 22, 2016

On the one hand it's interesting course with cool (!) visualisation. On the other - it's very simple themes to discuss and there is a usual way to understanding process in art and society.

I hope you add new lectures about some directions in modern art, utility art and something like this

By Λαμπρινή Ν Ζ

Nov 10, 2019

Interesting and easy to follow. A good introduction to modern art, although I believe paying 44€ for the certificate is too much, and it would probably be worth it a lot more if there were more themes to explore and they were covered more in depth. But the lesson itself is great.