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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals by University of Virginia

5,138 ratings

About the Course

Not so long ago, the job of product manager was about assessing market data, creating requirements, and managing the hand-off to sales/marketing. Maybe you’d talk to a customer somewhere in there and they’d tell you what features they wanted. But companies that manage product that way are dying. Being a product person today is a new game, and product managers are at the center of it. Today, particularly if your product is mostly digital, you might update it several times a day. Massive troves of data are available for making decisions and, at the same time, deep insights into customer motivation and experience are more important than ever. The job of the modern product manager is to charter a direction and create a successful working environment for all the actors involved in product success. It’s not a simple job or an easy job, but it is a meaningful job where you’ll be learning all the time. This course will help you along your learning journey and prepare you with the skills and perspective you need to: Create the actionable focus to successfully manage your product (week 1) Focus your work using modern product management methods (week 2) Manage new products and explore new product ideas (week 3) Manage and amplify existing products (week 4) This course is ideal for current product or general managers interested in today's modern product management methods. Please note that there are new additions to this course and subtitles for these videos will soon be available. This course was developed with the generous support of the Batten Institute at UVA’s Darden School of Business. The Batten Institute’s mission is to improve the world through entrepreneurship and innovation:

Top reviews


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Very well structured and very clear with excellent stories from actual product managers. Woudl encourage anyone taking it to take your time with it as there is a lot of infrmation to process.


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PM tools referred are easy to grasp, which can be related to your current projects. Alex pace was perfect and he covered all aspects of product management with plenty of examples and interviews

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1301 - 1325 of 1,362 Reviews for Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals

By Durga p


Jul 27, 2022


By krish s


Oct 28, 2020


By James F


Jul 19, 2021

Course content was good, yet the quizzes and length of videos were overkill. For example, the first 2 questions on the Week 4 final were in relation to a concept relating to market types from the first week. There were 2 answers that buried a trick response and would have failed someone that selected them. These questions would be okay, if they had tremendous relevancy to the actual course, yet they do not. I passed the first time, yet these types of questions are not helpful for someone trying to learn and stay engaged in a course like this. The tools and functional concepts are of greater value for a course like this. Also, the course felt drawn out with way too much filler. Even at 2X, the course seems to drag a bit. I am highly interested in the content, yet have difficulty staying connected with the pace and trick quizzes thrown throughout the course. Hopefully the feedback will help make some adjustments. Even if the quizzes were designed more appropriately, I'd probably give this a 5 and I'm sure there'd be more engagement by other learners.

By Olga S


Jul 27, 2020

Good content. However not very convenient way of presenting (making marks on the slides, it is hard to read them), difficult to make notes and the slides available without notes are rather useless. The course is marketed as a beginner level, but this is far from true. A student need to have some experience or education in at least business (luckily I have a lot) and some understanding of digital businesses. The course is not very friendly to those whose English is not native. For instance, the tasks in the tests were sometime very trickily formulated. Somehow more academic language of the lectures would be also more appreciated.

So I have got a lot of useful information, but is was hard to keep some nicely structured summary of each lecture - so almost nothing left for later "memory refreshment".

By Francisco C


Jul 30, 2019

Great course overall. I felt the last week have a drop in the content and it was light in what I consider important topics were as the first two weeks were very heavy in content. Balancing the content by extending some important topics at the end of the course will help to improve my opinion on the course. Also, the questions on the quizzes are written in a very tricky way, I don't think it is a helpful way to test knowledge by trying to trick the person in how the questions are being asked, a better way will be to directly test the knowledge of that subject by proving comparisons.

By Anurag M


Mar 20, 2018

The course exposed me to various frameworks available to help product managers organize themselves in their work and keep focused on the right things. Would have wished if it went deeper and showed how some concepts can be really applied. I did not get time to internalize the tools. I did understand them as I went along the course and did the quizzes.

Also, the Professor was MIA on the discussion forums. I found little meaningful discussion going on there. The experience with the Design Thinking course was better.

By Robyn K


Jul 27, 2020

Some content not explained that well. A bit confusing. The quiz questions are really abstract and don't necessarily test our understanding well. Many times there were 2-3 "correct" answers, but they were looking for a particular one without giving enough context.

While useful, the business model canvas was not explained in enough detail. I felt like it was glossed over. A proper introduction to this in the beginning of the course would help with context.

Otherwise, learnt a lot, and helpful course.

By M3iti


Dec 22, 2022

I believe the instructor has a very good practical knowledge but in comparison with the google's courses that I've passed, it is very unorganized.

in the middle of the weeks you don't know the point of things you are learning. even in videos introduction mostly the problem to be tackled is not very clear.

By Gabe M


Jan 29, 2024

The quiz questions are extremely confusing and often have singular choices when there are multiple correct answers. I know it's hard to keep up with the AI explosion, but the course needs to be updated as the professor at one point says we don't need to worry about ML that much for the next few years.

By Lucy A


Nov 23, 2020

I learned a couple of helpful frameworks. Cowan seemed like a friendly guy who provided good peer-to-peer influencing tips. As someone at a high-growth SaaS company, I didn't feel that all of this was super relevant - I think it's just quite different managing a physical product vs. software.

By Linus K


Nov 6, 2020

Good information, but it felt a bit unstructured with topics jumping from one to the next a bit back and forth. Also, tests were not great as many alternatives made no sense to the questions asked, so you could easily ignore at least 50% of the answers to each question.

By Arin g


Dec 29, 2023

The course mentioned is friendly, but most of the things told or explained by Alex are approaching the product managers today. So, please explain as if I am new to the world of product management. In contrast, the explanation and teaching were very nice. Thanks, Alex!

By Alexandra C


Mar 5, 2024

Some of the content is good but it also seems dated now. The lecturer doesn't always speak with clarity and his intent can be vague. It's acceptable for a native English speaker but would be difficult for anyone for whom English is a second language.

By Tajjammul H


Dec 20, 2021

A useful introductory course. There is scope for improving quality of examples, test questions and more importantly interviews ( there is big difference compared to the insights derived from the interviews in Digital Transformation Module by BCG)

By Ryan A


Nov 22, 2020

There were a few useful topics (HOOKS framework, Customer Discovery ideas), but a vast majority of the information is vague. The best use I got out of this course is googling the important topics and reading articles about them.

By Barath J


Sep 18, 2021

I am a PM with 5 years of solid experience. Did I learn something new? Of course! But, felt the instructor rushes through the course and keep things at very high level. Overall the course is kind of okay.

By Siji G


Mar 5, 2018

This is definitely a good course for a newbie, however as I was parallel looking at other content I see that this course may need a refresher and more practice sessions to make it better

By Shikhar J


Nov 6, 2018

While I like the course, i feel it doesn't go deep into anything. I would have liked it better if we went deeper to sections like analytics, product planning, market analysis etc.

By Josh H


Nov 23, 2022

A lot of information was covered. My biggest critique is to structure the quizzes in ways that more directly align with the information taught.

By Deleted A


Feb 17, 2021

The structure is not so helpful, the moderator is with the examples not helpful, this course take a lot energy.

By George D


Mar 13, 2020

course is great but mentor need more reality facts form real business life, use famous companies real cases.

By Cole Y


Sep 27, 2020

The quizzes are poorly written and instructor is very biased towards methodologies he created.

By Manisha C


Apr 29, 2023

The content was extremely good, but I found the teaching style a bit boring and unengaging.

By Gabriel D


Jul 19, 2020

apresenta o básico sobre Product Management. Bom para quem está começando ou quer começar

By Alexandre A


May 28, 2020

I'd appreciate more detailed content and how to use the tools and less interviews