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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Create Your First Multithreaded Application in Java by Coursera Project Network

108 ratings

About the Course

In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to create a banking application that uses conditions and locks to ensure thread safety, practice designing programs that take advantage of multiple threads without losing data integrity, and learn how to apply multithreading to your own projects. By the end of the guided project, you will be able to create your own thread-safe Java multithreaded applications. Mutithreading is an essential part of modern programming. Almost all modern computers contain multi-core CPUs, GPUs, or even multiple CPUs. Multithreading allows us to have multiple parallel threads of execution, allowing our programs to become multiple times faster than a single threaded application. In addition, understanding parallel programming principles is essential for building many modern applications such as video games, data science, and server connections. Understanding how to create Java multithreaded applications will greatly expand your programming potential. This course works on the Rhyme platform, which allows you to have a custom Windows VM ensuring you do not have to worry about any of the setup work for your application. Students will be able to code along on their desktop and learn by coding with the instructor. At the end of the course, you will receive the files you created in the course. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions....

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Nice overall, I would like however to see more depth for an Intermediate level course like this.


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I'm felling very special by learning from this course.

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1 - 14 of 14 Reviews for Create Your First Multithreaded Application in Java

By Viraj B


Dec 16, 2020

Guys, first of all, this is a very basic course. Don't go for it. Waste of money. Second, the code snippet and logic is also not correct. Explanations are wrong. Example - synchronized was not working in AccountWithoutSync example because instructor is not checking awaitTermination on executorService instead he is checking isShudown which generally updated first even before all thread completes execution. Guys Stay away. I already lost my money onto this trap.

By Saumittra S


Aug 24, 2020

Too simple. Doesnt dive deep and not good if your goal was to develop industry standard multithreaded applications on your own.

By Thanos K


Oct 28, 2020

Nice overall, I would like however to see more depth for an Intermediate level course like this.

By Sparsha K A


Oct 2, 2020

good one but very brief explaination

By Moona v


May 5, 2021

I would have given this 0 if I could. Waste of money. There is no project at all. Bunch of simple codes where you can find anywhere on the Internet and only talking and talking and talking from slides.

By dylan f


Oct 20, 2020

Very knowledgeable instructor with a lot of useful information. I wouldn't say that this is an intermediate level project but you should have the object-oriented concepts down before you begin this project.

By Muhamad K B R


Dec 14, 2022

Easy to catch-up and learn. I would recommend this for new starter to Multithreaded Application in Java learner.

By Khandaker M A


Aug 5, 2020

One of the best Guided Projects I have done ever. I would like to recommend everyone to complete this course.

By Soroosh T


Jul 24, 2020

The instructor's speaking accent was very good and satisfactory.



Sep 12, 2022

Its a great platform to get knowledge on java.Thank you.

By Sujithra .


Oct 8, 2020

I'm felling very special by learning from this course.

By Marcel D


Jul 30, 2020

Very practical and good explained!



Oct 22, 2021




Aug 24, 2020