
Diogo Resende

Analytics and Data Science Expert


    With a profound commitment to bridging analytical acumen with practical business solutions, I bring a wealth of experience from both the corporate arena and the realm of academia. My journey, rooted in a Master's Degree in Management from ESMT Berlin, delved deeply into the dynamics of analytics, culminating in a thesis that tackled the intricate challenge of mitigating demand and supply disparities exacerbated by weather conditions. Complementing this academic pursuit, I immersed myself in real-world initiatives, contributing to the United Nations Development Program's endeavor to enhance financial inclusion through mobile money in Ethiopia and Lesotho. This fusion of theoretical rigor and hands-on engagement underscores my approach to teaching, wherein I aim to empower learners with not just theoretical knowledge but also actionable insights gleaned from diverse contexts. My academic prowess is complemented by a rich tapestry of professional experiences, notably during my tenure as Senior Commercial Planning and Strategy Manager at Zalando Germany. Here, I spearheaded pivotal initiatives driving commercial performance, liaising with cross-functional teams to orchestrate strategic maneuvers. Beyond the boardroom, I ventured into the realm of online education, crafting six meticulously curated courses on Business Analytics, which garnered acclaim on platforms like Udemy. With over four thousand students benefitting from these courses, each boasting a bestseller status, my commitment to disseminating knowledge transcends conventional boundaries, reaching eager learners worldwide. Beyond the confines of corporate strategy and academia, my journey is punctuated by a diverse array of endeavors, ranging from my stint as a Pro Bono Consultant for the Lesotho Scaling Inclusion through Mobile Money platform to my role as an Editor and Marketing Associate at Rádio Universidade de Coimbra. Whether crafting sustainable business plans or anchoring news segments, my trajectory reflects an unwavering dedication to effecting positive change through innovation and collaboration. As I embark on this educational journey, I am poised to not just impart knowledge but also cultivate a vibrant community of learners driven by curiosity and a shared quest for transformative insights.