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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Strategy of Content Marketing by University of California, Davis

5,034 ratings

About the Course

This course is a partnership between the leading content marketing authority, Copyblogger, and UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education. In this course, you will learn the core strategies content marketers use to acquire and retain customers profitably. Specifically, you will learn how to develop, organize and implement a content marketing strategy, analyze and measure the effectiveness of content marketing, write compelling copy, use a strategic framework when writing, and build your professional brand and authority through content marketing. You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own personal brand through content marketing....

Top reviews


May 25, 2020

For those who want to start your content marketing journey, you may want to take this course. It focuses on touch base points but also goes into further details on what you need as a content marketer.


Aug 7, 2022

G​ood course that takes a deep dive into the know-how of using content as a marketing tool and establishing brand and authority by using proper methods of content writing and following SEO guidelines.

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201 - 225 of 1,605 Reviews for The Strategy of Content Marketing

By Fabrício A P

Aug 23, 2020

There is no doubt about the high quality of the course where the learning progression is very effective and useful. I consider it a great opportunity to go deep on copywriting topics and understand new ways to frame them on a new action plan for inbound marketing and content strategies.


Jul 16, 2022

Thank you! For me it was the first encounter with Content Marketing insight and I really enjoyed every step of the course. It is very well structured and it helped me understand what content marketing is about and which are the steps to follow in order to have a career in this field.

By WebSavänt E

Sep 27, 2022

This is a highly recommended course for any student that wants to learn about Content Marketing Strategy. The class is well taught, the resources provided are of high quality, and the instructors are practising professionals in digital marketing. Thank you guys. Highly recommended.

By Görkem A

Jan 9, 2021

It has been a very useful course for me. I learned a lot of useful information such as how I can write effective content, what should I pay attention to while doing this, how I can interact and influence the customer well and so on. Thank you to everyone who contributed this course.

By allan b

May 23, 2020

Very insightful. very comprehensive and realistic. Definitely motivating and encouraging. Validates what otherwise would have been instinctive and definitely pushes you forward to create meaningful and effective content moving forward. Thank you it's been a great learning adventure!

By amulya s

May 3, 2020

This course has been extremely informative for me. The content provided is amazing. I gained insights into the world of content marketing, and this course has enlightened me on many prospects. The assignments were really challenging, and doing those made me realize how well I write!

By Jessica P

Dec 26, 2020

Sonia provided great information that was easy to digest for a complex topic that can, at times, be overwhelming. I enjoyed this class and I feel confident in taking my next steps in a new marketing role at my organization. I'll keep an eye out for more courses similar to this one!

By Weston R

Apr 8, 2020

Great course if you are looking to learn more about the Strategy of Content Marketing in the digital world. The course had a great selection of reading material complimented with very good videos. With quiz’s, assignments and peer grading, the course was overall, very well-rounded.

By Vishakha S

Jun 1, 2023

Relevant course for content marketing strategy with engaging peer-reviewed assignments and quiz after every unit. The course intructors' guidance is lucid and easy to understand. The audio interviews and detailed explanation, along with pdf resources is best a learner can expect.

By Ernesto R

Aug 21, 2023

Sonia is a great content marketer, who handles the subject masterfully. I loved the way of presenting the content. I wish her all the success in the world, she is a great professional. I was fascinated with the subject and the way in which she approached it with her speakers.

By Cheryl R

Aug 20, 2023

This was a great course about content marketing. There is a lot of additional reading materials to go through and the course was broken down into easy to understand sessions. I highly recommend this course as you will gain a great deal of information about content marketing.

By Shoaib M

Mar 28, 2021

Indeed, it was a value-adding experience in my career as a content writer and copywriter. acknowledge meant of 7A framework, High F.I.V.E. methods, and many other components used in the formation of content marketing strategy and content writing approaches are prize-worthy.

By Nicole T

Apr 23, 2018

Fantastic course, you'll learn a very thorough understanding of marketing, copy writing, website design (in order to tell a story) along with many other related and helpful concepts. Well worth it if you put the work in. Reading the supplemental materials was very helpful.

By Jennifer A F

Aug 10, 2022

Everything was new for me and works as a guide and engine to start my website and process. The Principal thing I get from the curse wan the big picture of what to do and how it starts. The curse covered my expectations and I felt more confident now to start my website.

By Aziz

Jul 23, 2023

I cannot stress how much of a return on investment this course was for my time. The course is very beginner friendly but still makes sure that you're challenging yourself in terms of learning. Overall, absolutely recommended to fledgling content writers and marketers.

By Анастасия Н

Mar 20, 2022

Thank you very much for the opportunity to learn and acquire new knowledge, new skills. I am grateful for your course and for the simplicity of your lectures. I'm from Ukraine, I don't know English 100%, but even I managed!!! Great people - thank you!

Cool! Thank you!

By Nasim L

Nov 20, 2022

The Course was insightful and very thorough on most important aspects of content marketing and strategy. If your are takin your first steps in being a content marketing strategists, having the scope and structure that is offered in this course is absolutely crucial.

By Bảo N

Oct 22, 2021

The course provides me a lot of new and surprising information about content marketing. It totally makes me feel more confident and have a clear direction when I work on content marketing. The course also gives learners a number of good e-books and audio materials.

By Florine D

May 20, 2020

Loved to follow this course! I hold a master degree in Communication but we didn't get much practice, this course made it possible to mix practice, theory, testimonies and exercices. I am persuaded this is going to push me forward in my career. Thank you very much!

By Jon R

Jul 30, 2022

I wanted something on content strategy that was a bit more advanced and this course did the trick. It is a bit lacking in the search/SEO aspects of content but overall, if you want a more advanced and challenging course on why content matters, this is your course.

By Stefana C

May 20, 2023

I really enjoyed this course and I believe it has very helpful at teaching me the strategy of content marketing. I do recommend this course because it is interactive and it was very entertaining because of the assignments and the tests at the end of the modules.

By Laura S

Jul 5, 2020

Great course! Well structured and easy to follow along at your own pace. I really liked all of the reading material, and that I will be able to go back and reference the material in the future if I need to. Great course for a beginner in this area, like myself.

By Ana C V R

Apr 7, 2022

Un curso muy completo, claro y eficaz. Con toda la informacion necesaria para dar los primeros pasos en la creacion de contenido de Marketing si son nuevos como yo. Accesible para hispanohablantes con un nivel intermedio-avanzado de ingles, y muy productivo.

By Sherin F

Jan 5, 2021

Thank you for Sonia Simone cause she's the best instructor for this topic. I've learned so much and I'm excited to apply everythings I've learned in this course for building my personal brand and for writing a copy that really attract my audience's attention.

By Nicole

Sep 13, 2020

This course is an excellent introduction into Content Marketing for someone who has no education or experience in the field. This worked so well as a foundational course for me. The readings are easy to digest and include relevant links and campaign examples.