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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data Manipulation in RPA by UiPath

52 ratings

About the Course

The Data Manipulation in RPA course will provide knowledge about Variables, Arguments, and Data Manipulation. It will also introduce you to Variables and Arguments, their types, and their application in automation projects. In the later part of the course, you will learn about data manipulation in Studio. You will also learn about the different methods and operations performed on different data types and their usage in automation projects. Building on each concept, there will be demonstration videos that will explain these operations and methods. The course has multiple practice exercises that will help strengthen your knowledge and understand the creation of workflows in Studio....

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1 - 9 of 9 Reviews for Data Manipulation in RPA

By Nate K


Sep 27, 2022

This Specialization is rated as a beginner level. Not true. In the second module you will get into excersices that require VB programming skills. This class is at least intermediate and you will specifically need some prior VB skills before you take this course. UI please list VB as a pre-req so that people dont waste their time like me and get into the second module just to find out that they dont have all of the pre-reqs needed to be successful in this course.

By Olumide O O


Jun 25, 2023

Unbelievable Course. Great knowledge acquired and great compliment for Digital Marketing Professionals and Business Analyst.

By Sunny J


Apr 16, 2022

Great Refresher for me!

By Ghizlane E k


Mar 26, 2023

parfait bien fais

By Rahul B


Oct 30, 2023

good course.

By Kavishka M


Jan 20, 2023

Very good

By Micheal C T


Aug 17, 2023


By hamoda m


Apr 26, 2024

Thank you

By Fabrizio R


Apr 7, 2024

Il corso è ad un livello molto inferiore rispetto ai temi trattati nei due precedenti corsi della trilogia "Advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, rpa & machine learning - base". E' praticamente un'infarinatura di alcuni elementi base di programmazione ed è tutto incentrato sull'uso dello strumento UiPath Studio con spiegazioni molto dettagliate step per step di ogni singolo passaggio per le azioni anche più semplici, spesso ripetute in modo annoiante. Sarebbe stato utile essere più veloci su questa parte e portare qualche esempio di applicazione degli algoritmi più complessi appresi nel corso di "Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science" come ad esempio alcuni dei compiti svolti in python su algoritmi decisionali più complessi basati ad esempio sul t-test.