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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Delivery Problem by University of California San Diego

370 ratings

About the Course

In this online course we’ll implement (in Python) together efficient programs for a problem needed by delivery companies all over the world millions times per day — the travelling salesman problem. The goal in this problem is to visit all the given places as quickly as possible. How to find an optimal solution to this problem quickly? We still don’t have provably efficient algorithms for this difficult computational problem and this is the essence of the P versus NP problem, the most important open question in Computer Science. Still, we’ll implement several solutions for real world instances of the travelling salesman problem. While designing these solutions, we will rely heavily on the material learned in the courses of the specialization: proof techniques, combinatorics, probability, graph theory. We’ll see several examples of using discrete mathematics ideas to get more and more efficient solutions....

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A fun conclusion to the specialization that brings all of the mathematics of combinatorics and graph theory together to show how it can be applied to some real world problems.


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It's a great introductory course to these topics. I didn't particularly enjoy the puzzles and "treasure hunt" in Number Theory and Cryptography but it's just a matter of learning styles I guess.

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51 - 54 of 54 Reviews for Delivery Problem

By Xinwei M


Oct 23, 2023

It would be better if I could have the source code for the assignments. Sometimes when I wanted to debug my code on pycharm, I could not do anything because I did not know how to initialize a graph the assignment was using.

By Long C


Dec 23, 2021

It would be better if there are materials about networkx and other relevant libraries.

By Gaoge Z


Aug 2, 2020

Too difficult compared with previous modules.

By Chen H


Jul 2, 2024

not good