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Learner Reviews & Feedback for DevOps and Build Automation with Python by LearnQuest

52 ratings

About the Course

This course is the final course in a series that aims to prepare you for a role working as a programmer. In this course we will look at several automation concepts in DevOps with Python. Labs will allow the students to apply the material in the lectures in simple computer programs designed to re-enforce the material in the lesson....

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1 - 11 of 11 Reviews for DevOps and Build Automation with Python

By Ian d A


Apr 19, 2021

Extremely superficial course

By Luis M A A


Jun 10, 2023

Extremely superficial, very few explanations and almost no practical experience.

By Devin A


Jan 31, 2023

Very high level with very basic examples. Short videos with the expectation that most learning will come from reading the information from links to documentation and other resources. The good thing about this course is the practice assignments can be done within the Coursera website without needing to download/install/or access anything externally.

By Patrick H


Jul 7, 2022

Topics covered are extremely on the surface with little exploration and even less hands on building. INstructions for coding assignments are minimal yet have very strict rules leaving the student to rely on solved videos. Quizzes on this course are incredibly easy.

By Bryan B


Sep 1, 2021

This course is a really lightweight talk about Python. If you are trying to learning Python starting from zero, this is not your course, ij you just want to review something about Python, this is your course.

By Steve M


Nov 28, 2023

Too broad and did not flow well

By Sun G


Dec 3, 2021

Comprehensive and necessary knowledge are in this course. Furthermore, I do need to do more practice to enrich.

By Anthony W


May 19, 2021

I really enjoyed this course and the whole series!

By Ankita D


Jan 3, 2023

Good for Beginners

By Siddharth N


Nov 27, 2023

Excellent course

By Dominic T


Sep 25, 2023

Good for reflecting on already known concepts