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Learner Reviews & Feedback for 现代汉语核心语法 by Peking University

99 ratings

About the Course

本课程根据外国学生学习汉语的特点,比较系统地介绍了汉语的主要语法,像词类、句子成分、单句、复句、篇章、表达方法,等等;着重指出了外国学习者学习汉语语法的难点和重点,并通过大量有针对性的练习,帮助学习者去掌握、运用,从而提高学习者的汉语水平。 According to the characteristics of the foreign student learning Chinese, this course systematically introduces the main grammar of Chinese, such as part of speech, sentence constituent, single sentence, complex sentence, discourse, expression method. This course emphatically points out the important and difficult points in the foreign student’s Chinese grammar learning, and through a large number of targeted trainings, the course helps learners to master and use, thus to improve Chinese level of the learner....

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1 - 22 of 22 Reviews for 现代汉语核心语法

By Quan M

Sep 5, 2017


By Benjamin

Aug 20, 2017


By 李建成

Nov 16, 2017

我根本没有机会去北京语言大学学习汉语。首先我汉语水平不高,接着汉语语法太复杂了, 然后每天坐巴士到大学学汉语对我来说不是舒服的事。现在,在越南,除非学习成绩很好,一个学习汉语的大学生毕业后很难找到好工作的。教汉语的薪水也不高,所以在越南当汉语老师不是太理想。越南人不喜欢学汉语的。如果逛个个胡志明市的书店,也找不着一本汉语书。汉语报纸也不许卖的。

By Caleb B

Jul 12, 2020

This course gives a comprehensive introduction to Chinese grammar, and the lectures should be enjoyable to anyone interested in diving deeply into the structure of Chinese grammar or getting a refresher of previously-learned material. The only low point of the course is that sometimes the quiz questions seemed to deviate slightly from the video lectures. Overall, still a great way to improve proficiency in the language and build up vocabulary for discussing Chinese grammar in Chinese. Thanks Peking University for offering the course!

By 石珮瑩

Nov 1, 2019

很高興在無意中從 Coursera 找到了這門課程。對於一位以漢語為第一語言,但從未以這般系統性與架構性的方式來學習其核心語法的我來說,這門課是極佳的入門。學習之後讓我對於漢語語法有更深一層的理解與體會,也可藉此校正我於日常口語或書寫上常會犯的語法錯誤。課程編排的部份很感謝楊教授在有限的時間內,儘量地將內容安排的紮實緊湊,也給予很好的說明範例。我唯一想建議的是在測驗的部份。由於系統的設定比較制式,所以輸入的答案一定要完全符合系統預設值才會正確,若稍有些微的差異,如:輸入的語言為繁體中文或者標逗有誤等時,反饋的答案就會顯示為錯誤。不知這方面的設定,可否改為稍微彈性些?另外,在第十一週、課時2的測驗中,第一題的問答可否改為只有一個,因為系統有其預設的答案,若其中之一為錯誤,則顯示的反饋就只有錯誤,但不知是兩者中的哪一個。以上,為本人於這兩個月中學習的心得,略述一下做為學習後的反饋。

By John A G C

Nov 1, 2020

The course is intense, but worth it. This course can serve as a review as well as a learning tool for those who wants to focus on Chinese Grammar alone. A little advice, do research on the side while taking the course. Look for more examples in reading actual Chinese articles.

By Andrey A

Apr 26, 2020


By Shogun G

Nov 9, 2021

Learning Chinese grammar is hard but the course offers the usage and comparison of each part of speech, sentence constituent, single sentence, complex sentence, discourse, expression method. This course is better taken after HSK 6.

By Maung M

Aug 16, 2022

The content are comprehensive, compact and lectures are easy to understand. The course is suitable for those trying to grab the fundamentals, essentials and complete Modern Chinese Grammar.

By Atsuko S

Oct 15, 2019

This course helped me to understand Chinese grammar, but not still that clear though. My chinese friend told me that I didn't have to learn grammar becasue no loc

By Lesley A V

Mar 4, 2020

This course gave me an incredible boost in my understanding of grammar and also new words and phrases. My Chinese has improved so much! :-)

By Ngọc H V

Jan 7, 2022


By Chin H C

Jan 28, 2020


By Janelle C

Sep 1, 2021


By Vân Đ

May 12, 2023


By 苏美玲HSU M K

Aug 26, 2021


By 王

Aug 12, 2023


By Мурзин Д М

Apr 28, 2020


By Marc N

Jul 22, 2019


By dataizi

Jun 18, 2018


By Văn D N

Jul 23, 2024



Feb 3, 2022

Worst Input (answer) question that is issue! because i don't hace chinese keyboards