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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Instructional Design Foundations and Applications by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

679 ratings

About the Course

This course, Instructional Design Foundations, introduces learners to the conceptual and theoretical foundations of instructional design as well as the analysis aspect of instructional systems design in order to create an innovative instructional solution to performance problems in organizations. This particular course also introduces learners to concepts covered in the Instructional Design MasterTrack Certificate. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: ●Describe the major concepts of instructional systems design ●Describe the major learning and instructional theories ●Describe the process of instructional design and instructional design models ●Describe various analysis activities for instructional design...

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I think sometimes the assessments (quizzes) were too specific on language so if you understood the concept, sometimes the way it was said was so specific it made it incorrect.


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Only include the first step of instructional design. The videos mostly provides the theories, there is not a lot of examples (how to apply the theories in real world)

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151 - 175 of 285 Reviews for Instructional Design Foundations and Applications

By Bonface B W

Mar 4, 2021


By Magdy A

Aug 13, 2019


By Tùng N K

Dec 31, 2021


By Hank B

Sep 17, 2022

By Linh T N

Jul 30, 2021

By Jaime S

Oct 4, 2020

While I have learned from this course, I'm afraid that I have to agree with some of the reviews: its design could stand to be further enhanced—something of an irony, given that it deals with instructional design.

The videos are far too long and too unvaried to be engaging or memorable. The "talking head" format of the videos adds little value; I suspect that providing the lessons in the form of slide presentations that students could work through on their own would have been just as, if not more, effective. Creating smaller chunks of content would also make everything more manageable.

With regard to the assessments, I wish that I could have gotten feedback from the instructors on the assignments. While I understand the place of peer feedback in all kinds of learning, the fact of the matter is that neither my peers nor I are the subject-matter experts. Moreover, I found the quizzes a bit frustrating, because they contemplate only very thin slices of the substantial content that students are expected to have thoroughly digested beforehand.

Finally, the videos make reference to a Master Track Certificate, which I understand can no longer be earned by taking this particular course. In that sense, the videos are outdated.

By Connie K C

Jun 23, 2020

I really appreciated the course. It was well organized, with solid information. However, leaving one of the essay assignments to be graded by one person, rather than multiple people to find an average score, might need to be fixed - as that one person might have mis-read or mis-understood the essay. I have taken several other Coursera courses, and this is the first course where one other student can determine 20% of the grade, rather than having multiple peer graders and finding an average.

Also, some of the quiz questions are vaguely worded. Some quiz questions are unnecessarily complex and unevenly loaded (e.g. loading a question with five or nine different choices and asking "select all that apply" so that even if four or eight correct responses are chosen, the entire question is marked incorrect because of one out of nine choices) versus questions that have the simple choice of false or true.

By David E

Feb 7, 2023

Overall, the course helped me feel more confident in my knowledge of and abilities as I am beginning to enter this field of work.

My only two complaints are about some of the quiz questions and about the time frame corresponding to the readings. For the quiz questions, there was one in week 4 that wasn't even a question (the one about matching learning goal statements to domains of learning), so it wasn't exactly clear what I was supposed to do. One the whole, I got more out of the writing exercises than the quiz questions, and I think these should be used more. For the reading time frames, it always took me much more than 10 minutes to do these.

By Elizabeth E

Dec 8, 2023

Very interesting course. Working in instructional design, but having no formal training, it was nice to learn the names and pedagogy behind what I work on daily. That being said - there were a few lectures that I found to be a bit disorganized and jumped around a little too much to fully grasp the first time listening/reading. Also, I think more attention should be paid to the PowerPoints and visual aides used: Different color schemes for different topics/modules, spacing to allow learners to anticipate when we were finishing with a slide, and again, certain infographics weren't presented in a logical sequence.

By Danielle H

Dec 13, 2022

Excellent intro into Instructional Design. The videos are well produced and the content is perfect for those looking to get into or expand their knowledge in the foundations. This course focuses on the first stage of instructional design, with much focus on history and context as to why this is a growing field. I do wish the content was downloadable since the slides are super helpful especially for taking notes and went beyond analysis of the learner and learner objectives into training content creation. Lastly, I wish there was more information on which classes would be a great next step on Coursera.

By Liz S

Jan 11, 2020

This course is very good overall. I found this, my first course in instructional design (ID), doable after many hours of reading, listening to videos, googling, and You-Tubing (and repeating). I learned quite a bit about the history of ID, learning theories, styles, and domains, the various ID Models and analyses, and about writing goals and objectives. I liked the organization of the course and the teaching methods. I also liked the projects but didn't care much for the grading process for these writing assignments---peer grading is extremely subjective---but it worked out okay.

By Guillemette E

Feb 24, 2020

Good introduction to the Instructional Design field... BUT ironically, for an online class about instructional design, I don't think it's efficiently designed : quizzes don't allow to see answers which doesn't leave room for more learning, one of the instructors made me want to fall asleep with his monotonous voice and the way he would just name abstract concepts without any clear explanation, and in general the lack of real-life references to bring theory and practice together.

I did learn a lot but I was expecting more!

By Matthew H

Jul 29, 2020

As a newcomer to Instructional Design, I got a long drink from the firehose of this field. It is vast. I think the course did a reasonable job of conveying the concepts. But the quizzes, though convenient for a MOOC, are easily gamed and not the best way to help learners gain mastery of the course materials. Getting feedback on written assignments exclusively from student peers is not that helpful and most likely a poor substitute for the expertise of certified Instructional Design professors.

By Ana P S F

Oct 7, 2019

It was a good course. Content is interesting for anyone who wants to start understanding how IDs work and what their concerns are. I did not like the long videos. I also didn't like the teachers with a monotonic tone of voice, same position, same layout, same colors on slides ... In this sense, video typescripts were very helpful. Quiz 3 deserves a review, there are questions that can be better elaborated. I appreciate the opportunity offered by UofI.

By Geetha P

Jun 7, 2021

The course provided a clear overview of the field of ID. The learning material wall well-organized and assignments served the purpose of gauging learner comprehension of the content. The additional readings were very insightful. One thing that could have been better is the way quizzes were phrased. The ambiguous phrasing of some questions/distracters was off-putting, especially this being an ID course.

By Judith B

Jan 3, 2021

Very thorough course that provides an excellent foundation in Instructional Design. I did not give 5 stars because the assessment quizzes need to be modified to capture requisite understanding of content in a more holistic way. However, the written assignments and peer reviews are an excellent assessment design and helpful tools for students to engage with each other's perspectives.

By Scott C

Aug 31, 2020

The course provides good base-level information about Instructional Design. That said, the quizzes for each module are overly complicated, not focusing on core knowledge, and the correct responses are never revealed. Some of the instructors are also very 'dry' and 'boring'. This is a decent choice to gain entry-level knowledge in one place though. Good luck.

By Nadia D C

Oct 10, 2022

The course was well developed. It was quite evident that the Instructions are not only SMEs but professionals in this field with extensive experience. The only drawback for me, is that some of the videos were quite lengthy and it was quite difficult at times to follow along due to the speech patterns and accent of some of the Instructors.

By E G

Jul 18, 2022

Great overarching perspective, by the end I saw how so many pieces were coming together and also how my current skills applly to an ID role. The readings were tedious, the lectures were very informative, but the gentleman presenter was a little montone and emotionless. I thought the assessment pieces were great, especially the case study.


Jan 20, 2020

The course by itself is pretty good but as for the quiz on the last week (Week 4), questions 3 & 8 could use some tweaking. Or the answers provided by the learner in quiz could be made visible after completion of the quiz so the learner doesn't have to go through multiple attempts in order to find the same two answers over and over again

By Kenneethia B B

Apr 3, 2022

The diverse learning approaches of video, in-video questions, text and ability to take the quiz multiplw times was helpful. I could watch the videos multiple times an take notes. The best orators were Professor Grace, Norma Scagnoli, Denise Ward Hood, Jason Mock. The other instructors were harder to follow for an online course.

By Laura V

Mar 31, 2020

I think it is a very interesting course that gives the learner fundamental information on Instructional Design. The material is comprehensive. Yet, I believe that some concepts could use more examples to be fully understood. Also, as far as quizzes are concerned, i suggest you provide learners with feedback. Thanks !

By Sandra J

Oct 11, 2020

There was a lot of information packed in this study. It did not cover what I thought it was going to be about, but it was good information. The quizzes were difficult and I would suggest having a quiz after each video to ensure immediate application and understanding of the lesson presented.

By Jennifer T

Apr 30, 2022

I thought the quiz questions could have been better. Some of them were too specific and would be the equivalent of a literature teacher asking a question on a novel quiz, such as "What was the main character doing on the first page of Chapter 3?" How is that relevant?

By Zhiwei P

May 3, 2021

Nice lesson focus on ADDIE's Analysis. I love the last part which is a real ID's working experiences. But, some quiz questions and answers are confused, because they are not the same as the instructions said. Please check and modified by the course discussion part.