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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

227,029 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Sep 10, 2021

Can't wait to learn more from this professor. I really liked his way of explaining. If you are not new to programming, you may want to skip this first course. I still took it, and I still learnt some.


Jun 29, 2020

A well-designed course, especially for the beginners, who are really enthusiastic and passionate about programming. It really helps you to learn from scratch and it does not require any prerequisites.

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676 - 700 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Paul S

Apr 25, 2020

Great course, got me excited about learning more. The instructor, Dr. Severance, is easy to follow, entertaining, and has a knack for explaining concepts simply. It can seem to be going a little slow but I think that's intentional to force the student to really absorb the concepts. More assignments would be helpful and some multi-unit assignments that help the student put several concepts together would be great. This feels like a topic that you only really get through practice.

By Barrie C

Mar 31, 2019

Excellent engaged and engaging instructor! Dr. Chuck is entertaining and informative at the same time, highly recommend. I've learned so much already--I had some prior programming experience so watched "Getting started" on 1.5x speed but still learned things I didn't know. He really starts from the beginning and fills in any gaps you may not realize you have even if you've already coded before, and gives a great foundation to anyone who doesn't have previous coding experience.

By 黄昱森

Jan 30, 2018

very interesting course by Dr.Chuck. It took me a week to master the basic of Python as I have experience in Java and C++. Still, I recommend this course to those who are new to computer programming. The course explains the core of computer programming language clearly and class assignments are all well designed. I especially enjoy the video of Dr.Chuck talking with all those successful developer in computer science industry. What they share in the video is genuine and inspiring.

By Marco M

Sep 4, 2023

"Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)" is a great course to learn the basics of programming with Python. Even though I already knew some Java language programming, I found this course interesting and I loved discovering the similarities between the two programming languages. I also thought it was insightful the presentation of loops and exercises with flow diagrams that help the learner understand how programming work instead of just memorizing blocks of code!

By Amanda K

Oct 20, 2017

Fantastic course! Dr Chuck is great at explaining things simply and efficiently. His examples and way of seeing programming and computers really helped me to understand concepts. The exercises build on the lessons but don't always mirror them, which is a great way to learn. I found it easy at first, then by the last lesson slightly difficult - this is my first programming language and I am a complete neophyte. I really appreciated this course and look forward to the next one!

By Kunitaka Y

Aug 5, 2023

Great course to start programming. This course teaches fundamentals about programming and is very easy to follow. The fundamentals are always important, even for a person who has become a senior programmer or already has experience in other programming languages. This course teaches the very basics of how programming works and how a computer works while a program is being executed. I also liked the videos only available in this course, featuring special guests and office hours.

By Emily M

Aug 26, 2020

Fantastic course. I took 6.001 (Intro to Computer Science) at MIT 25 years ago and haven't done much programming since then. I want to help my kids learn some programming and thought Python would be a good start. I tried a few different courses and then got to this one which is perfect. Dr. Chuck explains everything so well and he's very enjoyable to watch with just the right mix of humor. The quizzes and assignments are well-designed to help ensure you understand the material.

By Natawan P

May 7, 2016

I have tried a few basic programming courses before, but failed to go beyond the first lecture. I found them difficult to comprehend and felt discouraged to learn programming. But then, I came across this course and it got me excited to learn programming again. From the first lecture to the last, the instructor covers different important concepts in the way that anyone can understand. The book is also easy to read. I strongly recommend programming newbies to check this one out.

By Avani K V

May 27, 2020

The teaching pedagogy of Prof. Charles is awesome. He made his class so interactive via his delivery and communication skills, on an online platform was very impressive and very helpful, to carry on. Course content was equally good and Professor made us learn that very well. After attending this I am really interested to apply some course to be taught in Michigan under Prof. Charles, himself in near future. It was a great experience with lots of new learning.

Thanks a lot Sir.

By Kalpana H

May 16, 2020

Greetings to All Professors!!!!

It was really very useful for me. Prof. I am really thankful , because it was my first hand try in programming. I used to think like I will never understand the language of programming ever. but the way u explained (in a very easy and crisp form )was amazing. Hope u to contribute more good work in future.

Wishing you and your family a happy and health life ahead.......

With Regards....

Kalpana Hazarika, M-IEEE, Faculty-GCET, Greater Noida, India

By Claudia M G C

Dec 14, 2022

Muy bien explicado el Curso, con antecedentes y aspectos del idioma Python que ayudan a dar una idea cabal de su historia, su implortancia y su desarrollo.

Me gusta mucho el material de apoyo y ejercicios (el Libro), y muy especialmente lo didáctico que resulta ser Dr Chuck en los videos.

Pienso que es muy buena la estructura del curso , y me va siendo cada vez mas intersante y desafiante .

Muchisimas Gracias a todo el equipo que participa en este curso !!!


Claudia Guevara


Aug 7, 2021

I learned a lot and I love Python as a language. Dr. Charles is reliable instructor. He teach the course with lot of fun though the course is tough for me as a beginner. I really thank Coursera too for giving me an opportunity to study the course under financial aide. This course boost my confidence and gives me more knowledge about how programming works and it help me understand and perform in my job far way better. Thank you so much Coursera and Dr. Charles I owe you a lot.

By gary g

Jan 6, 2018

Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python). This is the first programming course I have done where right from the beginning I have been getting those feelings of "I get it". Normally I am thinking you do not necessarily have to understand all this, just remember it. I hope I can remember all this syntax. Obviously the equanimity and ken of the distinguished teacher has a lot to do with the level of . understanding. So thank you sir, I highly recommend this course

By Fanshi L

Jul 20, 2020

The course provides a very general and complete background knowledge of python, starting with the very basics that everyone, after some practice, can understand. More interestingly, there is a sequence of videos showing you how different tech start-ups came into being, including the python languages itself. Moreover, these videos are interviews of Dr. Severance (course lecturer) and founders of these start-ups, including the father of python of course. So that's pretty cool.

By Shai S

Jan 24, 2016

I joined this course to start learning Python. Although I know how to write code in other script languages (Not a full time programmer) I decided to start from the beginning so I won't miss syntax differences.

I'm really glad I did take this course because although the main subjects were familiar to me I learned a lot about how to approach Python and some of the syntax differences it has compared to other languages I know.

I'm now going to start the next course in this series!

By Sebastian E

Jun 24, 2021

El curso es muy bueno, esta muy bien explicado con un gran profesor que tiene experiencia en el area y es muy didáctico, tiene todo el materia muy bien organizado en videos, material de referencia y explicaciones a los ejercicios. Puedo confirmar que es un curso apto para principiantes ya que antes de este curso no tenia ningun tipo de experiencia ni conocimiento en el ambito de la programacion. Lo recomiendo para todos los que quieran empezar a programar o aprender Python.

By David M

Feb 15, 2020

Excellent introductory course to programming using Python. Basic programming constructs like control flow, definite/indefinite loops and exception handling are covered. The instructor does a good job of highlighting some common errors which beginning programmers may make. The course also includes some general info on how computers work.

Note that this is very much a beginner's course (as stated); somebody with any programming background will find this course highly trivial.

By Andrew S

Jan 18, 2018

It was a good initial course to review overall functions of python, I would have preferred a much more full time visual based course. Watching lectures might be helpful for some and they are in college, those of us whose learning is hindered by lecture and instead we love watching the teacher type as he teaches those are higher quality interactions for me mentally.

Thank you professor for having lots of well edited videos and hand stylus lectures.

This is very helpful for me.

By Bob W S B

Feb 15, 2017

Thank you Dr Chunk, it's a definite course for Everybody. Your ability to put complex knowledge in easy to understand manner is simply amazing. Learned a great deal from you. Complete all the first 3 parts, except not able to submit the quizzes and now half-way through the 4th: Using Databases with Python.

I have even get my teenage boy to enroll into this course and highly recommend it to my girl who is in the uni.

Thank you once again, greatly appreciated!

Bob 20170215-SGT

By Ezequiel K

Oct 30, 2015

A great course to get started with programming in general and with Python in particular.

As stated in the abstract, this course is addressed to those who have no experience in programming. However, even if you have some experience but are not familiar with Python (as it was my case), you can take this course quickly (speed x1.50) in order to learn the basic sintax of Python and catch up for the following courses in the specialization.

Really clear teacher. Highly recommended!

By Christopher R

Jul 24, 2016

I started taking a for-credit online course on Python through the UC Berkeley Extension, but found both that it didn't explain the basics, and that the actual content was sparse. I was very grateful to find this specialization, with the wonderful Charles Severance as the instructor! He's a very clear teacher, and charming besides.

I loved course #1 of the specialization, and look forward to course #2, which lines up with the UC Berkeley course. Let's learn Python, shall we?

By Yuthika D

Jun 24, 2020

It was a great experience for me learning this course as it was neither too easy nor too hard to understand the basics of python for someone first learning about the language. And thanks a lot to Dr. Chuck whose lecture was just too awesome to ignore. He made me (a biology student) love the subject which I only dreamed about in my imaginary world. Thank you so much Coursera, University of Michigan and last but not the least Dr. Charles R. Severance for making it possible.

By Rafael D

Jun 10, 2020

Incredible course. The platform was amazing and the format as well. Special thanks to the slitherin teacher, he has a special gift to teach. I had a great time and learned everything in less than a week, thanks to the amazing teaching techniques applied. Best regards from Argentina in COVID-19 times. I am a Mathematics student from the Uniersidad de Buenos Aires and this is my first time programming, found a new passion partly thanks to you guys, I'll be grateful forever.

By Mohd A A

Jul 25, 2018

At the very outset let me thank Coursera for providing me this opportunity. The course was very interesting and enjoyed so much that I sat down for the course continuously for 6 hours daily. I look forward to participate in more such courses or a degree course, if given an opportunity with financial help as given for this course. I wish to remain a part of Coursera.

Once again thank you very much to the entire team of Coursera and Professors.



Mohd Asim Ali

By Emmanuel K G N

Mar 9, 2024

The program boasts excellent content quality, engaging hands-on exercises, and a well-structured format. Overall, it proved highly educational and fully aligned with my expectations. Special commendation goes to Professor Charles Russell Severance, Coursera, and the University of Michigan for successfully assembling the essential resources for this course. For beginners in Python programming, this course stands out as the best choice. I highly recommend giving it a try.