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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Spring - Cloud Overview by LearnQuest

51 ratings

About the Course

This course explains some high level patterns used in Microservice architectures and the motivation to move towards these architectures and away from monolithic development of applications. . It then goes on to implement these patterns using Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS one of the most popular Cloud implementations of Microservices used today. Students will learn about Service Registration, Service Discovery, Client Side Load Balancing, Circuit Breakers, and Gateway or Edge Services in a Spring Boot Setting. It will leverage Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS, Labs will specifically target the projects Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix, Feign and Zuul....

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1 - 15 of 15 Reviews for Spring - Cloud Overview

By Kenneth B


Nov 14, 2023

Excellent coverage of all aspects of Spring

By Bolla p


Sep 7, 2021

Good to learn something new



Jan 27, 2023

Great course. Thank you.

By Anna S


Dec 10, 2022

Amazing course!

By Богдан З


Dec 25, 2022

Amazing source

By Tarun A


Oct 29, 2022


By Martin K


Mar 20, 2023

The overall knowledge of this course is decent and helpful in terms of knowing spring framework in depth. However, lab is not ideal in terms of performance and tasks are not as demanding as I would like them to be. Other activities, especially interactive modules should be enchanced.

By bassem i m


Dec 9, 2021

a good ovweview includede some of major technoloies in spring cloud

By Hussein I


Aug 19, 2022

next microservice with docker

By Anh V


Jul 8, 2022


By Mircea B


Jan 24, 2022

The content is a bit dated now as spring cloud has replaced much of its use of Netflix stack. Some of the labs are a bit out of sync with the content as well.

By Amit V


Sep 20, 2022

Very Average course

By Arno S


Aug 29, 2023

The Netflix OSS components here are by now outdated and Spring advocates to replace them with other libraries. Ribbon gives errors with the newest Spring Boot starter dependencies, so I was never able to get the load balancing to work in the labs. I will have to teach myself Resiliene4j, Spring Cloud Loadbalancer and Spring Cloud Gateway which are the new industry standard.

By Mohammad M


Aug 27, 2023

This training course is quite outdated, and the technologies used require updating.

By Sergio D P R


Sep 29, 2022

This course should be reviewed it has too many errors