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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Increase SEO Traffic with WordPress by Coursera Project Network

718 ratings

About the Course

By the end of this project, you will learn how to increase SEO on your free WordPress website. You will add tags, categories, and links to an existing WordPress website and manage content in order to increase SEO. You will learn where to read analytics within WordPress in order to drive content management related to SEO within your WordPress website. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions....

Top reviews


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Increase SEO Traffic with WordPress

Coursera Project Network excellent experience


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Informative and hands-on project-based course for those who want to know about the basics of SEO optimization in WordPress. Bonus: Free course and certificate!

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1 - 25 of 189 Reviews for Increase SEO Traffic with WordPress

By Tanvir A


Jun 24, 2020

for incredibly easy tasks, you don't need to show how to do it multiple times. for example, this course showed how to add alt text to images twice, and showed how to add hyperlinks to content three times. I think one for each task is enough, since the idea, logic and implementation is quite easy.

also, i don't recall seeing anything about keywords in section 4. it was only about hyperlinks and categories.

also, i don't think the survey works at the end of the course. tried clicking submit, but it wouldn't work.

By Adalberto T


Jul 21, 2020

Good and short for people that are busy, thanks for this information and the effort. However, there are concepts that are missing.

You need to include how to search keywords related to our topic that have enough traffic and are not to hard to rank for (keyword difficulty). Also talk about services like SEMRush, Ahrefs, Moz Pro, KW Finder etc...

The information given is OK for beginners to start with the right foot, but this is not enough to rank their website to top page results.

By Abrar H


Oct 4, 2020

The project is explained in detail. The instructor have covered every aspect required for optimization a website in detail. After completing the project, one will surely be able to optimize his/her website in true manner.

By Jason M


Jun 23, 2020

A bit more depth would be nice

By 20-10601


Jun 27, 2020

This is not an intermediate level it should be taught for beginning level

By Yvonne X R S


Oct 5, 2020

This guided project is so good it made me understand how to increase SEO traffic with Wordpress, I had fun, didn't find it hard at all and I cannot wait to try this. Thank you.

By Talha W


Aug 4, 2020

Best forum for Professional Learning of SEO VERY helpful for me ..

By Tess M


Sep 15, 2020

Very basic. Basically just shows how to add in some thing and where to change settings. Good for a super beginner.

By Rathod V


May 5, 2021

I know alredy this

By Katherine K


Aug 1, 2020

Too Easy

By Mateen W


Jun 22, 2022

Technical SEO and Website Analytics-Passionate Experts. Small and Big Businesses Take the Help of SEO to Reach Their Customers and Get More Leads. Call Us Today. Book Consultation Today. Guaranteed Service. Free Consultation. Free Estimate for SEO. Quality Service. Local Vancouver Agency.

By Victor A


Jul 24, 2020

Excelente instructora. Explica de una forma muy correcta, y para ser un curso beginner, está perfecto. Un aplauso por los profesores que siempre buscan la forma de transmitir su mensaje de forma clara y específica.

By Margarete P


Jan 8, 2022

Really useful for those who are new to wordpress! I had a bit of practice but I eliminated some doubts and can write a better post for blogs with SEO.

By Mary G M


Oct 28, 2020

This guided project is easy to follow, absorb and able to finish it easily. It is a well-explained topic that help me passed the quiz.

By Ahmad M


Aug 10, 2021

Nice teacher in terms of explaining and hands on experiance of the course! Much enjoyed being the part of this amazing course!

By Thomas H


May 31, 2022

It is a nice introduction to SEO on Wordpress. It gets you familar with certain settings and SEO on wordpress.

By Muhammad S


Jul 17, 2020

I learned a lot from this course through this I understand those things which I was no idea about those.

By Shokhrukhmirzo M


Jul 23, 2020

The course was simple to understand, it includes a hands-on experiment. Thanks to the instructor.



Apr 29, 2022

Excellent... Learning managment system is Good. I wish to complete more courses on coursera.

By Sri N A


Feb 22, 2021

The instructor gives the material clearly and simply. Thank you so much for the knowledge.

By Gera A


Feb 2, 2021

The course is easy to understand and follow, even SEO or Wordpress beginners can do it.

By Diego F P (


Nov 5, 2020

Intensivo, claro y al grano. Tienes que sabes antes Wordpress para tomar este curso.



Jun 20, 2022

Increase SEO Traffic with WordPress

Coursera Project Network excellent experience

By Md S R S


Jun 4, 2020

With good SEO services, you can increase the potential of finding your market