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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data-driven Astronomy by The University of Sydney

1,351 ratings

About the Course

Science is undergoing a data explosion, and astronomy is leading the way. Modern telescopes produce terabytes of data per observation, and the simulations required to model our observable Universe push supercomputers to their limits. To analyse this data scientists need to be able to think computationally to solve problems. In this course you will investigate the challenges of working with large datasets: how to implement algorithms that work; how to use databases to manage your data; and how to learn from your data with machine learning tools. The focus is on practical skills - all the activities will be done in Python 3, a modern programming language used throughout astronomy. Regardless of whether you’re already a scientist, studying to become one, or just interested in how modern astronomy works ‘under the bonnet’, this course will help you explore astronomy: from planets, to pulsars to black holes. Course outline: Week 1: Thinking about data - Principles of computational thinking - Discovering pulsars in radio images Week 2: Big data makes things slow - How to work out the time complexity of algorithms - Exploring the black holes at the centres of massive galaxies Week 3: Querying data using SQL - How to use databases to analyse your data - Investigating exoplanets in other solar systems Week 4: Managing your data - How to set up databases to manage your data - Exploring the lifecycle of stars in our Galaxy Week 5: Learning from data: regression - Using machine learning tools to investigate your data - Calculating the redshifts of distant galaxies Week 6: Learning from data: classification - Using machine learning tools to classify your data - Investigating different types of galaxies Each week will also have an interview with a data-driven astronomy expert. Note that some knowledge of Python is assumed, including variables, control structures, data structures, functions, and working with files....

Top reviews


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Data-driven Astronomy is an amazing course which will help you to acquire a good knowledge in Astronomy and Data Science with their applications. Hope all the people will enjoy it.


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This is a great course for anyone wanting to do data science with astronomical datasets. The lectures are clear and interesting and the activities are well structured. I really enjoyed this course!

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176 - 200 of 386 Reviews for Data-driven Astronomy

By Bojan D

Jul 28, 2020

This is an excellent course. I would strongly recommend it to everyone who is interested in astronomy, machine learning, or computer science.

By Michael W

Mar 8, 2019

This is a very well organized, interesting, and, quite frankly, fun class. I especially liked being able to do hands-on exercises in Python.

By Susnata C

Jul 22, 2023

very nice. But it would have been better if another week was given to make us comfortable with various numpy data manipulation techniques.

By Pedro d S Q

May 30, 2020

I liked the way the lectures were presented, and each assignment help me in getting a better grasp on the subject we were learning about.

By Andrew J

Jul 23, 2021

Excellent MOOC providing astronomical knowledge along with the application of that knowledge in data science using real-world problems.

By Abhinuv N P

Apr 24, 2017

Excellent course for astronomy enthusiasts with really useful and informative Python Assignments. One of the best MOOCs I have attended.

By Danilo S O

Jun 9, 2020

Such an amazing course, one really learns so much, good methodology. All the assignments were very useful and instructors explain well.

By Pamela S P

Jun 7, 2020

Curso con hartos contenidos interesantes y explicados de una manera simple y entendible. Me encantó el formato de programación que usa.

By Meghna D

Dec 4, 2020

I really like how well-paced it is. it definitely is a good introductory course for someone who is interested in pursuing this field.

By francisco

May 11, 2019

An exciting course towards data science is involved in other topics as Astronomy, and a glimpse on the techniques that are being use.

By Tony G

Aug 22, 2019

Excellent course. One of the best I've taken. Love that real data sets were used to illustrate the concepts. Highly recommended.

By Gaureesh C

Aug 15, 2020

Great course for Astronomy enthusiasts as well as for people looking to improve coding skills in python, sql and machine learning.

By Давыд А

Apr 15, 2024

I just want to say thank you very much! It's a great course. I got acquainted with the basics of big data analysis in astronomy.

By Yogita P

Jun 12, 2022

This course is really amzing and helpful to learn about astronomy and astroomical data analysis using python and machine learning

By Pier-Francesco R

Jun 17, 2019

It's a good start point if we want to understand actual astronomy and the analysis of new big surveys like SDSS or the next LSST

By John A

Dec 10, 2020

An excellent introduction to the uses and benefits of data science in Astronomy, using real world examples. I really enjoyed it

By Marco P

Sep 14, 2021

Great course and a great opportunity to learn about data analysis, classification of galaxies and astronomy. Very inspiring.

By Abhijeet B

Apr 23, 2020

Excellent course designed to provide a good introduction to data analysis in astronomy with plenty of hands on excercises.

By Timothy J N

Apr 16, 2020

This course really gave me an understanding of the methods of modern astronomy as well as the basics of working with data.

By Dhruv P

Dec 2, 2019

For the first time, I've learnt the application of programming languages in the field of Astronomy. A course worth taking.

By Jeremy J

Jul 24, 2020

Clearly presented overview of necessary techniques in data wrangling with real world, astronomy sourced, coding examples.

By fouchereau r

Jan 15, 2020

Was a pleasure to take this course, It is well balanced between astronomical information and Machine Leargning concepts.

By Aayush K

Jul 1, 2017

A great course that helps one understand the basics of data analysis and how they are used in observational astronomy.

By Carlos N

Apr 19, 2018

It's been a very interesting and enriching point of view of astronomy. I loved the way computing can help astronomy.

By Ted S

May 24, 2017

I've been looking for a class like this for a while. Nice intro to python and accessing and manipulating astro data