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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure dalam bahasa Indonesia by Google Cloud

606 ratings

About the Course

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure memperkenalkan konsep dan terminologi penting untuk bekerja dengan Google Cloud. Melalui video dan lab interaktif, kursus ini menyajikan dan membandingkan banyak layanan komputasi dan penyimpanan Google Cloud, bersama dengan resource penting dan alat pengelolaan kebijakan....

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Dengan adanya pelatihan ini , berharap untuk menambah softskill dan wawasan tentang cloud computing


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all is good, only indonesian translate are too poor

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76 - 100 of 218 Reviews for Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure dalam bahasa Indonesia

By Jodie A


Jan 27, 2021

Very nice explanation and handout

By Salahuddin


Mar 19, 2020

i think this coursce is amazing.

By Aldi A M 0


Jun 30, 2020

thanks for the knowledge google

By Ferdian R


Nov 23, 2019

Great Course, easy and usefull

By Reo C I


Nov 11, 2019

great course for learning GCP

By Fauzi I F 0


Jun 19, 2020

thanks coursera thanks google

By septiadi r


Oct 11, 2019

thanks for fundamental in GCP

By Rizqi S A G


Oct 4, 2019

great and informative courses

By Zaky N A A N 0


Jun 21, 2020

Good one! Easy to understand

By Halim A A


Oct 10, 2019

good course and keep it cool

By Mukti D J


Aug 26, 2019

Amazing course for beginners

By Heru C I


Dec 5, 2021

So Great, thank you so much

By Desi K H 0


Jul 26, 2020


By Rafki M R 0


Jul 1, 2020

Nice courser and enjoyable

By Muhafib


Jun 22, 2020

Nice learning for beginner.

By Edi S 0


Jun 21, 2020

can't change quiz language

By Nani S S 0


Jun 19, 2020

Very much hepfull thankyou

By Dani D


Jun 16, 2020

Thank U For this Course...

By Kresna I A


Aug 24, 2019

Excelent and very helpfull

By Darwin R Y


Aug 25, 2019

The imporant basic of GCP

By Essyx


Oct 7, 2019

Thank's For Education :)

By Shandi S M 0


Jun 20, 2020

best couser from google

By Hali A


Jun 28, 2020

Fun in the lab section

By Ardiansyah


Jun 23, 2020

nice GCP, thanks a lot

By Muhammad I


Aug 20, 2019

Really helpful course.