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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Moral Foundations of Politics by Yale University

5,880 ratings

About the Course

When do governments deserve our allegiance, and when should they be denied it? This course explores the main answers that have been given to this question in the modern West. We start with a survey of the major political theories of the Enlightenment: Utilitarianism, Marxism, and the social contract tradition. In each case, we begin with a look at classical formulations, locating them in historical context, but then shift to the contemporary debates as they relate to politics today. Next, we turn to the rejection of Enlightenment political thinking, again exploring both classical and contemporary formulations. The last part of the course deals with the nature of, and justifications for, democratic politics, and their relations to Enlightenment and Anti-Enlightenment political thinking. In addition to exploring theoretical differences among the various authors discussed, considerable attention is devoted to the practical implications of their competing arguments. To this end, we discuss a variety of concrete problems, including debates about economic inequality, affirmative action and the distribution of health care, the limits of state power in the regulation of speech and religion, and difficulties raised by the emerging threat of global environmental decay....

Top reviews


Jul 1, 2020

The lectures are easy to understand, the reading materials informative. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and any beginner will be able to grasp the technicalities of Moral Politics after this Course.


Sep 16, 2015

excellant work dont by Dr Ian Shapiro and staff on putting such a mind turning,thought provoking MOOC on a complex and ever controversial subject known as POLITICS!..I hope to see more from them soon

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226 - 250 of 1,089 Reviews for Moral Foundations of Politics

By C P


Jun 27, 2017

Great course. Professor Shapiro is very friendly and clear, and this facilitates the compreension and the adhesion to the course. That's a person I'd like to be a friend and student. Thank you very much.

By olaniyi l


Oct 16, 2019

A great person, who always there for his students and very easy to understand. I love him and I have no word to explain his intellectual. I look forward to meeting him in the future! Thanks for everything.

By Peter L


Oct 8, 2016

Really good. Prof. Shapiro, thanks a lot for a very clear communication, very good structure and perfect lessions. I can really recommend this way of online courses and I´m very happy with having taken it.

By Iván M G D 3 h


Jul 21, 2020

Exceptional. The Porfesor a little brother, explains in a slow and understandable way, great capacity to reach others. Many thanks to Yeil University, for the opportunity and thanks to the professor. A 10

By Adrian S


May 5, 2024

It has a complete summary of various political concepts and different points of view that the professor explains in a neutral way, and it also makes you wonder about the functioning of current politics.

By sergi p


Oct 17, 2020

Muy buen curso con mucho contenido. Me gustaría que no todas las pruebas sean cuestionarios y que hubiesen algunas que se tratase de redactar (como es el caso de otros cursos dentro de esta plataforma).

By Leonid P


May 9, 2020

Thank your for this course! Actually, it is one of the best and constructive online courses in the world! I am so interested in international relations and world politics so I knew a lot of information.

By Tay M F


Sep 7, 2021

I feel that the lectures are easy to understand, the reading materials informative. I enjoyed this course and any newcomers will be able to grasp the technicalities of Moral Politics after this Course.

By Ellen C


Jul 2, 2020

Extremely insightful, interesting and engaging, coming from a person that has shallow knowledge of the world of politics. well paced and easy to follow with well-structured quizzes for each week.

By Miranda D


May 26, 2020

This is an extremely interesting and engaging course. The lectures delivered by Prof. Ian Shapiro were articulate and lucid. Looking forward to a more advanced version of this course in coursera.

By Arvindran P P


Jul 17, 2021

This course has open up my mind to the awareness of the political world and the way of thinking of certain politicians gives me an idea of what methods of foundation they use to rule the nation.



Jun 11, 2020

Wonderful course. All political developments are taught in a chronological way. Professor is very engaging. Its not live any other course but more of a discussion between students and professor.

By Yury


Jun 22, 2016

O Curso de Fundamentos Morais da Política está me ajudando muito a compreender como se dá o processo político na essência de sua natureza. Parabéns aos professores e desenvolvedores deste curso.

By Chan S M


Jul 20, 2021

This course is great for any beginners who wish to learn more about the 'science' behind politics. :) The lectures are very interesting and thought-provoking, definitely a course I'd recommend!

By Aaisha N


Sep 24, 2021

Loved every bit of it. Professor Ian's teachings really opened up my mind to different avenues of political thought and has me yearning for even more of an in depth understanding of the same.

By Rachel M S Y


Apr 26, 2021

This course really taught me the views of the world, and how to look at things critically. The history of politics helped to shape my understanding of systems and makes me want to learn more.

By Rico S


May 28, 2018

I learned way more than I'd imagined, and puts a broader perspective on today's political climate by learning about past theories, its values, its failures, and what we can take away from it.

By Huong-Giang L


Jun 30, 2024

I loved how every political jargon was explained in simple terms which makes the course easy to understand. I learned a lot about how systems come to form through different political ideas.

By Avishai B


Sep 12, 2020

I feel much smarter having taken this course. Kudos to Professor Shapiro for providing a detailed snapshot on where we, as the human race, are currently at with regards to political theory.

By William C T J


Jul 22, 2020

A fantastic course as Professor Shapiro really analyzes his point clearly and it is a really enriching course for anybody with an interest in learning about the dynamical world of politics.

By Ignacio E


May 31, 2020

Probably an introduction to Political Philosophy, more than to the moral foundations of politics (which is addressed in just a couple of lectures). Great course, though, highly recommended!

By William E B


Sep 9, 2015

One of the most thought provoking and important course any student could take. It is fundamental to almost all humanities and (especially) law. I give the highest possible recommendation.

By Tejaswini V


Aug 28, 2020

Hands down one of the best courses one can spend their time on. I have absolutely no regret studying this course because of how thoroughly engaging, deeply insightful and inspiring it was.

By Siddhi N


May 17, 2020

It was by far the most insightful journey I have ever had in Political Science. I can't thank enough all the people who were involved in putting the course up here for us to grow. Cheers!

By Ana L L


Jun 3, 2019

Excellent course, a great opportunity to learn about the main political theories and to reflect upon current political systems and practices in regards to their legitimacy. I recommend it