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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes by Google

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About the Course

Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes is the third course in a certificate program that will equip you with the skills you need to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience (UX) design. In this course, you’ll continue to design a mobile app for your professional UX portfolio. You’ll start by creating storyboards and getting familiar with the basics of drawing. Then, you'll create paper wireframes and digital wireframes using the design tool Figma. You’ll also create a paper prototype and a digital low-fidelity prototype in Figma. Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Develop a goal statement. - Create two types of storyboards: big picture and close-up. - Understand the difference between low-fidelity and high-fidelity design. - Apply the basics of drawing. - Apply the principles of information architecture to organize a mobile app. - Create paper wireframes for a mobile app design. - Develop digital wireframes in the design tool Figma. - Build a paper prototype to add interactivity to designs. - Design a low-fidelity prototype in Figma. - Recognize implicit bias and deceptive patterns in design. - Continue to design a mobile app to include in your professional portfolio. To be successful in this course, you should complete the previous two courses in this certificate program, or have an ability to conduct user research to inform the creation of empathy maps, personas, user stories, user journey maps, problem statements, and value propositions. You will also need paper and a pen or pencil....

Top reviews


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I learnt most of my firsts here. My first Lo-Fi prototype on paper and then on Figma. Feels accomplishing. Thanks a lot coursera for the financial aid and to the mentors for wonderful teaching.


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Very insightful and good practice exercises. There were some sections on deceptive design and inclusivity that felt like it didn't belong to this course, but instead to the first or second course.

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1601 - 1625 of 1,628 Reviews for Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes

By Hannes D


Nov 1, 2021

learned a lot, content is great but there are some huge problems with synchronisation of the app on mobile and desktop, I completed the third course of wireframing but I can't see my certificate, frustrating, a dealbreaker for me if problems persist

By Lalu T N


Oct 31, 2021

I don't get the low-fidelity design tutorial, this course just a repetition. And why persona, user story etc should in this course? I think the course should focus on how to craft a low-fidelity design.

By Emilia S


Apr 26, 2023

Not clear on submissions, there should be a option

in a list format that links you to your assignments that are not completed.

By Tushar B


Dec 2, 2021


I am not able to reset the course, please help. I click on this by mistake but now it shows deadline to complete.


By Nikos V


Mar 28, 2023

Outdated. The tools you provide don't work as they should making peer graded assignments a hassle

By Irina B


Jan 2, 2023

Wish we learned more about Figma and what we can do in it.

By Ourami A


Mar 28, 2022

How will be get my certificate of the last two models.

By a


Nov 15, 2022

nama saya di sertfikat ada dua itu gimana edit nya

By Renat U


Dec 24, 2021

I'm surprised that the Curser service itself has a disgusting design. Maybe they should hire professionals? On the screen, it is obvious that there are different fonts and their formats. The layout and positioning of objects on the screen hurts the eyes, the titles of the video with poor outline and they are not visible on a light screen. I post a lot of comments via the badge, but no one reads them. The technical support did not resolve my issue and then closed the ticket on their own. And why does an inexperienced student evaluate my work? How about a teacher? In my opinion, the courses were invented in order to simply make money. All information sucked out of the finger. I advise you to go to a normal college or university.

By Andrea


Jul 16, 2024

Pésimo. Me da la sensación de que todo el contenido está desordenado, las explicaciones de los vídeos son muy confusas y muchas veces no entiendo qué pinta un tema dentro de otro; encima, la transcripción está agrupada (sin división de párrafos) lo que dificulta tomar notas. Por no hablar de la traducción en español, he tenido que pasar los exámenes al inglés porque ni las preguntas ni las respuestas tenían sentido. Si el resto del certificado es así, voy a tener que buscar otros cursos para aprender lo que aquí no se entiende.

By Trish P


Feb 4, 2024

I do not like the organization or presentation style of this course. It tries to cater to all learning styles and it does not work for me! I also hate the broken links! Specifically, whenever it would have a link that opens in a new tab that goes to another part of the course, that link takes me back to the main page and it's on the CURRENT activity, NOT the one I'm trying to reach. YOUR LINKS ARE BROKEN, GOOGLE.

By Rebecca T


Dec 15, 2022

Someone stole my work and passed it as their own. I logged back into figma and saw someone who had the link renamed the project and submitted it as their own work! Not happy at all - might be worth telling people to restrict access to their Low-fi designs after they've been graded. Really shocked and upset..

By Tanja L


Oct 18, 2022

I do not know how to proceed.

Figma i got (via your instructions) looks completly different than Figma in your video. There is no chance i can continue with course, since it looks loke to different programs.

There is no help or contact where i could turn to with this problem.

By Sudarsan K


Jan 21, 2022

Google course is good but the interface of coursera is oure scam.. they approve you and grab your money and lock the course half way through after you put in all the hard work... COURSERA IS PURE SCAM ..AND YOU YOU DONT GET ANY HELP WHAT SOEVER

By Akangsha G


Feb 27, 2023

I'm not able to get my certificate of this course. It is showing "your grade has been overridden" after submitting the assignment several times in several times. I need my certificate if this course. Please help me.

By Sudeshna


Sep 18, 2023

Learn Figma from YouTube or Udemy. Then pay for this course if you want the certificate. The course doesn't really teach you anything extra.

By Sara D


Feb 26, 2023

garbage class with garbage instructors and garbage instructions for all assignments. Made me want to rip out my hair and eat it.

By Leah O


Dec 5, 2023

The estimated completion time is not even close to correct. This quiz should be broken down into several smaller assignments.

By Efim D


Feb 6, 2024

This is one more "KPI" course from big company. If you looking for real knowledge you need to try something else.

By Ksenia G


Feb 29, 2024

I accidentally started a course at the same time as another, I want to leave to complete course two first

By Dayyanah F


Mar 10, 2022

all videos in this course do not load. there seems to be a problem

By Mahmoud R


Jul 16, 2022

I have completed this course and can't get my certificate

By Balla S D B


Apr 9, 2022

ive completed my course but unable to get certificate

By Muntasir K


Dec 18, 2023

Money UX opinion to be honest...

By Mohan G


Feb 11, 2024

I want more attempts to pass the test