Education 1990. Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 1982. M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, Korea 1980. B.S., Metallurgical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea Experience 2011-Present: Professor, Director of Materials Development Center, GIFT, POSTECH 2009-2011: Vice President, KIMS (Korea Institute of Mater. Sci.) 1990-2011: Sr. & Principal Researcher, KIMS 2009-2015: Member, National Science & Technology Committee 2006-Present: Member, National Academy of Engineering. Korea Specialty - Alloy design and characterization of stainless steels - Relation between microstructure and properties of high strength automotive steels - Phase transformation and deformation mechanism of steels Selected Publications - Byoungchul Hwang, Dong-Woo Suh, Sung-Joon Kim ; "Austenitizing temperature and hardenability of low-carbon boron steels", Scripta Mater., 64 (2011), 1118-1120. - Heon-Young Ha, Tae-Ho Lee, Sung-Joon Kim ; “Role of N in the active-passive transition behavior of binary Fe-Cr alloy system”, Electrochimica Acta, 80 (2012) 432-439. - N.H. Heo, J.W. Nam, Y.-U. Heo, S.-J. Kim ; “Grain boundary embrittlement by Mn and eutectoid reaction in binary Fe-12Mn steel”, Acta Mater., 61 (2013), 4022-4034. - Y.-U. Heo, H.J. Sung, N.H. Heo, S.-J. Kim ; "Correlation between carbide reaction and anomalous interfacial segregation of solutes under tensile stress in heat-resistant steels", Mater. Sci. Eng. A599, (2014), 69-80 - Ki Hoon Jo, Jong Hee Kim, Kwang Min Kim, In-Sung Lee, Sung-Joon Kim ; "Development of a new cost effective Fe-Cr ferritic stainless steel for SOFC interconnect", Int. J Hydrogen Energy, (2015), accepted.