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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Building Your Leadership Skills by HEC Paris

2,789 ratings

About the Course

When taking this course, you will raise your own self-awareness and gain self-confidence for a better leadership. You will discover a new approach to leadership based on trust and sense. The “Savoir-Relier” leadership, a new approach of leadership, taught to HEC MBA’s student and top executives, enables better team leadership and encourages relationships between people in spite of their differences of opinion. You will develop relational skills, self-knowledge and self-awareness on the way to unfold your own leadership style. You’ll learn the skills of The Savoir-Relier (SR) methodology for better connecting with yourself or others by going through the following 4 steps for successful leadership: Introspection, Conversation, Resilience and Responsibility toward Value Creation. In this first MOOC of the "Inspirational Leadership" specialization, you will practice the first two steps of the method for successful leadership: Introspection and Conversation. You will get to know yourself better during the Introspection part and get a chance to improve your communication skills in order to better interact with others. You will meet people like you who will share their stories and their experience with Savoir-Relier and why it is so inspiring for them in their life. Together, you’ll develop greater self-awareness by developing a leadership self-portrait and going through fun activities to increase your empathy and communication. Leaders from different organizations and participants of the HEC Paris Leadership Certificate, the program from which this course and specialization are inspired, will share with you their insights about what it takes to become a great leader and what they are able to achieve now that they apply The Savoir-Relier methodology. This course is part of the specialization “Inspirational Leadership: Leading with Sense”. In the next courses, you'll go through the second two steps of leadership: Resilience and Responsibility toward Value Creation....

Top reviews


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Really Helped me identify the leadership skill and develop on same to greater level. the course was very interactive and easy to capture the ideas .

thanks a lot and all the best.


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Excelent course, I have acquired great interpersonal and personal skills and this course helped learn more about myself and my leadership capabilities. Great course, I highly recommend it!

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1 - 25 of 723 Reviews for Building Your Leadership Skills

By Zia A

Jun 7, 2020

when i started the course i had lot of confusion that how can a course help but it helped me a lot in knowing myself and also i never thought it could be this much fun and interactive course.

By Steve F

Mar 14, 2016

Underwhelmed. If this had been a free course I might have gone up to two stars, but I probably wouldn't have finished.

This course attempts to take complex social awareness and patterns and reduce them to an understandable set of skills to be practiced... but it fails. I find it to be full of new-age dreamy ramblings that do not really help in the real world.

Leadership is influence, which comes as a mixture of experience and intention. This course seems to discount experience in favour of "sense", used in this context as a poorly-translated summing up of the physical senses and their analysis.

This course requires you to create an intimate written self-portrait, which you then find yourself sharing with a stranger and comparing. The exercise is interesting, and a lot of students have bought into the premise that this is a "genuine conversation" and allows them to explore their ability to know another person. I am the heretic in the room: I think the student wish to appear intelligent to their peers and the emperor is in fact shamefully unclad. If this is what the world considers a "genuine" conversation then the world is a shallower place than I had thought.

This course, unfortunately, over-promises and under-delivers, and I am not in the least tempted to take the next one in the series. A good concept, but poorly planned, poorly translated, and poorly executed. Valerie clearly understands her topic but the summarizing of it for this framework is not a success.

By Gustaf J

Jun 4, 2019

It felt very commercial and was very focused on selling the continuation of the course. there were some silver linings and good points but in all i wouldn't reccomend unless perhaps you plan on doing the second part that i have not yet done, and probably won't.

By Yunusa J

Jan 12, 2021

This course its one of the best program I have ever taken, Have no regrets with the time spend on it .Thanks the Coursera team for Waiving my certificate payment and given me the Opportunity

By Muthukrishnan S

Apr 28, 2020

I was pleased with the result as it was a challenging experience that I was able to successfully complete .

The course is suitable for all kind of professionals which enhancing soft skills.

By Annemiek R

Apr 4, 2019

So happy I applied! This course helps you to know yourself better in private and work situations. I am continuing this journey and I can recommend it to everyone! Thank you Valerie!

By Dr. S K

Aug 30, 2018

Exceptional and outstanding program. thanks a ton SR team... I am thoroughly enjoying it while learning. Highly recommended for people who wants to explore his/her hidden treasure of Leadership

By Dr. S K

Aug 10, 2020

Dear madam/sir i congratulate all my teacher, i learned lot of skill as leader to run my university and hospital with respect and dignity With my team to achieve my goal. Thank you so much

By Ana C

Aug 19, 2019

I think the course was very superficial. Was a waste of money.

By Ramdas M

Nov 27, 2015

This was one of the best MOOC I completed recently. Good lecture content that explains various concepts to start building leadership skills and the ACE terminology helps in recollecting the concepts. The assignments in terms of self-portrait and conversation was awesome and was a totally new experience.

Loved the course thoroughly and made a good friend as well !


Nov 3, 2020

le cours renvoi à un site privé sur lequel sont les exercices. Le principe de disposer d'une communauté pour approfondir est EXCELLENT. Mais le site savoir relier est buggé, Au global, j'aurai passé plus de temps sur le débugage et contourner les bugs que sur l'apprentissage. Et mes deux binomes proposé par le site n'ont jamais répondu à mes mails.

Dans le cours lui-même, beaucoup de perte de temps aussi, avec une proportion bien trop importante de teasing et reformulations: je vais vous dire ça, vous allez voir comme c'est bien, écoutez des témoignages, puis: voyez c'était bien, je vous ai dit ça.

Au global il y a très peu de contenu sur ce premier module. Pour autant je continue sur le 2ème car je suis motivée, mais j'espère franchement qu'on va être plus "straight to the point".

By Johanna H

Jan 4, 2016

I just started the course and I'm going to stop this course right away. In my opinion showing Hitler as an appropriate leader is not the course I want to visit! I do not upport any racist mindset.

By Arunkumar.J

Apr 22, 2019

Building Your Leadership Skills Coursera course has Helped me to attain the educational freedom to expand my leadership style and grow Leadership Skills and build confidence.

Course content was excellent.The mentoring approach ,assignments,review & Grading by peer was good.

This course helped me to learn and expand my leadership skill.Thanks to AL , HEC paris & Coursera for giving this opportunity.

J Arun Kumar

Manger MFG

By Gary G

Mar 26, 2017

I enjoyed this course greatly. I have been in a leadership role for many years, but this course was an excellent opportunity to test my experiences against current leadership theory. I enjoyed learning how basic observation and sensation can be used to avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings and to become better in leadership through better individual and group interactions and communications.


Feb 20, 2019

Really Helped me identify the leadership skill and develop on same to greater level. the course was very interactive and easy to capture the ideas .

thanks a lot and all the best.

By Νίκος Β

Dec 31, 2020

It's a nice and structured suggestion. Bravo!

By Ben H

Oct 31, 2018

Not very practical

By Francois R

Jun 29, 2016

I am giving 1 star to this MOOC because giving 0 is not an option.

The "savoir relier protocol" might be efficient when taught face to face in a classroom but as a MOOC it is a massive waste of time and money (I paid for the capstone project and I'm feeling robbed).

I learnt absolutely nothing.

This MOOC is a major disappointment from a school such as HEC.

By Stephen R

Oct 17, 2015

This course really doesn't offer anything substantial in a practical sense. It has the feel of some sort of odd "New Age" repackaging of things already obvious to anyone with even a modicum of leadership ability. This is the first Coursera course that I have ever wanted to rate zero stars.

By Dipesh G

Jun 2, 2020

This course is great for learning leadership through our senses. The Valerie Gauthier is amazing in driving through various insights and right examples to ensure the learning is fun. The most appreciative exercise was writing Self-Portrait and Duo to have real life experience for self reflection and introspection.


Apr 16, 2019

I really enjoyed this e-learning experience. The platform game me flexibility to learn at my own pace. I learned more about skills sets required for leadership. This course provided me the capability to enhance my leadership.

Thanks for Ashok Leyland University & Coursera for giving this wonderful opportunity.

By Cesar A

Jun 23, 2016

Excellent cours pour comprendre les bases du leadership et commencer à pratiquer le savoir-relier protocol!

C'est une grande chance de pouvoir suivre ce type de cours via Coursera. Le fait d'échanger avec des participants internationaux permet d'enrichir considérablement la qualité des feedbacks échangés.

By Salim A

Feb 20, 2016

this course really helped me develop my leadership in a unique way ,it pushes you to engage with your friends and surroundings on different and effective exercises , it also clears some of the misconceptions that you might have had about leadership and about how your brain reacts to different things

By Asim R

Feb 27, 2016

I am getting into depth of leadership, actually i was in fear of knowing leadership qualities. I thought do i might able to understand correctly what is leadership, are those qualities are in me! And i realize that yes i have those certain things and i can develop. Thanks for offering such course.

By Maria V R

Mar 3, 2017

Great head starting point for all the following HEC Paris leadership courses. Excellent tips on how to increase your awareness and communicate style, as well as tips on learning to converse without offending/dismissing people's opinions. Looking forward to MOOC 2.