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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing by Johns Hopkins University

1,286 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to provide managers and developers of contact tracing programs guidance on the most important indicators of performance of a contact tracing program, and a tool that can be used to project the likely impact of improvements in specific indicators. Students who complete the course will be proficient in using the Contact Tracing Evaluation and Strategic Support Application (ConTESSA) to estimate the impact of their contact tracing program on transmission and strategizing about how to increase their program’s impact. A secondary audience for the course will be decision makers interested in knowing more about the characteristics of effective contact tracing programs, and strategies to improve. The course is designed for individuals who are already leading contact tracing programs who have significant experience with epidemiology and public health. We strongly recommend completing this course on a laptop or a desktop rather than a phone as you’ll need to complete worksheets and open the course and the application simultaneously....

Top reviews


Sep 2, 2020

This course is an advanced level course on COVID-19. I love this course so much. From this course we know about the use of programmed apps for contact tracing. It is very helpful for job aspirants.


Aug 1, 2020

Dear whom this concerns:Thank you for allowing me to join in once again for the managerial contact tracing course. However, as I reviewed the curriculm, I found that the course wasn't right for me.

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251 - 275 of 371 Reviews for Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing

By Jacqueline B


Aug 9, 2020

I don’t understand why my score was NOT recorded. This class did nit seem as seamless as the Cintract Tracer Course.

This class not not offer a quiz before the 9-question ending.

The information was totally helpful, but for me, the testing process was not good. — especially based on the intensity of the material.

By Neerja G


Dec 3, 2020

Very poorly explained and no help.

By zain l


Aug 8, 2020

it was very tough course



Apr 8, 2021

it was a cofusing for me and should not have required the amount of math it did (for those of us who are not math fans).

i was appreciative of the interactive app and its calculator.

i was confused with the worksheet insturctions to perform the calculations for the purposes for this speciific 3rd quiz as opposed to future calculations.

i do appreciate the opporunity to retake the quiz.

By Bemnet A


Apr 29, 2022

This course was the second Covid 19 related course I took through Coursera, and provided by JHU. It was one with some challenging and analytic exercises but you will be happy once you go through them. It would be helpful If you study what the meaning of the medical terms first tomake it easier for you to do the exercises on Contact Tracing.

By Hilda S


May 30, 2022

This course increased my understanding of statistics and analysis in public health. This topic was touched on briefly in my Public Health Curriculum. I am glad I did this course. I feel a little more prepared but still need a lot more practice with this theory in order to make an impact in the real world. Thank you. I learned a lot.

By Aedrian A


Jan 12, 2021

This course is a nice complement to the preceding COVID-19 Contact Tracing course also offered by the same institution. While that course is aimed to on-the-ground contact tracers, I think this course will be interesting to central community/agency planners and epidemiologists to make sense of the data from the contact tracing efforts.

By Glen S


Apr 12, 2021

The course was useful in exploring the ways that various factors can have an impact on the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The lectures were presented very well, with appropriate amounts of knowledge that is easily understood without being boring or overwhelming the less studious. Thank you very much for this course.

By Jennifer B


Jan 9, 2021

This was a very tough course but so worth it. As a nurse working with COVID-19 patients, this was great information for me to learn how to trace contacts, collect data, and how to input the data into a computer program. This will assist me on the job with providing care to my patients.

By Ellaine G


Nov 14, 2020

I learned a lot from this course. Very difficult quiz and tricky questions. But if you read, focus on the questions, and put the right data, you will be able to get the right answers. To all the professors and facilitators, very well done.

By Maria P A


Dec 2, 2020

Very intresting course, everything was well explained, but identifying the IFR for the 2nd quiz took me like 7 tries, it was difficult, I estimated it at 70% and if it werent for a person in the forums I never wouldve correctly solved it

By Thomas A


Jan 21, 2021

Thank you all for doing this course free of charge. I was made redundant before Christmas and hope to use the skills I have learnt in this course to support my community and gain meaningful employment.

By Fabiana L D D


Dec 22, 2020

El curso me sirvió para adquirir un conocimiento más científico a cerca de la dura realidad que vivimos en el mundo a cerca del Covid-19. Muchas gracias por ofrecer este curso.

Saludos Cordiales.



Apr 1, 2022

It's a good course.Thank the teachers for their teaching. The ConTESSA application is useful and can bring lots of contact tracing methods and skills for me.

By Jack A C


Nov 27, 2020

Even though I sometime got frustrated from mistakes and errors, I finally completed the courses by means of discussion forum that is super helpful

By Maria D L A E


Feb 13, 2021

excelente recurso para los que estamos realizando trazabilidad de covid-19 actualmente y no tenemos formación en epidemilogía ni salud pública

By De D F L


Jan 1, 2021

excelente curso, muchas gracias por permitirme realizar el curso. FELIZ AÑO NUEVO.Y a la espera de ofrecimiento de más cursos gratuitos.

By Juanillo G B


Jan 21, 2021

As a Contract Tracer in our Country, it is very useful to me because I learned a lot of ideas on how to be an effective Contact Tracer

By Gaurie S


Feb 15, 2021

Slightly difficult for me, but worth every minute. Quite a learning opportunity to contribute towards the society in hour of need.

By Alfredo V


Jan 4, 2021

Sumamente interesante , y lo mejor que tienes que incluso volver a leer temas para comprenderlo mejor . pero muy muy interesante

By Vijay J


Nov 30, 2020

Good Course. Very well designed. Easy to learn and grasp the knowledge. ConTESSA interface is user friendly and very useful.

By Kate E


Jan 26, 2021

Excellent course with clear, concise, and easy to follow instruction. I would finish but I doubt being hired at 65.

By Ade K


Sep 5, 2021

thank you so much for the course because it help me so much to learn a lot of a new thing mostly about covid-19

By Maximilian O - T


Jan 19, 2021

Excellent Course. As a Health Coordinator working in Contact Tracing programs, I found this extremely helpful

By Shivam R


Apr 19, 2021

Very informative course.In current scenarios it is very important to spread information about COVID-19.