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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Data Science in Python by University of Michigan

27,120 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the learner to the basics of the python programming environment, including fundamental python programming techniques such as lambdas, reading and manipulating csv files, and the numpy library. The course will introduce data manipulation and cleaning techniques using the popular python pandas data science library and introduce the abstraction of the Series and DataFrame as the central data structures for data analysis, along with tutorials on how to use functions such as groupby, merge, and pivot tables effectively. By the end of this course, students will be able to take tabular data, clean it, manipulate it, and run basic inferential statistical analyses. This course should be taken before any of the other Applied Data Science with Python courses: Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python, Applied Machine Learning in Python, Applied Text Mining in Python, Applied Social Network Analysis in Python....

Top reviews


May 9, 2020

The course had helped in understanding the concepts of NumPy and pandas. The assignments were so helpful to apply these concepts which provide an in-depth understanding of the Numpy as well as pandans


Feb 6, 2023

The assessments, quizzes, and course coverage are quite good. The main points are covered, although it does not cover everything. Additionally, it provides opportunities to learn and conduct research.

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5826 - 5850 of 5,962 Reviews for Introduction to Data Science in Python

By Jason G

Aug 30, 2017

I really wanted to like this class and was looking forward to learning data science in Python but this isn't the way to do it. The instructor glosses over material without explaining it and the assignments require a large amount of research and outside learning to complete. If I have to learn how to do the assignments from Google and Stack Overflow, why am paying for this course? I've taken other classes on Coursera and am pretty good with Python and self-learning but this is pretty terrible. Overall I expected better out of University of Michigan.

By Don S

Jun 20, 2018

I found there were a lot of problems with the systems supporting the learning and assessments, namely the implementation of the Jupyter Notebook, which kept on misbehaving (it wouldn't save your work, and then it would stop giving outputs for your code). I ended up wasting a lot of time trying but failing to resolve these technical hitches, and time is the most precious resource for any student / programmer, and so I unenrolled from the course. I am now going to find an alternative sequence of courses to learn about data science along with Python.


Nov 5, 2016

This course is good but instructor is very bad..... Not providing good course lectures and materials... The lecture is very fast and not covering all the things being asked in the assignment... I am leaving this course due to this.. I have successfully done other python courses, because there, the instructor was very good and his teaching style was awesome...

I have wasted lot of my times enrolling in this particular course... Though the course conception is good, instructor and course materials are not up to the mark....

By Christiano d S

Jul 7, 2020

the instruction is very poor: when one decides to learn online, it´s expected that it will have the content related to the subject, and this course does not. The content is just showed, very fast, no details, and there are several tasks to accomplish, the level of them is much higher than what you have gotten in the videos and lectures, so, one will have to do a lot of extra research and learning outside this platform. if the person wants the certificate, ok, but the knowledge will come actually from other sources.

By David A E G

Sep 11, 2020

Too much research left for the participant. As one of them, I found no difference between going to Stack Overflow or the official documentation websites to figure out myself how some packages worked, as this was basically the same instruction provided by the instructors. I have decided not to continue further training given by University of Michigan, as there were other specialization that made a far better work increasing the course difficulty. Highly recommended to tag this course as of "Advanced" (difficulty).

By Sean M

Aug 22, 2020

While i can appreciate the value in getting resourceful at finding information online, this course was essentially 99% google and stack overflow with 1% referencing materials learned in the course. I spent many hours googling exhaustively for answers and reading through the forum where there were numerous bugs noted by the staff contributors. The information required for the assignments could and should have been presented better to achieve the same effect without the hours of independent research.

By Jorge V

Aug 3, 2020

mal explicado, el profesor no explica los temas, solo los enuncia y tienes que buscar todo el material fuera de la plataforma, lo cual ocasiona que sea un curso muy complicado y que te tome muchísimo mas tiempo del que debería. Yo no siento que sea un curso, lo veo mas como una oportunidad para certificar si ya conoces todos los temas. Como consejo para los que quieren hacerlo, solamente lean las libretas y busquen los temas por internet, el profesor no les servirá de nada. dejo 1 estrella ( MUY MALO)

By Ben A

Nov 6, 2021

Lectures are descriptive but do not explain. Very few practice exercises. Assignments do not reinforce lectures but require you to learn and implement new things on your own. You will finish each week having practiced a line of code once and not be any better prepared than if you watched YouTube and practiced your own project. This course prepares you only to look everything up on Stackoverflow. If you want a course that drills into you the language so you have a base level of proficiency, skip this.

By Ralph V R

Dec 26, 2021

DON'T DO THIS COURSE if you are not patien enought! There are many side issues and they're so hard to debug. Everything runs well in the local program but the assignments and autograder per se are troublesome.

More so, the lecturer does not explain anything that should be part of the course (not just prerequisites). I don't know why this has high ratings. Don't be fooled. This course (or even the whole specialization) does not match the previous courses on Python programming. Really disappointing.

By John P L

Jul 26, 2022

This could be an excellend course, but there are some major errors in the assignments that cause students to fail even when the code works perfectly. The problem seems to have something to do with file pathways in the online environment that the course uses. Unfortunately, the instructors show little interest in solving this problem, and I have wasted countless hours resubmitting assignments in an attempt to get the autograder to work. Bottom line- this course is not a good use of your time!

By Abhiram B

Jul 8, 2020

One of the worst course ever designed. The course name states its an INTRODUCTION to one of the most important field but the assignments were so tough(fine...) and "teaching still worse". No proper materials, background, techniques provided, I felt Dr. Chuck would have done this far better. We are expected to know the A-Z of Bible/Geeta for an INTRO course and At last we are made to read documentation and Stack overflow and tell me what's the purpose of this course then???

By Kaia T

Aug 2, 2019

I've taken a few courses on Coursera and Ive found this one to the be the most frustrating. The assignments absolutely do not match up to the material taught during the week, the questions asked during the lectures presumes we have a lot of base knowledge or wants us to look up the answers but does not give us nearly enough of the language to do so. I absolutely feel defeated after trying to do the assignments and find the forums and "community" to be less than helpful.

By Justin Q

Jan 23, 2017

While this was one of the better courses I've done on Coursera, the start date of the course was changed without any indication of when it would begin. We've also been waiting months for the next course in the specialisation to begin, again without any communication. This was a good course, but I would recommend people wait until all the rest of the courses are available before starting this course and beginning the specialisation.

By Satyajit G

Feb 14, 2017

Assignment 3 was absolutely ridiculous in the sense that the implementation of pandas functions depended on data cleaning in the first step for which there was no help . No response from peers or moderators on my queries. Had high hopes when I joined the course. I feel cheated now. Because of some issues with the data cleaning step, all my following answers were incorrect and I couldn't pass the course in time.

By Warnakulasuriya S A F

Jun 14, 2020

This course is really complicated for a person who is trying to get into the field of Data Science. Don't take this course if you haven't got fluent skills on English as well, because some parts of the explanations are really hard to understand. Take a similar course for a beginner level and then come into this course if you are willing to take this course. Giving out one star because of these reasons.


Jun 4, 2020

If you are just beginner in python and want to know better about Data Science dont enroll for this course.

The lectures are as if the professor is just reading some notes.The annoying background of people moving is a complete disturbance.The assignments and course do not have anything in common.

As a whole it would waste your time if you want to learn from the course it is more like self preparation.

By Yulia B

Aug 3, 2019

Это уже 7й или 8й курс из тех, что я прошла на coursera, и он самый бесполезный. Лекции бесполезны - лектор объясняет непонятно. Для того, чтобы сделать практические работы, нужно самостоятельно изучить документацию по pandas. Я стала ее читать, и поняла, что лектор не только не добавил от себя никаких объясений, он даже умудрился сделать материал еще менее доступным, чем он изложен в документации.

By Leong J J B

Jul 7, 2020

There is a huge difficulty gap between the lecture videos and the assignments. The videos are very brief and they do not give you all the tools required to do the assignments which are a lot more complicated for users who have no experience with Panda. Learners are required to search the internet and stackoverflow which defeats the purpose of an online course education as I can do it by myself.

By Viacheslav O

Jul 7, 2020

Did not liked it at all, week one quiz is based on some demonstration which should not be a demonstration but actual study of a subject. If quiz is tends to ask practical things they should be practical during first week of the course, I did not came here to watch a video and paste the result in a quiz to pass further, I came for the practical experience provided by the experts in a field.

By UnniKrishnan

Feb 6, 2017

please provide the complete 5 unit details . I could see only this unit is open for past many months. I paid for all 5 unit money already and not in a position revert back and get the money. Could you please help me out to understand when this courses will be available if not in near future , why are they taken money before the course is not ready to us. Quite disappointing experience.

By Diana C R A

Jan 22, 2022

It was so frustrating, to much time spend on each assignment. No material available other than videos. The videos were difficult to follow because the data used for explanation was extense and difficult to see. There is not a concrete explication of the functions so is hard to understand what each function does. I ended searching on internet how to do everything.

By aaron

Jun 25, 2019

Terrible course. Material they teach has nothing to do with what you're evaluated on, so I ended up using google more for the assignments than the actual course material. Expect you to basically already know everything they're teaching, so it's essentially useless. They fly through concepts and barely explain anything, so you end up learning nothing.

By Y K

Jun 16, 2019

I expected that this course is useful for my studies but it was not for sure. I felt this course is a revision note for people who have already studied before or had experiences a lot. The teaching were too poor and general. Free study material in the internet is still better than this course. At the end, I thought why would I pay for this course.

By Christian P

Aug 11, 2021

I am disappointed. I think it is not enough to explain the material just by quickly going through Jupyter notebooks. What about teaching materials? No slides or other preparation. The exercises simply cost time without learning a lot. (US sport team names are of absolute no value for me. Why did you gave them so many room in assigment 4???)

By Mitchell G

Nov 7, 2017

I really tried to get into this course. I wanted a more advanced and fast paced course so a lot of the reviews about it being difficult didn't turn me off. However, the course just is not good. The assignments are not conducive to experimenting and learning and I got almost nothing from the lectures which were basically dry lists of facts.