Black Friday & Cyber Monday Cybersecurity Online Course Deals (2023)
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Specials: Elevate your learning with online course discounts on Coursera!
This November, right up to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we're rolling out an exclusive offer just for cybersecurity enthusiasts like you. Get $100 off of your Coursera Plus annual subscription and delve deep into the world of cybersecurity.
Dive into our collection of security programs, swap between courses seamlessly, and design a learning journey that aligns with your aspirations, all without breaking the bank.
So, why wait? Dive into this transformative cybersecurity journey with Coursera, tapping into knowledge from the industry's leaders.
*Valid until December 2, 2023, 11:59 p.m. PT for new Coursera Plus subscribers only. Terms for Promotional Offers apply. Check back for exclusive Cyber Monday offerings.
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