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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses by University of California, Irvine

729 ratings

About the Course

This is the second course in the Learn English: Advanced Grammar and Punctuation specialty. In this course, you will learn about a lot of different ways to join ideas to make more complex and interesting sentences. You'll learn about two types of conjunctions, many other types of connectives, and adverb clauses. You'll also learn about how to punctuate all of these expressions and the types of sentences they create. All of this is grammar you must know to have a high fluency in English. Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version....

Top reviews


May 12, 2020

Very informative and helpful! I like it has a wide range of exercises that students can practice what they've learned. Emily and Jake also put in nice work to demonstrate the lessons with fun videos.


Jul 14, 2020

It is a very useful course esp when you want to learn editing and proofreading. I liked all the materials and lectures. The instructor is very lucid and clear. It is higly recommeded course.

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1 - 25 of 216 Reviews for Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses

By Edgar A B R


Sep 9, 2019

I absolutely loved this course, the videos made by Jake and Emily make the topics as fun as easy to understand. They really gave a lot of tips for enhance my english writting skills. Thanks a lot!

By Jaya V


Jul 15, 2020

It is a very useful course esp when you want to learn editing and proofreading. I liked all the materials and lectures. The instructor is very lucid and clear. It is higly recommeded course.

By Hassan R


Oct 9, 2018

I have really learned some new things.

I some one asks me for a better course to learn about conjunctions, connectives and adverb clause, I would recommend this course.

Best regards


By Hakan E K


Dec 12, 2016

Hi everyone,I think that taking this class helped me so much to understand more about the English language.Thank you very much for giving the chance to attend the class for free.

By Monica S


Jan 28, 2017

I really liked this course. I learned so many details that will help me to improve my writing skills. I consider that the information is well developed because even though the topic is complex the professors were very precise when organizing the material.

Easy to follow, to understand, and to memorize. Professors, thank you so much for your dedication preparing each video.

By Padmapriyadarshini


Jul 31, 2019

Excellent! I am able to write grammatically correct sentences with right punctations because of this course. I appreciate the instructors for making it very clear and concise. After taking this course, I am more aware of my writing. Thanks to the team!



Sep 19, 2020

Amazing course! Helped me a lot to improve my grammar skills. I would recommend if anyone is taking this course, make sure you have taken the previous two courses in this specialization to build your foundation for this course. If not, at least go through the contents of the previous courses.

By Nguyen T D


Aug 19, 2019

That course is great content and great teachers. Somehow it works in my cases to sharpen my English grammar about conjunctions, connectives & adverb clause. I really love teachers in the course, their voice is clear and easy to understand for non-native speakers like me.

By Panjana S


Jul 8, 2020

This is a good course for everyone who does not use English as the first language because all of teachers explain clearly. Also, there are a lot of simulations that make me easily to understand in English grammar. Nevertheless, this course is so fun.

By Dr. M K


Aug 11, 2020

I like the way this course has been designed and presented. Both, content and delivery of entire material is appreciable. Even though I had the basic knowledge of conjunctions, this course strengthens my confidence as well as flexibility in using.

By Khin S W


Sep 13, 2020

This Course is an amazing course that improves our abilities to know different Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses. Thank you so much Coursera and my teacher Emily and Jake. I hope Coursera continues to offer many courses.

By Giang T


May 13, 2020

Very informative and helpful! I like it has a wide range of exercises that students can practice what they've learned. Emily and Jake also put in nice work to demonstrate the lessons with fun videos.

By peerbasha p


Oct 2, 2018

It's very good and excellent course. It helped me to improve my grammar skills. I suggest this course to everyone who wants to learn English or improve their english skils.

By Fernando C R


Sep 6, 2020

Extraordinary course! The video explanations are clear, useful and funny. The course activitives are excellent to consolidate what you have learned with the videos.

By Petrov A Y


Jan 29, 2017

Thanks for such a excellent series of advanced lessons. Havind learned this course, I became more knowing of adverb clause. It's great. You are perfect teachers.

By Berenice M F


Jan 5, 2021

This course is awesome!! Professor Emily is the best, she is very creative and intelligent, she brings memorable examples!! The best course I've ever taken!!!

By Toufique A


Mar 21, 2021

Amazing course, the teachers make all the difference, they teach all grammar in a perfect way which makes it had to be forgotten.

All thanks for their work

By Jordi A V d P


May 2, 2020

Excellent course and excellent teachers!

I´ve learned a lot and I feel more confident about my English writting and speaking!

Thanks for this amazing course!

By Anibal H S


Jan 18, 2017

It is a very interesting course. Thanks for all this supportive context. I enjoyed it so much. I look up to the intructors. They are very professional.

By Manu P


Jan 25, 2017

I find this course, so far, too good, and looking forward to completing the course. I wish I could find all grammar courses at one place, and in order.

By Mohamed S


Jan 13, 2021

Becoming better i decide to learn this course, i am very happy and more recommented, Reduce you sentenes in addition improve your english

By Samreen S


Dec 17, 2017

Thank you for the great course. The teachers have made the course fun and easy to learn. I really like the teachers of this course.

By Daniel O


Mar 21, 2021

If you want to learn or just improve your knowledge on adverb clauses, transitions and conjunctions, that's the right course!

By Muazzam R


Nov 13, 2020

I would rate this course as one of the best, as I learned a lot of useful information regarding conjunctions and connectives

By Sam A


Aug 16, 2019

The video lectures and practice/exercise sections are great, but the major downside is the lack of a discussion forum managed by moderators with expertise on the subject. As the peer-grading ranges from being justified to blatantly skewed and devoid of the necessary feedback a learner needs to correct his or her mistakes, the proper supervision for grading is clearly called for.