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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques by Google

2,899 ratings

About the Course

In this course, we'll give you the tools to quickly identify and solve real-world problems that you might come across in your IT role. We'll look at a bunch of different strategies and approaches for tackling the most common pitfalls of your code and IT infrastructure. You'll learn strategies for approaching almost any technical problem and then see how those apply to solving different real-world scenarios. We picked examples that include general system issues, issues with software that someone else wrote, and issues with programs that we wrote. We'll talk about problems that can affect any operating system, and we'll also look at challenges specific to certain platforms and scripting languages. We strongly recommend that you’ve taken the prior courses in this program, or already have knowledge of Python and Linux so that you can follow along with our troubleshooting examples....

Top reviews


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Great course. I learned a lot about troubleshooting and debugging. Not only learned to troubleshoot small issues but also bigger issues with applications, equipment, servers, network, etc..


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All but the last lab were cut and paste, but the last lab was great, getting a hint but having to think about the solution using the tools learned in the course.

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76 - 100 of 566 Reviews for Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques

By Marcel D


Jan 2, 2021

I think it is a very usfeul course because of all techniques that are shown and it's use on the daily troubleshooting, this is also very useful for personal use.

By Soumya M


Oct 28, 2020

This course helped me to discover so many new tools that come prebuilt into Linux and Mac systems. This is an excellent addition to my skillset. Thank you.

By Leandro E V


Feb 14, 2023

Gran curso. te explica como es la manera de abordar la solucion de problemas informaticos pero sirve para la resolucion de cualqueir tipo de dificultad.

By Chandra S T


Jul 16, 2020

The content is designed in a more useful and informative way, about the various tools to be used at different levels for debugging and troubleshooting.

By Anuj m


Mar 5, 2022

Amazing course , learned a lot , not just about troubleshootig and debugging but the knowledge that is applicable to other domains of life and carrer

By Izmilia P


Sep 21, 2020

Very frustating, because I'm difficult in found error and debugging code, thanks to this course video and reading which help me lot passing qwiklabs!

By Ashley K


Nov 7, 2023

Highly recommend for any new programmer joining any field. The course covers important fundamentals employers and team leads expect from a developer.

By carl r


Jan 29, 2020

Very well explained, my work is mostly to find and fix bugs, and with this short course I learned a little bit more, ways that I did not think about.

By Steve D


Mar 6, 2022

Having an organized action plan for troubleshooting and debugging is so helpful. Especially since we will be spending most of our time in this area.

By Doug L


Jun 5, 2021

Great course. Thank you! Not only did I learn a lot it has helped me identify performance monitoring and debugging as the area I want to pursue.

By Fahmim M S


Sep 9, 2020

It's very interesting to learn how to troubleshoot and debug computer problems by using python. I hope it's helped me with my future learning.

By Aigul U


Jan 10, 2021

Very interesting and interactive course which helped me to understand the basics of debugging techniques and how to solve common IT problems

By Vlad Z


Aug 20, 2020

Great class! Enjoyed learning about how to make programs work better and about the basics of IT issues and how deal with them. Thank you!

By Syed S R


Jul 15, 2023

Best to understand the errors and how to solve it, When you purse the course. Thanks to the Instructor , who teaching us in this course.

By Oscar P


Oct 13, 2022

Thanks to this course I have learned to better analyze a code, the debugging technique is fantastic to solve an incident, thanks Amanda.



Mar 15, 2022

Hi peeps!

I've done to finish this course. This is an amazing course anw, i can deep dive in about troubleshoot and debugging in phyton!

By Sneh E


May 25, 2021

Really nice course was easy and fun week three qwiklab was hard but everything else was really good Thank you Google and Coursera

By Marc G


Sep 14, 2020

Very practical stuff easy to implement. Lots of common sense, yes, but packaged in a way that makes it actionable. Great stuff!

By Eli M


Jul 18, 2020

A cool complex topic with a dense information amount. Will come back to many learned concepts from this course for sure. Thanks

By Valentino S


Mar 26, 2020

Really good info including a thinking skill on prioritizing and organizing planned work on managing And supporting IT Admin.

By Grigoriy S


Sep 12, 2021

Very good course, and very nice instructor. I definitely feel as though I've learned a lot of new things in this course.

By Ajaypratap S C


Jul 2, 2023

The Course was challenging but I really enjoyed the course. Although I already knew some of the things and skipped them.

By Nata C


Sep 7, 2020

Amé este curso, bien estructurado e información sumamente valiosa para los que trabajamos en el campo del soporte de TI

By Harold M


May 29, 2020

Excellent course on troubleshooting and debugging. The content on linux is great.

Thank you Google and the instructors!

By Gourav R


Sep 20, 2020

I'm so grateful for such an amazing course with amazing teachers. It was more than expected. I'm looking forward to it