- Contiki
- Freertos
- Scheduling (Computing)
- Scheduling Algorithms
October 14, 2020
Approximately 2 months at 10 hours a week to completeMatias Jose Agelvis Dominguez's account is verified. Coursera certifies their successful completion of EIT Digital Development of Secure Embedded Systems Specialization.
Course Certificates Completed
Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems
Web Connectivity and Security in Embedded Systems
Development of Real-Time Systems
Capstone: Autonomous Runway Detection for IoT
Earned after completing each course in the Specialization
EIT Digital
Taught by: Farhoud Hosseinpour & Nguyen Gia Tuan
Completed by: Matias Jose Agelvis Dominguez by August 12, 2020
4 weeks of study. 2-6 hours/week
EIT Digital
Taught by: Juha Plosila & Farhoud Hosseinpour
Completed by: Matias Jose Agelvis Dominguez by August 20, 2020
6 weeks of study. 5-7 hours/week.
EIT Digital
Taught by: Farhoud Hosseinpour
Completed by: Matias Jose Agelvis Dominguez by September 13, 2020
5 weeks of study, 2-3 hours/week
EIT Digital
Taught by: Farhoud Hosseinpour & Juha Plosila
Completed by: Matias Jose Agelvis Dominguez by October 14, 2020
2 weeks