Prepare for a job as an entry-level
Sales Operations Specialist
$49,000 median salary*
13,423 jobs available*
Top 6 skills needed for Sales Operations Specialist
Common job titles
Sales Representative
Sales Operations Specialist
Sales Executive
If you like leading a team, troubleshooting, and improving efficiency this role is for you.
As a Sales Operations Specialist, you'll help sales and marketing teams optimize the sales process. You will use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like Salesforce or Hubspot to collect and analyze data to help sales teams sell more effectively and efficiently. Sales operations specialists also help onboard new salespeople, strategize on process improvements, and coordinate and lead team meetings.
* Median salary and job opening data are sourced from United States Lightcastâ„¢ Job Postings Report. Data for job roles relevant to featured programs (7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023)
Start your career journey
From learning core skills to finding your next job, get just what you need for each step of your career journey.
Train for in-demand careers with help from top industry partners.
Get hands-on experience with the same tools you’ll use on the job.
Prove you’ve got the skills by completing real-world projects.
Show employers you’re job ready with a shareable profile.
Develop job-ready skills at your own pace
Professional Certificates are your fast-track to this career. No experience required.
Salesforce Sales Operations
Professional Certificate
Salesforce Sales Operations
(1,552 ratings)
Average: 4 months (2 hours/week)
4 courses
Average: 4 months (2 hours/week)
4 courses
Skills you'll gain
Sales, Sales Operations, Salesforce, CRM, Salesforce Lightning, Salesforce Sales Cloud +4 more
Practice with tools used by Sales Operations Specialist
With Guided Projects, you can quickly build new job skills by using the latest tools and following side-by-side recorded video guidance from expert instructors.
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Coursera Project Network
- Status: New
Coursera Project Network
- Status: New
Coursera Project Network
- Status: New
Coursera Project Network