Professor Hoopoe account profile

Personal details

Professor Hoopoe

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Professor Hoopoe’s ancestors have been advisors to The Royal Hoopoe Family for centuries. They've been responsible for education of all the hoopoes since King Solomon’s times. After hoopoes saved his life, King Solomon appointed the wisest among the hoopoes, Nu-Man, to be his special adviser. And it takes a truly special bird to be given such an honor from a legendary king! Not only was Nu-Man Solomon’s special messenger, he was also named the wisest bird in the world by the Persian poet Attar of Nishapur in his 1177 epic, The Conference of the Birds. "In academic writing, you have to be careful with quotes. Omit quotation marks when you should not, and you will be accused of plagiarism."


Work history

Teacher/Tutor/Instructor at



Doctorate degree in Arts and Humanaties