February 27, 2019
Approximately 6 months at 10 hours a week to completeFRANCO MATIAS BIZZOTTO's account is verified. Coursera certifies their successful completion of Google Google IT Support Specialization.
Course Certificates Completed
IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts
Technical Support Fundamentals
The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking
Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User
System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services
Gain skills required to succeed in an entry-level IT job
Learn to perform day-to-day IT support tasks including computer assembly, wireless networking, installing programs, and customer service
Learn how to provide end-to-end customer support, ranging from identifying problems to troubleshooting and debugging
Learn to use systems including Linux, Domain Name Systems, Command-Line Interface, and Binary Code
Earned after completing each course in the Specialization
Taught by: Google Career Certificates
Completed by: FRANCO MATIAS BIZZOTTO by February 27, 2019
Estimated workload 8-10 hours per module
Taught by: Google Career Certificates
Completed by: FRANCO MATIAS BIZZOTTO by February 23, 2019
8 - 10 hours per module
Taught by: Google Career Certificates
Completed by: FRANCO MATIAS BIZZOTTO by February 23, 2019
8 - 10 hours per module
Taught by: Google Career Certificates
Completed by: FRANCO MATIAS BIZZOTTO by February 25, 2019
8 - 10 hours per module
Taught by: Google Career Certificates
Completed by: FRANCO MATIAS BIZZOTTO by February 25, 2019
8 - 10 hours per module