Daniel (Dan) Liston, PhD is Professor of Education in the Educational Foundations, Policy and Practice (EFPP) program and in the Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) program. Professor Liston's research interests include curriculum theory, teacher education, reflective teaching, and educational foundations. Specifically he examines justifications for distinct curricula; provides articulations for and critiques of teacher education; and explores the social and political contexts of schooling. Recently he has begun to explore the various ways reason and emotion interact to affect the practice of teaching and the education of teachers. Professor Liston currently co-directs (with Paul Michalec and in conjunction with Susan Kaplan and Rev. Paul Kottke) Colorado Courage and Renewal, a program of professional development and renewal for public school personnel, clergy, and others in the serving professions. Professor Liston’s teaching interests focus on curriculum theory, education in film, spirituality in education, and the social and political foundations of schooling. Professor Liston has been a member of various professional organizations including the American Educational Research Association, the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), and the American Educational Studies Association. He is a past and current member of the Editorial Review Board of Educational Theory. During his time at CU, Professor Liston has received the AACTE Outstanding Writing Award, CU’s SOAR and the “Best Should Teach” teaching awards, and the university-wide Robert L. Stearns Award for extraordinary achievement in teaching, service, research and work with students. His research has resulted in publication of six books (single and co-authored, and edited) and numerous articles.