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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Cryptography I by Stanford University

4,255 ratings

About the Course

Cryptography is an indispensable tool for protecting information in computer systems. In this course you will learn the inner workings of cryptographic systems and how to correctly use them in real-world applications. The course begins with a detailed discussion of how two parties who have a shared secret key can communicate securely when a powerful adversary eavesdrops and tampers with traffic. We will examine many deployed protocols and analyze mistakes in existing systems. The second half of the course discusses public-key techniques that let two parties generate a shared secret key. Throughout the course participants will be exposed to many exciting open problems in the field and work on fun (optional) programming projects. In a second course (Crypto II) we will cover more advanced cryptographic tasks such as zero-knowledge, privacy mechanisms, and other forms of encryption....

Top reviews


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This course gives is perfect to start learning cryptography, explanations are detailed, topics carefully selected combining theory with real world examples and making emphasis in important details.


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Really interesting, provides the basic grounds for understanding a lot of discussions out there. Wikipedia can be useful as a reference, but here I was able to learn about semantic security etc.

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326 - 350 of 880 Reviews for Cryptography I

By Fernando G


Feb 26, 2017

Excellent course, i recommend it to any one willing to start understanding and working with cryptography.

By Andriy L


Dec 6, 2020

In this course I've got much more cryptography knowledge than during my 15 years programming experience.

By Partha M


Nov 19, 2016

Really helps to understand the underlying concepts of SSl and hence helps understand the working of SSL.

By nate


Mar 9, 2019

I feel pretty pleasure for finishing this course. The teacher is patient and knowledgeable, I like him!

By Arshi B


Oct 20, 2020

A broad, fundamental dive into private and public key encryption systems. Challenging and informative!

By Davide


Aug 11, 2020

Great course. Arguments are explained quickly but clear. Very good the quality of lectures and slides.

By Dalton P


Dec 17, 2018

Challenging Interesting Course. Really goes thought very basic concepts to build everything bottom up!

By Alexey A


Mar 11, 2018

The schedule was very tough. There were a lot of tests in the end of each module. But it was worth it.

By Nicolai S


Jun 4, 2017

I did a lot of crypto back at the university. This is a great opportunity for a thorough refreshment.

By Julien C


May 31, 2017

Excellent material to learn what "security" means, and what algorithms have been built to improve it.

By yuji w


Feb 22, 2017

it is a great course, covers a lots of different area with details and concepts. i like it very much.

By Stefan H


Sep 19, 2017

Very thorough course and engaged presentation. Thanks for providing, and waiting for the sequel ...

By Daniel D


Oct 25, 2016

Excellent introduction to crypto primitives with gentle coverage of formal definitions and methods.

By Ed K


Feb 15, 2018

This was an excellent introduction to a topic that is difficult to understand at the detail level.

By Pramanshu R


Jun 13, 2017

Complete introduction to basic aspects of cryptography along with required pre-requisite of maths.

By Joaquín H R


Jun 21, 2020

Excellent content and the teacher is very clear. A decent mathematical background is recommended.

By J.P. H D A


Oct 3, 2017

Your course is very much informative and the quiz gives scope for self exploration on the topics.

By Deleted A


Mar 31, 2016

This course is one of the best course I have tried lately and I cannot wait for Cryptography 2.

By Radhika P S


Jan 4, 2018

The explanation was very clear provided with adequate examples and timely discussion on forum.

By Bennett M


Dec 11, 2017

Very thorough, clear, coverage of cryptography fundamentals. Projects are fun and instructive!

By Pregie A G


Jun 5, 2016

I learned a lot about this course. This is a very helpful addition knowledge to my profession.

By Liang


Mar 17, 2016

I have already finished this course in 2014. This is my second time. Five-star recommendation!

By Sankrant C


Nov 3, 2022

Exceptional course! It requires that you understand basic proofs, but it is very informative!

By Miguel M A


Apr 17, 2022

Well explained and really insteresting content. Can't wait for the second part of the course!

By ndiaye I


Mar 28, 2019

My first experience in coursera, material is clear, examples are good. Thanks for this class.