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Learner Reviews & Feedback for English for Effective Business Writing by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

366 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to improve your Business English writing skills by developing your use of vocabulary, grammar, understanding of different business writing genres, and your ability to write professional business documents. Skills learned in this course will be used in the cross-cultural communications course and help prepare you to produce the professional business documents in the Capstone project. After completing this course, you will be able to: - write business emails - write an executive summary - write persuasively in English - adapt content to purpose, context and audience - use appropriate style and tone of writing for business purposes...

Top reviews


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It was gergous experience that I did . All the course were a piece of cake. Thank you


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Good course for practice however some error in grading section of grammar practice.

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51 - 75 of 80 Reviews for English for Effective Business Writing

By Hemasundara R P


Nov 15, 2022


By Ana C F Q


Nov 9, 2021


By thảo k


Aug 8, 2021




Jan 16, 2024

I'm confident that this lecture is the best English course for non-native speakers. The quality and content have thoroughly met my needs. However, there is just one issue related to the peer-review assignment. I understand the rationale behind incorporating such assignments in this course. Nevertheless, due to the drawback of not receiving prompt reviews, it has been somewhat inconvenient for me.

By Samved I


Jul 7, 2020

So far as the organization of the course is concerned, I have no grievances. However, it was utmost discomposing to me to see that some multiple-answer questions in quizzes were incorrectly formatted. Despite correct answers, the result was incorrect. This is evidently on account of a glaring error and need be rectified.

By Pablo V I


Mar 27, 2017

In my view this course is well structured and it focuses on business topics. I highly recomend do it. I'm an spanish native speaker and in my opinion with B1/B2 level you can follow it without any problem

By Norma M V G


Dec 11, 2020

me ha gustado este curso, es uno de las leciones mas importante en la comunicación de negocios en cualquier idioma, me ha gustado que lo han tomado en cuenta y lo han explicado de maravillas.

By Georgia


Nov 10, 2017

It is a very good course. As a non native english speaker I learned a lot of things and I enhanced my busineess writing skills.

The animated videos were very good!!

By judith c


Sep 4, 2023

This course was a new experience for me, the only request I have is when an answer is incorrect, I would like to receive the reason or an explanation.

Thank you.!!

By J Y


Jun 25, 2018

Interesting and constructive course! Perhaps some of the videos were a bit too theoric. Very satisfied anyway. Thank you so much for sharing this course.

By Humayun P K


Jul 14, 2023

The course was excellent but the assignment should be checked by a instructor or a system as checking of assignment with peers are not effective.

By Olha S


Jun 19, 2020

The course is very helpful but not enough explanation about Appositive sentences and their relation with Independent Clause

By Franco


Feb 14, 2019

The course was very interesting adn helpful especially for my job's objetives that I focun on.

By Mohammad R A


Sep 10, 2017

Good course for practice however some error in grading section of grammar practice.

By Cleidy Z


Jun 13, 2022

The lady´s videos are hard to hear, something is wrong with the format volume.

By Sindhu V N


May 13, 2020

The course was well structured and helped me upgrade my writing skills.

By Gislena L


Jan 26, 2017

Very well explained and easy to follow.

Learnt a lot from this course

By Avinash k


Sep 16, 2022

Best way to learn the english writting skills

By Dan H


Mar 24, 2016

the outline of this program seems good

By saikiran s


May 1, 2020

some of the videos are not audible

By Hossam F


Jan 10, 2020

Amazing knowledge, Thanks a lot.

By Gamil A


Jan 16, 2018

Really Effective

By erick s


Nov 12, 2021

it is good

By tanuja g


May 16, 2023


By Sabrina T


Apr 18, 2016

I cannot say much about the content, as I`m not a native speaker and can`t really decide about the quality of the language used.

I really appreciate that we have the possibility to join online-classes but this courses made me have mixed feelings.

1) I missed a proper Introduction - even tho Week 1 had a brief Introduction, I felt from the beginning like I was thrown in thr middle of a class starting somehwere

2) The animated clips are quite nice, but the power point presentations were really old-fashioned. I think it might look more professional if there`d be a modern design as well.

3) The teachers are quite difficult to rate. But I actually felt like in point one, even tho I was listening and understand what they were talking about, I didn`t felt related to any certain situation or example. Again, I felt like joining a class in the middle of the course.

4) Writing some words big, some words small. In Titles/Headlines I understand that, but why do they write words like "Negative or Highly Sensitive" big within a text or in another text "negative or highly sensitive" ? There are no things like nouns in english most of the times, so why? That doesn`t look really professional to me.

5) Lessons mentioned that didn`t seem to happen, like in week 2 or week 3 they referred to a previous lesson which never happend?

6) Paying for the Quiz. I understand I joined the free audit and I`m really thankful to have access to all the material. But reviewing a quiz without paying would be useful even for people who don`t pay. As I`d love to know which things I did correct or which words I could use instead.